
is he taking revenge on me

 next day am standing in front of five best people of marketing industry Taylor , queen of fashion who can make a ugly person look like a fairy come from heaven people wait for months to take her appointment ,Johnson master mind people say he have einstein brain ,i always want learn from him some marketing things but my circumstance never let me get any chance like this ,its mr.williams help that at lest i got this job ,Darcy, Clarke, Mia they are best studio team . Hello everyone am Dale i will assist you guys for this project ,some how have you piss off Mr.dawson that he make you to assist us all alone even at same time mia speak ,no no i didn`t even meet him before , and its proved that meeting him for you isn`t good Darcy say ,ok go bring me coffee falt white with no sugar , honey dip sandwich roasted in butter ,and for me one cappuccino ,low milk mia order me ,[clarke ]for me one small latte strong one please , i wait for taylor to ask something , miss taylor would you like something , NO ok i will be back , [ taylor ] come in ten mins i have alot to dissucs i look at her with shock ten mins how am going make this ,she look at me ,go you dont`t have much time . am running like a dog , finally am in building why this lift is not coming ,leave it ,i use the stairs going up as i reach the office i bump in something and the coffee spill on my cloths ,shit i didn`t bother an go towards the meet room , here you order i put all things on the table ,ok this is the list of things i want ,taylor give a paper on which she write 20 things and want it till tomorrow , and for us the studio team speak we want to see the shooting studio first and want to do some changes ,and you need to done that till tomorrow , we are going to look for models and print some paper that we looking for models and distribute them ,i say a small ok , this time johnson speak i want all tow year old marking records ,ok , by saying this they all walk out from the office . now am thinking why he say to me to do this alone i never think that he gonna take revenge on me by giving me to much work to do ,am not going to loose just wait and see mr.dawson... here is all info about that man you ask me sir he is holding 15 percent shear of mr.williams company and his attention is not good for miss Dale ,in every meeting and party he always try to bully miss Dale ,call him here i want to talk with him ,and one more thing sir ,evan hesitate to say adkins look at him speak , five months ago in one party he try to force himself on miss Dale . 

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