

Chapter Four:

The Missing Theory Part Two

Once the Bladedsnatch made its debut, the citizens of Humphrigg Hollow sank back to the shelter of their homes. Unfortunately, their homes were anything but shelter.

"Quickly!" A dark figure ordered as he watched various others like him march forward, sacks in hand. The sacks were lightly pressed onto a wagon that seemed to have no horses to pull it.

A tremble could be felt vibrating through the walls of the alley. The figures stopped for a mere second to wonder, irritating the figure in front even further. "We don't have time for this. The professor is expecting his new specimen, and we can't waste any more time!"

The figures in shadows continued their march as one by one they loaded the wagon with the sacks. They arranged it neatly to make sure non of the specimens will be disfigured.

"Everybody, to your—'' Before the figure could finish his sentence, a flash of pink light blinded them. Disoriented, they could hardly sense their surroundings as a sinous rope wrapped itself around their legs. With a tug, all figures found themselves dragged across the floor and pummeled to the wall.

Their visions were a blur. All they could see in the vast darkness was a mass of pink light before passing out.

Orchid watched as all the figures fell to the floor. Her ribbons wrapped around her as she walked towards the unconscious. Her eyes were a steely gaze as she swept over the figures, counting how many there were. As she finished her count, a prickling sensation suddenly appeared on the back of her neck. Instinctively she ducked.

A blade rushed through the air, and passed right above Orchid's head. It stabbed itself onto the wall with a resounding thud. Orchid turned and snapped her fingers. A luminous ray swept across the alley, quickly enough for her to catch a glimpse of a woman covered in black.

Once the light faded, Orchid found herself in the darkness. Knowing this all too well, Orchid prepared herself. Seconds later, she jumped to the side. A blade just like the one before flew passed her and embedded itself onto the ground.

"They truly weren't lying about the Royal Knight's talent." A voice like sweet honey lace with poison spoke through the darkness. "So young, yet so skilled." She followed, her voice growing nearer.

"Who are you, and what are you planning with those!?" Orchid's voice rose, though she struggled to keep it from shaking. Her eyes switched from the wagon beside her to the spot where she guessed the woman to be.

"Feisty one aren't you?" She chuckled, her voice seeming to encompass all directions. "What makes you think, I will answer you?"

"In the name of the Royal Knight's, and his Majesty. Page 2 and 3 of the Sacred Sins, Statute number 7 and 13." She stated, pushing away her fears as her voice grew louder with every word. "In the name of St. Masta and Thesta, I hereby order you to stand down. In case of resistance, I will take any measure necessary to contain you."

Her voice cut through the thick darkness like a blunt knife. There was silence, and then there was laughter.

"How cute!" The woman said through her fits of giggles. Her steps echoed as she moved forward, her silhouette manifesting itself. "Now let me see those necessary measures."

She stiffened, her arms raised to her sides. Immediately, the knives rushed towards her, right past Orchid. The pink mage quickly dodged, but wasn't ready for the second one. The blade nicked through her shoulder, a shallow cut with blood formed.

Orchid traced her hands along the cut, pink mist enveloping and closing it tight. She twisted her arms, a familiar pink ring of energy manifesting itself right in front of her. The faint glow from the ring illuminated the alley, giving light to the woman meters in front of her.

The woman was tall and slender, assassin's garbs wrapped around her tightly with tendrils of fabric dancing around her like a cape. Her hair was a shade of dark red, vibrant yet malicious.

In her hands, the two blades were positioned, ready to move. Her steely gray eyes—reminiscent of her blade—stared back at her, daring her to make the first move. And she did.

She traced the top of the ring with her hand and pushed, a beam of energy rushed towards the woman.

The woman clicked her tongue and side stepped, easily evading the beam. "You have to do better than that." The woman sunk back into the shadows.

"Oh no you don't" Orchid raised both of her hands, a wave of light engulfing the entire alley. The shadows were consumed by the light, revealing the assassin hunched in front of the wall.

"Good." The assassin brandished her blade before striking. Fast as lightning, she appeared in front of Orchid. "Let's see how you fare."

Orchid quickly raised her hand in front of her, creating a shield to block the attack. She pushed back, and released a wave of energy pushing away the woman. Orchid's ribbons unwrapped around her and circled around a nearby wall. With a tug, she flew off.

