
The Samurai and The Dragon

The Samurai and The Dragon


I have finally come across my worst fear. I can't use magic.

When Fervis explained this concept to me, I felt like I had been stabbed with the sharpest blade ever crafted. 'It looks like once again in this life I will only be able to dedicate myself to the way of the Samurai.'

"Hey Mimi, are you even listening to me?"

Since the events that transpired 3 days ago, Fervis had been temporarily staying with me and Luna. Speaking of Luna, she also threw an absolute fit about how I subjugated the Syrinix. Even though I had taken it down without batting a sweat, she still worried about me. It was definitely a foreign feeling to have someone who cared that deeply about me, but that doesn't mean that it didn't make me feel pleasant.

Despite the constant nagging Luna is just a woman who cares deeply for her granddaughter and since my parents were adventurers who died at the hands of a magic beast, she was just being overly cautious with me.

"Hey Mimi, I'm talking to you!" Fervis exclaimed again, but this time she tried to stand from where she was sitting to get my attention, but I swept her legs as a subtle reaction when she stood and she tripped and fell on top of me.

As her slender fingers landed directly on my modest chest, she gripped the newly discovered boobs that I had developed, resulting in my face blazing with embarrassment.

"Mimi, I didn't mean to!" Fervis frantically tried to explain as she pulled her hand away with an even more flushed expression than mine, but I rose from the position and grabbed her hand.

"Fervis… you're pretty cute when you act like that," I commented, and a slick smile curled my lips. 'I don't think I used to smile very often when I was a Samurai. Since this being can make me smile so much, I'm happy she will be accompanying me on my journey,'

While I'm very grateful that Luna gave me a place to stay and had been protecting the former Mimi for years, I wanted to explore this vast and beautiful world. I unfortunately refused to stay couped up in a home in the middle of a forest forever. 'I wonder when Fervis plans on departing for the Capital.'

"Mimi, you can't just r-randomly compliment me like that." While she continually poked both of her index fingers together in embarrassment.

'I wonder what she is worried about? Maybe it's because she has to return to the Capital soon?' I prodded my mind open for questions about the matter, but I was still unsure about what was troubling her so much.


(Two days ago)

"To use magic, one has to make a contract with one of the spirits of Mythica."

As Fervis brought out a bunch of books which she called Grimories from thin air. She described this magic as a dimension that is invisible to the naked eye, but with magic, it could be pried open and used to store things inside.

I still had a lot of trouble grasping my head around this concept, but I just defined it as an invisible closet. After pouring my blood on one page of the Grimoire, I received no response from any of the magic spirits. After we repeated this process with every single book Fervis had, she concluded that I couldn't use magic, but that didn't mean that I couldn't use Mythica.

"See, while you are unable to communicate with the spirits of the Mythica elements, your body still absorbs Mythica. So, you can use the energy to strengthen parts of your body. It's usually a trivial power increase for most people, but for your monstrous strength, it would probably help you out a lot." Fervis explained as she motioned towards the Katana's I kept at my waist.

"Is it possible for you to battle me with those? Without you killing me, of course." Fervis asked cautiously, almost as if she was afraid of the two blades.

"I think you would learn the best in actual combat." She added.

"I would never kill you Fervis, I like you after all." I chuckled and unsheathed my blue Katana, Minami.

Fervis's face immediately brightened, and she swiftly turned her head from me.

"Does she even understand what that means?" I heard Fervis mutter under her breath before casting a huge magic symbol beneath our feet, and before I could even blink, we both were transported back into the clearing where we had both met for the first time.

"What kind of magic is this, Fervis?" I asked her in a tone of astonishment. It was the first time that I had ever seen a power that could instantly transport beings to places that were a gradual distance away.

"We just call it Teleportation. It's a very well-known spell inside of the capital."

'The Capital? I need to go there at some point to see more of the interesting things in this world.'

While I wanted to go to the capital as soon as possible, it unfortunately wasn't very feasible due to me not having any money and I had no idea how to get to the capital in the first place either.

Out of nowhere, a genius idea crept into my mind. "Fervis, if I can defeat you in a duel, then you have to take me with you back to the Royal capital." I announced, pointing the tip of my Katana across my shoulders in the direction of Fervis.

"What?" Fervis's face seemed flushed red after my request which left me slightly confused.

'Wasn't she planning on returning to the Capital soon?'

"You don't need to beat me in a duel to go back to the Capital with me... idiot." Fervis scoffed at me and gusts of wind began to swirl around her like she was at the center of some sort of whirlwind.

"Oh," I found myself warmly smiling again which I quickly tried to shake off. 'How is this girl able to make me smile so much?' I questioned myself.

"Here I come, Mimi!" The swirling winds around her funneled and shot directly at me and the strong wave of wind began to knock down every single tree that stood in its path until it reached me.

'It's been a while since I used this technique I think... hopefully I haven't gotten rusty. Let's see if I can use Mythica.'

I raised my Katana vertically from its angle which was pointed at Fervis and swung the blade down until it hit the ground below me and I tried to grasp the energy called Mythica. My hands began to heat up and Minami's blade started to glow with the color blue.

The wind was immediately cleaved in half and it dispersed until it was nothing but a gentle breeze that quietly swayed the leaves of the remaining trees in the area.

I looked to see where Fervis was standing, but she wasn't standing. After the dust cleared I couldn't find her at all for seconds until I looked up and saw the beautiful silver-haired girl floating gently against the lingering breeze as the wind flapped her cascading silver hair about.

She also seemed to have sprouted wings from her back, the red scaly wings looked like the same kind of wings that the giant flying beast had.

"I knew you would learn quickly in combat, but jeez Mimi..." Fervis's crimson eyes fluttered for a moment until she started to crash down from the sky, but I dashed forward at my greatest speed in hopes of catching her.

My foot briefly sank into the ground as I created a crater in the ground from my first step, and before I even realized it she was directly over my head. In a split second, I had moved about 20 meters from the spot I once stood and I caught Fervis right before her body hit the ground.

As I skidded to a halt after the sudden burst of speed, I looked over Fervis's body at first in panic, but I quickly noticed a soft and quiet snore emerging from the girl which allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief.

As I looked behind me I noticed multiple puddles in the path that I had taken to catch the girl. 'Were those there before?'

I briefly questioned why there was water in the path I had traveled, but I shrugged it off and turned my attention back to Fervis. "Cute" couldn't even describe the feeling that she seemed to invoke in me, but above all, I felt the need to protect her.

'Alright, I think I now understand what I will do in this world. I will stay by this girl and try to recover my memories, that is my new goal.'

Unfortunately, I didn't know the way back to Luna's House by memory and I wouldn't dare to try to jump up to a tall tree with the sleeping girl in my arms. She wasn't heavy at all, but I didn't want to risk dropping her.

"Please wake up soon, Fervis."

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