
Death For Who?

*damn, I'm on 4 hours of sleep and damn, I barely managed to finish this, but here it is. Peace out and Deus vult*

Mark simply awaited his next match, standing in a corner, all by himself. He took brief glances around, using a thin line of ice to lift the blanket he used as a coat ever so slightly, stealing a few peeks all around. No one dared to approach him, but the whispers all around mentioned his stage name, with 'Five' being a rather touchy subject for many. The sheer display of power was something intense, and many accused him of having cheated somehow. 

The words weren't bothering him, yet the feeling that gnawed away at his heart did. All around, everyone was talking, chatting away, enjoying being with a group or at least someone else to talk with. Meanwhile, he was isolated not only physically but also emotionally. 

"Don't let it get to you. There's just one thing you have to do: win. Unless you become strong and win, you have no value. That's why she left. That's why her last fragment of will from the sword passed away to become one with your own." 

Nihility's shadow ran deep within the individual, being part of every living being, but he had a goal in mind, thus managing to keep himself out of it by pushing forward with a forced sense of purpose, one found in a touch of insanity. Become the strongest. 

Stelle and Luka were heading to the arena, walking down the hall right in his direction. He quickly hid underneath the full extent of his makeshift hood, not noticing their curious gazes move his way. Away from him just enough, the two were talking. 

"Just who might that be?" asked Luka, staring at Five for a second more than he should have. Stelle's eyes followed suit, moving away as she spoke with a touch of bitterness. 

"I can't help it but feel that Mark is the one underneath that. Still, I can't be sure. The Wardance is a large battle festival, so I think that strong people from all over the cosmos might show up." 

Luka nodded, feeling his own emotions best him bit by bit. 

"I just wonder what I would do if I happened to end up fighting him. I'm pretty sure there's no beating that kind of superhuman for me," he mumbled, clenching both his fists. 

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Just keep your head up and do your best," encouraged Stelle, smiling a tiny bit to give Luka hope in himself. 

Each battle went by in the blink of an eye, until the interesting thing Mark had in mind happened. Five stepped outside on to the very outer edge of the stage, watching a specific 'foxian' lady face off against none other than Luka. Owlbert's voice boomed out over the microphone, introducing her as a fighter monk from the Claretwheel Temple, her name being Samantha. Before Owlbert could continue, however, she interrupted him, speaking loudly for the whole crowd watching to hear. 

"Apologies, host. Before the competition begins, I would like to ask for a moment of the audience's time. On behalf of Claretwheel Temple, I would like to implore the Xianzhou Alliance for protection!" 

Murmurs filled the entire arena, and Mark just braced himself, muttering a few words over and over, key points in what he was about to do. 

"I know that in the eyes of this audience, the borisin are murderous beasts who only kill and destroy civilizations. But the distinctions between good and evil have always been on a gray scale and never defined. Like all intelligent species, the borisin are able to make their own decisions." 

This was the moment when the crowd was growing a bit restless, and Mark could see the Cloud Knights on duty prepare for whatever might come. 

"Today, I stand in the arena to show all of you-" 

She was interrupted by the public, who was slowly going haywire. Mark's body dashed forward, snatching Owlbert's microphone, dashing to the center of the stage by Samantha's side, speaking loudly into it so everyone could hear. 


The shout put the crowd in a temporary haze, the speakers booming before following with a heavy silence. No one dared move as the cloaked figure stood in the arena, so everyone just listened. The air itself seemed to grow heavy from his shout alone. 

"Do you have any idea what you're about to do? I'm asking all of you in public. Do you even recognize the cycle you're about to repeat? Vengeance on who? On the innocent who chose to fight back their urges to live a normal life?" 

Protest was slowly forming, and he could distinguish one question thrown at him. 

"Who are you calling innocent? Do you know what slaughter the borisin have taken part in for amber eras?" 

He turned in the specific direction where the voice came from, answering loudly. 

"Will you blame everyone for the mistakes of some? Are you going to put to death those who see the faults of their nature just because of grudges held thanks to the actions of others? If you wish to play this game, then I can happily ask all of you Xianzhou people to kill yourselves in this very moment, for you are tainted by the Abundance, the very thing you seek to destroy." 

The silence that followed boiled with rage, the whole public wishing to murder him in that instance. However, his words rang true in their ears, as much as they hated it. Samantha by his side was stunned, unsure of why someone would randomly jump in to help, but the little hope she clung to had grown a million times over in just a flash. Someone was standing up for her in that very place. The sacrifices of her friends weren't in vain. 

Mark didn't bother to lift his cloak, simply turning around as if his vision penetrated it and saw into the souls of the people. The Cloud Knights had gathered round, but they kept their distance, having seen what he's capable of in battle. With a deep breath, he spoke again, putting his all into the words that danced out of his mouth. 