The assassin watched as Orchid circled around the alley above her. For a second, Orchid could see a shine to her eyes. She dismissed this, and attacked. Flying around her, she summoned rings of light that surrounded the assassin. With a flick of her fingers, spheres of energy attacked.

The assassin dodged. Like a feather falling, she swept through the onslaught of spheres, making her way to Orchid. The mage in question moved. With a tug of her ribbon, she was flying through the alley.

"Give it up girl." The woman said with an eerie finality. "You will never beat us, just give up and let your head fall."

The assassin raised her blades as they ignited in an otherworldly blue. She swung. The blades rushed through the air out of her grip. Orchid readied herself and fired two lasers towards the swords. As if with a mind of its own, it dodged. Orchid hissed as she flew away just in time as the blade plunged to the wall behind where she stood.

Unfortunately, a tremble in the earth alerted her. Turning back, her eyes widened as the two swords appeared just a few meters behind her, ready to pierce her head. With a sharp turn, she dodged. The sudden movement along with a sword passing just on the tip of her hair caused her body to lose balance and fall. With a thud, she was no longer airborne.

Disoriented, the world around her was blurry and everything felt distant. However, time and time again, her instincts flared. Trusting her senses, she summoned a shield to her right just in time as the two blades stabbed her. The force of impact caused her to roll backwards and plunge into a wall.

She cracked open her eye to make out a blurry image coming towards her. Her hands were shaking, yet she pushed through. The assassin attacked as Orchid summoned another shield. A barrage of stabs, pierces, and swings met her barrier, each one stronger than the last. With each consecutive hit, her shield slowly cracked and the assassin's lips arched.

Her hands wavered, and a single tear streamed through her cheek. Her shield was almost at its limit, and she couldn't keep doing this. Her lips tightened, and her hands moved forward. The tear in her cheek was now accompanied by others as her eyes glowed a bright light. The light from her eyes spread and slowly engulfed her entire body. The assassin stopped her attack and stepped back into the shadows.

"Don't you dare hide from me!" She yelled as the light escaped from her body into one massive wave. The walls around the alley crumpled and a small crater appeared beneath her. The assassin was flown right through the walls into the room behind.

"You wanted to see my necessary measure?" Orchid's voice was gruff as each words was emphasized with anger. "I'll show you necessary measure!"

With a yell she aimed her blast. But just as she was about to fire, a foot slammed to her head. The kick rocketed her to nearby wall, collapsing under the force. The world around her was blurry as her magic fluctuated out of existence, yet she could still make out their voice.

"Abraham! Where have you been?" The female assassin snarled as she climbed out of the hole she was pushed into. "This little runt, was about to pummel me with her fairy dust"

"I told you to be careful." The voice was monotonous, yet still screamed authority and indifference. "You just have to stall."

"Yeah, whatever." The woman rolled her eyes as they readied to attack.

With a swing of her swords and the man's release of energy, they attacked. Orchid closed her eyes, calling forth every last ounce of energy she had. It was all a mess, she couldn't grab hold of it. Her senses flared like a bomb as the looming threat of the assassin's blade itched her neck. Her fingers shook, desperately calling for her magic when a beam of golden light appeared, pushing back the two assailants.

"Touch her again, and I swear I'll break every bone in your body." The voice was quiet, but it cut through the air like a cannon, smashing right into the fallen bodies of the assassins.

Orchid opened her eyes as she was met with a ray of golden light. Warm hands cupped her cheek as her vision focused.



Holland made his way through the sewers. Vivzy, his Vivillon, led the way as her natural talent at finding springs kicked in.

Holland kept on thinking about his pokemon. The substance that covered the Bladedsnatch, it was definitely it. That would mean someone's controlling that thing, and has somehow gotten his hands on his creatures.

Holland's face darkened at that thought. It was just a baby. He cursed himself for his clumsiness. The soon to be Kalos Champion loses his pokemon because of carelessness, his mom would've thrown him through the roof.

The young champion kept on hovering over his pokeballs. Ever since, a certain feeling has come over him to guard his pokeballs more seriously. After all the praise he got, all of it was meaningless. He grew complacent, arrogant, undisciplined.

