
Bomb blast

I lifted Karen into my arms, feeling the warmth and weight of her small frame as she nestled against me. Her eyes, a mix of Morgan's and my own, looked up at me hesitantly. "Ri-Dad…" she began, then faltered. The struggle she faced in calling me "Dad" was clear, and it pained me to see her torn between Morgan and me.

"It's okay," I said softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Take your time, Karen. There's no rush."

She nodded, the tension in her shoulders easing a little. I held her close, feeling the bond between us strengthen with each passing moment. Then, an idea came to mind. "Karen, I need your help. Can you heal the mutants who are still mentally broken? Even though Morgan has healed their bodies, their minds… well, they're still hurting."

Karen looked up at me with wide, uncertain eyes. "But… I don't know how to do that, Dad."

I smiled reassuringly and looked over at Dantes. "Uncle Dantes can help you. He knows a lot about the mind."

At the mention of Dantes, Karen's small body tensed in my arms, and she buried her face into my shoulder, clearly frightened. Dantes, with his dark aura and intense demeanor, could be intimidating to anyone, let alone a child.

"Don't worry," I whispered to her. "Uncle Dantes is a good guy. He'll take care of you."

Dantes approached us, his usual stoic expression softening as he crouched down to Karen's level. "You need not fear me, little one," he said gently. "I promise, I'll help you understand."

Karen peeked out from behind me, her voice trembling slightly. "You… you promise?"

Dantes nodded solemnly. "On my honor, Karen. We'll do this together."

She looked at me for reassurance, and I gave her a nod. Slowly, she turned back to Dantes and reached out her small hand. He took it with a surprising tenderness, his usual air of vengeance replaced by something warmer, more protective. As they began their work, Morgan, BB, and Ereshkigal stood by, watching over Karen with careful eyes. Ereshkigal, in particular, offered her own insights into the human mind, helping Karen understand the delicate balance of healing mental wounds.

Dantes explained the concept of the "mind realm" to Karen, showing her how to navigate the complex landscapes of the psyche. With his guidance, Karen began to heal the mutants, her powers shining through as she restored their broken minds. Meanwhile, the X-Men worked to remove the mutants from the chambers, carefully transporting them to safety.

Once the healing was done, I turned to Scott. "We can help you with transportation," I offered, noticing the surprise flicker across his face.

Scott glanced at Jean, then back at me, before nodding. "We'll need to get them to therapy if they're going to live normal lives again."

"Karen, can you open a portal to Xavier's school?" I asked.

She nodded, and with a wave of her hand, a shimmering portal appeared. Nightcrawler, ever the observer, watched in awe. "Magic is mighty," he muttered, clearly impressed.

The X-Men thanked us as they began to lead the mutants through the portal. But Logan stayed behind, a pensive look on his face. Scott and Jean turned back to him, concerned.

"You coming?" Jean asked gently.

Logan shook his head. "I've got to find my family. Hydra still has them."

Scott placed a hand on Logan's shoulder. "If you need us, we'll be there."

The two men embraced, a silent understanding passing between them. Afterward, I approached Storm. "I'll visit the X-Men after we finish up here."

Storm smiled warmly and shook my hand. "We'll be waiting."

Beast approached next, introducing himself to me with a firm handshake. "Hank McCoy," he said, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. he is even more realistic than in the movies.

Hank's gaze shifted to Tony, who was still hovering nearby. "I'd like to extend an invitation to the school," Beast said, then added with a smile, "for Da Vinci, of course."

Tony, feigning offense, crossed his arms. "What, not me?"

Beast smirked. "No offense, but I've had enough of you for one day."

Tony's grin widened as Jarvis chimed in with a mischievous tone, "Shall I remind the good doctor that his Gmail password is 'Raven×Beast123'?"

Beast's eyes widened in shock. "What—! How did you…?"

"Beauty and the Beast, huh?" Tony teased, clearly enjoying himself.

Beast cursed under his breath as he stormed off, and Tony burst out laughing. Meanwhile, BB approached Magneto, handing him a USB drive. "This contains the locations of all the places where mutants are being held," she explained.

Eric accepted it with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you. Now I can search for Wanda and Pietro."

Logan, Juggernaut, and Gambit joined Magneto as BB handed over another device and a Hydra jet. "This device can control prototype Sentinels," she said. "Hydra's been secretly developing them. You'll be able to command them."

