

**Press Conference**

"Well, Mr. Stark, I'm sorry for talking to you so casually. I didn't realize you were such a big deal until Yinsen told me about your history," I lied, starting to change the way I addressed him.

"Maybe I should also call you 'The Great Tony Stark' from now on," Yinsen joked, to which Tony rolled his eyes while taking a bite of his cheeseburger.

Tony didn't like this sudden change and said, "Just call me Tony from now on. You both saved my life and my future."

"Sure, Tony," I replied. Tony and Obadiah then went to the podium for the press conference. Obadiah greeted the audience and thanked both Ritsuka and Yinsen. Pepper also followed Tony and thanked them for saving him, even though she didn't understand how such seemingly weak people could save Tony. Nonetheless, she was grateful.

As Tony came to the stage, he sat down and said, "Hey, would it be alright if everyone sat down? That way you can see me, and I can see you." Everyone sat down, and even Obadiah joined him.

As Tony began his speech, a familiar face approached us.

"Hello, Miss Potts, Mr. Yinsen, and Ritsuka Fujimaru. Can I have a moment with you all?" the man asked.

"Um, I don't know anything. You can ask Tony on the stage. What do you want with Yinsen and Ritsuka?" Pepper replied.

"I'm not a reporter, Miss Potts. I'm Special Agent Phil Coulson of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. I'm here to debrief Mr. Stark on what happened in Afghanistan, and I have a few questions for Yinsen and Ritsuka," Coulson explained.

"Isn't your division name a bit long?" Potts commented.

"Yes," Coulson replied.

"We've already been contacted by the DOD, FBI, and CIA. We've said we don't know anything," Pepper said.

"It's okay, Miss Potts. Mr. Coulson, Tony will talk to you in the future. After all, kidnapping Tony is no ordinary event," I told Coulson.

Pepper added, "I will talk to Tony later. Wait for an appointment."

"Thank you," Coulson said.

"Oh, Mr. Coulson, why don't you use 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' as a short form for your division name?" I suggested.

"SHIELD, huh? That's good. I'll use it from now on. Thank you," he said.

"And one more thing, how do you know our names? We don't remember telling anyone except Tony's close associates and government officers," I asked.

"Huh, I was informed by higher-ups from our division," he said and left. It was surprising to see him not react to my question.

'Damn you, Nick Fury. You already have your eye on me and Yinsen,' I thought.

Then Tony announced that he had decided to stop and shut down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International. Obadiah quickly stopped Tony from saying more and added, "What we should take away from this is that Tony's back."

After the press conference, Tony saw Pepper, Yinsen, and Ritsuka and went towards them. Obadiah joined him with a sullen face.

"Well, that went well. What do you think the stock drop will be tomorrow?" Yinsen asked.

"Well, approximately 40 points," Tony replied.

"Isn't that a big loss for you, Tony?" Ritsuka asked.

"Yeah, but money is never a problem for me. I can start over again. Like the famous Edison said, 'Thank goodness all our mistakes were burned up. Now we can start fresh again,'" Tony said and took us all to the big arc reactor that was built. Obadiah wanted to see the small arc reactor as he already knew about it. Ritsuka and Pepper also saw it after Tony opened his shirt. Yinsen already knew about it. Pepper and Ritsuka both gave a serious look to it. Even though Ritsuka already knew the whole story, it still surprised him to see the arc reactor up close.

"Okay. Yinsen and Ritsuka, come with me. We need to talk," Tony said as he headed to his car. Yinsen, Ritsuka, and Pepper joined him. Obadiah went his own way to handle the storm approaching the company.

We entered the car, and Happy started driving. It was Ritsuka's first time seeing and traveling in a luxury car, and Tony noticed his innocent face and smiled.

Ritsuka went into deep thought, having learned many things from Yinsen and discovering more about the shocking history of this world.

Apparently, this world is a mix of the X-Men and MCU universes. The Hulk is already present in this timeline, and the X-Men are searching for him, so Tony didn't get any help from the X-Men team. The Wolverine vs. Hulk fight has already happened, so Ritsuka missed the chance to see that.

The Fantastic Four team exists but only works with NASA. They might have known this world is dangerous and that evil people would try to use their blood for experiments, so they stayed with NASA. They still have time to become heroes in the future.

But the biggest problem is Dr. Doom. He already created his own kingdom and started to rule with an iron grip after gaining powers from space. He will definitely become a danger to the world in the future.

And what is Nick Fury doing while all this is happening? He only shows up when heroes make mistakes but not for villains. How did he even let Doom grow his political power?.

They reached Tony's famous home in Malibu and entered through the gate.

Tony, Yinsen, and Ritsuka went to his workshop. Tony said, "Now tell Harry Potter about your powers," referring to Ritsuka.