This world was filled with people possessing powers that seemingly only pokemon could wield. He first thought it was just any pokemon battle, just this time the pokemon were humans. In his mind it was still a battle, which was his mistake. He's fighting humans, creatures of witt and strategy. Unlike the pokemon who fought mostly through instincts. This reckless behavior caused him to be overpowered by a monster of all things.

However, that Bladedsnatch was different. He knew the moment he used confusion. That thing was no monster, well at least not in the traditional sense. Something's off, and he knows it will come eventually, but this sudden feeling further amplifies the pit in his stomach at the safety of his beloved pokemon.

"Viv…" Vivzy hummed as she made a turn. At this point, Holland was truly lost. He's pretty much relying on Vivzy to get him through this.

Contrary to his belief, the sewers were not as smelly as he thought. It was actually getting tolerable. The more they went in, the more the putrid stench disappeared. And right now, Holland and Vivzy were walking straight through a tunnel.

After many turns, they were now here. Holland readied himself. From all his adventures back in his home, he knew that what he's been looking for is waiting for him beyond this tunnel. Vivzy also agreed as her wings flapped rapidly to indicate they were nearing ground water.

Soon enough, he saw it.

Beyond the tunnel, the exit showed itself. An unspoken agreement crossed both their faces as Holland and Vivzy hurried their pace. The exit grew bigger and from what he could see, it was opening up to one big clearing.

"Where are those imbeciles!" A sudden voice roared, causing Vivzy and Holland to halt their pace. The two then slowly made their way to the exit as Holland casted an illusion around them.

"They should've been here minutes ago." A lanky man with standing hair spoke. His body was draped in some sort of tunic that was too big for him. He rapidly stretched out his hair as if ready to claw it out of his scalp.

"Patience Professor" A hollow voice placated. This one was shrouded in mist, making his true form hidden. "I'm sure they're on their way."

"You better be right…" The now named Professor gritted. "I have been waiting for this moment, and I will not let anything stop me from accomplishing my life's work!"

"As do I, Professor." The dark mist agreed, the smoke around him whirring to life. "However, to achieve our goals we must learn to exercise patience."

The man only grumbled as he continued fidgeting with his hair. Right now, Holland was keeping himself a small distance away, his face contorting at the revelation.


The pieces in his mind started fitting into place. From this, he had a vague understanding of what was happening. However, he still needed more evidence. Holland watched as Vivzy flew off, covered in his illusion. She was examining the place looking to find any sign of her baby.

"Ahh there it is." Holland was brought back from his train of thought. The professor was now walking, arms spread, towards a wagon filled with various sacks that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Holland's face darkened. If what he thought was true, then those would be it. He watched as the dark mist came forward to examine the lot along with the professor.

"Let us begin!" The Professor couldn't hold his glee as he gestured behind him.

The area was a giant dome with various tunnels leading out into the sewer systems. On the roof of the dome consisted of vents to filter out the air. In the middle of it all, was a fountain. Grandiose, regarding the circumstance they were in. Intricate patterns adorned it, and Holland wondered if this served any other purpose.

As the Professor gestured towards the fountain, the top part stopped releasing water. The basin on top opened up to reveal a mechanism that looked like some kind of tower, with a brilliant red gem on top. On the fountain's sides, various cages erupted from the ground, encircling the fountain. One of these cages caught Holland's eye, and he almost wanted to scream when he realized.

At one of the cages held a small creature, round and smooth. It was laid flat on the floor, like a deflated balloon. Four antennae sprouted from its face, framing its beady eyes. Its once purple color was now a dull gray as it struggled to move.

'Goomy…' Holland mouthed. His face hardened and a dark shadow crossed his eyes. He was barely keeping his Psychic energy from escaping.

The dark mist then caught sight of Goomy. It floated towards him and started to examine it further. "Say, what about this one Professor?"

The man turned his head towards the dark mist, his eyes landing on the little dragon. "Discover anything new, aside from his remarkable goo?"

"I was about to tell you that!" The Professor then grabbed a phial filled with a glowing substance. The dark mist seemed to lighten at the sight. "From my research, this little thing contains dragon energy!"

The dark mist did not answer, only looking at the blob with a calculating look. Although it's face was covered, the movement of his tendrils did not do well to hide his emotion.

"And what about its container?" The dark mist followed shortly, summoning a red and white ball beside him.