As they prepared to leave, Eric turned his gaze toward Karen, who was still in my arms. With a gentle motion of his hand, he created a teddy bear out of metal scraps, offering it to her. "Do you like it?" he asked.

Karen nodded shyly, clutching the bear tightly. I smiled at her. "What do you say?"

"Thank you, Mister Eric," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Goodbye, Karen," Gambit said, waving as he boarded the jet with the others.

"Bye," Karen replied, waving back.

As their jet took off, I turned and headed inside, Karen still in my arms. "Jarvis," I called out, "show me the world map on the screen."

The map illuminated, marking Hydra's known locations worldwide. BB stepped forward and handed me a list of Hydra bases where no mutants were held—safe targets for destruction.

"Morgan, I need to copy a bomb blast type magic," I said, turning to Morgan. She nodded, raising her hand as a sphere of energy formed in her palm. With a swift motion, she unleashed the spell on a nearby, empty area, resulting in a controlled explosion with the power equivalent to 0.8 kilotons.

"Got it," I said, feeling the magical energy settle into my core. Now I had the ability to replicate the blast. Now I should start practicing by using hydra as test subject.

I anticipated Hydra would try something reckless after losing their leaders, so weakening their infrastructure was crucial. "BB, show Karen every location on screen. She needs to open portals near each one."

BB nodded, understanding my plan. As she began displaying the Hydra bases, Karen dutifully opened a portal to the first target. I tossed the magical bomb through the portal and watched as it closed behind the explosion.

And so the pattern began: open portal, throw bomb, close portal; open portal, throw bomb, close portal. Occasionally, we'd take a brief break, sipping tea before returning to the task.

Tony watched with a mixture of amusement and amazement. "You've got quite the system going here," he said with a chuckle. Jarvis then reported, "In 36 minutes, you've already destroyed 196 bases globally."

Feeling a surge of satisfaction, I glanced at BB, who wore a smug smile. "But Sennpaaiii that's only 9% of the bases we've located," she added, her tone teasing.

I groaned and shot a playful glare her way. "BB, sometimes you're too lazy at your job."

Tony laughed at our banter as Morgan and Karna began explaining the intricacies of this new world to Ereshkigal, who was still adjusting. BB, of course, had already absorbed everything from the internet. Meanwhile, Dantes had retreated into my mind after the battle, needing some rest.

Three hours later, every Hydra base on our list had been obliterated. I leaned back, finally allowing myself a moment of relief. But then, it hit me—Nick Fury. The man was probably in a state of panic by now, trying to figure out what was causing the nonstop global bombings.

"BB, I need your help," I said, an idea forming in my mind.


**Nick Fury's POV**

Places around the world were exploding like motherfucking popcorn, and I fucking knew I'd never get a damn day of peace. First, Ritsuka and Tony disappear, then the X-Men and Magneto's crew team up, and now bomb blasts everywhere. Those council members were blowing up my phone like they were my girlfriends.

Suddenly, all the computers started playing some weird music, and the screens began glitching. Before I could react, a young woman with pink hair and a smug expression appeared on every screen.

"What the hell is that?" I muttered, my eyes narrowing at the sight.

The woman introduced herself with an unsettling cheerfulness. "Hello, everyone! I'm BB, the super cute, ultra-competent kouhai of Ritsuka Fujimaru!"

My eyebrow twitched. This was Ritsuka's doing? And who the hell was this girl?

"BB," I said, trying to extract some information, "what's your game here?"

She giggled, seeing right through me. "Oh, Director Fury, you're such a tease! I'm not here to play games with old man, just delivering a message from my beloved Senpai."

Her tone shifted, and the screens flickered before displaying the message:

~Dear Fury, I know by this point you know what's happening. Sorry for the trouble. I owe you an explanation. Please come to the location sent to your mobile with Coulson and Maria Hill. I owe you a beer, Director.

Ritsuka Fujimaru~

BB waved cutely before the screens returned to normal. "Well, that's all for now! Bye-bye, Director~!" And just like that, she was gone.

I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out to see the location Ritsuka had sent. The little bastard was behind these explosions. I swear to God, when I see him again, I'm going to slap the hell out of him!

I don't care if the motherfucker has a super-strong wife or a damned AI girlfriend; he's getting slapped for not letting me know he was bombing and why??. if he thinks Nick Fury can be bought off with a beer, he's got another slap coming. I won't fall for it.


God! I love writing Nick Fury.

Please support me with infinity stones.

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