"If you truly wish to consider yourselves above the borisin, then accept those who wish to change and help them do it. You'll never stop bloodshed with more of it. Violence breeds violence, and nothing more. Do you truly believe that your cause is an 'oh so great one' because of Yaoshi's creations being considered abominations and whatever? Do you believe you have the right to kill them all because of that? I bring forth the same point as earlier: if your sole reason to kill them is because of Yaoshi, then you can all die right here, right now, all glued to your seats as my words leave my mouth." 

He tossed the microphone Owlbert's way, putting perhaps a touch too much power into it, yet the puppet was able to catch it after juggling it around for a bit. Luka was simply staring at Five, watching with wide eyes what he'd done. It resonated with the story of Igor, who was asking for help as well. Maybe, just maybe... if someone had stood up for him like that, Belobog's fate all those years ago would have been different. 

Nothing moved, not even a single soul. Mark prepared for combat, ready to screw up whoever tried to get close. The public had calmed down, discussing everything that had just unfolded before their very eyes. No one wished to accept Five's words as true, but they did make sense. Just because people like Samantha had been born as such beings, treating them like monsters proved to be despicable. 

Out of the Cloud Knights that circled them, one spoke up, staring at Five. 

"Are you aware that she's a fugitive who's committed numerous murders and—" 

Five simply extended a leg his way, wiggling his foot left and right to motion 'nope'. 

"It's fake. It was all self-defense. Trust me. The little robot by her side has the footage. You'll see it for yourselves." 

She looked at him with genuine surprise, but it soon turned into a weird sense of disbelief and fear. The man had guessed something that she herself hadn't revealed to him, so his identity became a heavy piece of information. 

"Then come with us, and we shall see that the Ten-Lords Commission does a thorough investigation." 

Five nodded and motioned for Samantha to follow. He spoke calmly, his voice cold but not harsh. 

"Have no fear. I know what we must do. Just trust me." 

She found herself agreeing, following silently as the people stared at them from all sides. Someone shouted while pointing at Five, glaring at him. 

"Who do you think you are to talk about the Luofu's affairs? Do you even know and understand what chaos the borisin had caused?" 

Mark stopped in that very moment, standing still to the point the Cloud Knights had their spears pointed at him out of fear that he'd attack someone. Instead, the air grew heavy, and everyone could feel the pressure around. He spoke up coldly and unbothered, his words a short, plain answer. 

"I am who I am. You're no better than me, nor I than you, nor us than the borisin." 

He then kept walking, not even caring that the spears were about to pierce him had he made a sudden move. He was aware that they had no power to actually kill him since he'd react faster than the blades could pierce him. 

Thus, they ended up in the Shackling prison, where a familiar foxian lady was waiting for them with a tiny white robot flying by her side. It was none other than Yukong, and Mark, stealing a quick glance outside, was a touch emotional to see her looking somewhat happy—still a bit tired from work. Saving Tingyun, as risky a move as it proved to be, was something he didn't regret. Whatever role Fugue would have, he didn't care. It would work out somehow. 

"I know of the borisin, but what about the other one?" she asked, to which the guards prepared to answer, but Mark spoke up instead. 

"I'm but a witness who's joined in during her speech. I'm aware of the situation to a degree. Simply ask that tiny robot to show the events that transpired. I trust in your judgment, Lady Yukong." 

Her eyes were scanning Five over and over, trying to find the touch of familiarity hidden in the voice. Still, it was fleeting, for there was no life in it, no spark of joy like back when he had saved Tingyun. It was hollow, a mere copy of himself. 

"Hmm, you trust my judgment. You speak as if you know me." 

Mark smiled a tiny bit to himself, but it soon faded into the thin line that graced his face. 

"I just have my fair share of knowledge on the prominent figures of the place. I expect nothing but a fair decision from the Xianzhou. I just ask that my words be taken seriously. I meant each word said in the arena, and I won't back down even if it's considered something akin to treason." 

She smiled a little, nodding. 

"I see. You stand strong in your convictions. I will make sure that the best possible outcome is reached." 

Five gave a nod, the gesture subtle and barely seen as the coat shifted slightly. With a tired voice, he spoke to the machine. 

"Little robot, don't be rash. Stand by Samantha's side and take care of her. You found your own nature; thus, seek this new strength. Overcome your programming and rise above." 

He then turned around, walking away. The Cloud Knights wished to stop him, but Yukong motioned for them to just let him walk away. Perhaps she realized who was underneath the cloak, but she had no reason to keep him there. 

Mark then walked outside before leaping through the sky, high above the buildings and straight to the arena, with one charged push enough to take him there. It took a while longer until his next battle, thanks to the disturbance. Proceeding forward, he left it in Yukong's capable hands, focusing instead on his next battle. 

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