"Hmm, I can summon servants and fight with them. Servants are people who made a mark on human history; they are heroic spirits like King Arthur, Edison, and many others," I explained, then started to elaborate on what masters and servants are and their classes.

Suddenly, I felt a light magical energy channeled through the Earth in Tony Stark's workshop.

"Tony, I think I can summon a servant here because there's a leyline in this place," I said.

"What is a leyline?" Tony asked.

"A leyline is the heartbeat of a single, gigantic lifeform of Earth, something like a Energy waves of earth" I explained.

"I see. Our Earth is a powerful planet. Well, because of Earth, humans are alive. I was surprised to hear about the Earth from Ritsuka. Maybe our world had gods in the past," Yinsen said.

"But not at the present. Okay, Jarvis, you can introduce yourself to Ritsuka and Yinsen and stop all the recording data in this place. Our Harry Potter is going to use his magic power," Tony said.

Suddenly, a voice said, "Welcome back, sir. Nice to meet you all. I'm Jarvis, the AI."

Tony explained about Jarvis, and we introduced ourselves to him.

Then Ritsuka went to the center of the workshop and started to draw a circle design. After completing it, he showed his command spells on his hand and recited:

"My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call, and abide by this will and reason, then answer me. I hereby swear. I embody all that is good in the world. I shall defeat all that is evil in the world. Seventh Heaven clad in the three words of power! Come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of the Scales!"

A light appeared in front of us in the circle.

Those words bring about genuine miracles. They are an incantation spun in search of bravery and wisdom, all in the service of overcoming any difficulties that may stand in the way. The Fate system is a secret ritual for summoning Heroic Spirits.

Suddenly, all the magic energy disappeared from his body within a few seconds. He almost lost consciousness due to the strain of the summoning.

The bright light started to dim, and standing before him was a beautiful woman whose face he recognized. Her cold eyes scrutinized him as nostalgia started to appear on her face.

"My husband..." said the beautiful lady with a warm look at him.

"Your Majesty, Morgan," Ritsuka said, blushing upon seeing his wife.

Yes, he had married her secretly. She was his wife.

Ritsuka noticed the 500-yen ring he had given her on her finger. Even though Ritsuka wasn't rich and could only afford a modest ring with his earned money and love, Queen Morgan treasured it as if it were the most valuable thing in the world.

"I see you're still so flustered... Your attitude hasn't changed at all, my husband. Call me Morgan. Didn't I tell you to call your wife by her name?"

Then she came close to Ritsuka and hugged him tightly.

"Morgan," Ritsuka said, surprised by her action.

He then saw Tony and Yinsen looking at him with teasing smiles.

"Cough, we need to leave these young lovebirds alone, Tony," Yinsen said.

"Kid, you can go to the room I mentioned earlier. You liar, you didn't even tell us you were married," Tony said as he and Yinsen left the room, leaving only Ritsuka and Morgan hugging each other.

Morgan gave a cold look at their backs, as she didn't like humans at all. But she had fallen deeply in love with a single human, so she didn't care about Tony and Yinsen for now.

"My husband, please hug me tightly," she said.

"Okay," Ritsuka said, feeling her chest and skin against his body. He felt shy but hugged her as she requested.

"More tightly, my husband," she whispered in his ear. Feeling her warm breath, he tightened his hug around her.

"More tightly, Ritsuka, like I'm going to disappear if you don't hold me tightly," Morgan said with a loving smile, resting her head on his shoulder. Ritsuka tightened his hug even more.

'I can feel this is real. I met my Ritsuka again,' Morgan thought to herself.

Then suddenly, Ritsuka lost consciousness and fell asleep against his wife's chest due to the strain of summoning such a powerful person.

Morgan held him and used teleportation to go to the room Tony had mentioned. She laid him on the bed and lay beside him, watching his sleeping face.

"Seriously, just when I thought I finally met you again, you fall asleep in front of your wife," Morgan said, placing her hand on his face and rubbing his lips with her fingers.

"I know you always work yourself to the bone to save the world. And you're going to do it again in this new world, aren't you?"

She came close to him.

"If I kissed you, would you wake up?" she asked and kissed him on the lips.

But Ritsuka continued to sleep peacefully.

"He he he, don't make me wait too long, okay? My husband. I want to talk with you and spend my time with you forever," Morgan said, giving a beautiful smile and showing her affectionate waifu side only to her husband, Ritsuka Fujimaru.


Meanwhile, on the other side, Tony and Yinsen began discussing the Arc Reactor. They decided to create a new Arc Reactor for Tony with advanced technology. After ensuring Ritsuka and his wife had left the workshop, they returned and started working on the new Arc Reactor with Yinsen and Jarvis's help.

Obadiah began spreading false rumors that Tony had become mentally ill, manipulating the company members to his side. He had gathered the destroyed parts of the Mark 1 Iron Man suit and was researching them.

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