"That, I still don't know." The Professor said with disappointment that the dark mist was not used to. "The technology is nothing I have ever seen. However, from my guess it's a capturing device that seems to tame the creatures inside it."

"Do you know what this means?" The Professor looked expectantly. "We could actually have a dragon under our control!"

"But it's weak." The dark mist stated, its tendrils grabbing the sacks from the wagon. "Unlike any dragon I've seen, this one lacks power. Even a newborn has the power to wipe out a small village."

"That's where I come into the picture!" The Professor said, his face brightening up. "With my research we can create our own army of monsters, including a dragon!"

As the Professor shouted his delight, the dark mist released the sack. One by one, children ranging from six to twelve were dropped into the cages, unconscious.

The doors were shut as the machine on top came to life.

"Witness my greatness. My genius!" The Professor laughed, a manic glint in his eyes as he barely kept himself together.

The machine glowed brightly, arcs of electricity escaping from the gem. The sparks of lightning then traveled from the fountain all the way to the cages as each one glowed an unsettling hue.

"Though, with the capturing weapon, it indicates the presence of a wielder." The dark mist stated, the pokeball floating beside him. The Professor looked at him as the tendrils behind him moved. "Who is that thing's owner?"

The machine suddenly stopped and all the cages flung open. The dark mist's tendrils escaped his body as they grew in size. The Professor stepped back, hiding behind the mist seeming to look for something in his pocket. The PokeBall suddenly flew as if pulled by an invisible force, stopping right towards the wall.

"Who are you?" The dark mist's tentacles moved wildly, scanning the area for any signs of life.

Quickly, a boy morphed into sight, his hands holding the pokeball. There was a vibrant glow in his eyes as he stared unmoving at the duo.

"The one you've been looking for." The boy said with a finality that reminded the mist of a general ordering his men. "Energy ball."

Behind them, a sphere of pure energy manifested. The mist quickly enveloped the professor as the sphere made contact with the mist.

Holland walked slowly, a slight tremble alerting his senses. Looking up, the dome above him shook with every resounding boom.

"What is going on up there?"


Cardinal, Bluebell, and Gilded were facing the monster when they were alerted to Orchid's call.

"What does she mean by a distraction?" Cardinal, ask but not before Gilded swinging his axe back.

"I'll get Orchid." Gilded's once eager look for destruction was now replaced. His eyes were dull, yet the glimmer behind them spoke otherwise.

"Are you su—" Before Cardinal could ask, Gilded disappeared into the streets. "I guess that leaves you and me…"

Bluebell clicked her tongue and readied her rapier. She swung her swords and moved forward. "Wonderful."

Bluebell charged. The Bladedsnatch remained unmoving from his place, only releasing metal spikes to attack. Bluebell hid her grin, it was a sitting duck. All it needs is a good beating or two and it'll be a good little monster.

"Take this, you piece of scrap!" Bluebell propelled herself upwards with a gust of wind. Right above the beast's head, Bluebell swung her rapier down and a spear of heavily pressurized air came piercing through his forehead.

The spear sliced the top layer of the Bladedsnatch's skin, causing it to fly to a nearby wall. Bluebell kept her lips from arching. Instead of landing, she propelled herself closer. Arriving at its neck, Bluebell ran down its spine.

The Bladedsnatch roared as spikes rose from its skin. Bluebell weaved through the sharp obstacles effortlessly. Her hand gripped tightly to the hilt of her blade, and she swung. Every dodge of the spikes, Bluebell would slice a bit of its skin off shredding its defenses.

Nearing its tail, Bluebell propelled herself upwards. At the peak of her rise she twisted like a cyclone. A column of wind surrounded her, spiraling around her with astronomical speeds. Feeling the pull of gravity, Bluebell stopped her twist and the column expanded to reveal Bluebell facing downwards, rapier aimed at the beast's back.

With another gust of wind, the column of air rushed along with her. Bluebell's rapier glowed a bright cyan as it descended from the heavens. The column of air followed, expanding and spiraling greater than ever, until it struck. The collision resulted in a massive shockwave that decimated the entire area. The Bladedsnatch was plunged deep into a massive crater, and the houses in the immediate vicinity were destroyed, luckily the citizens were evacuated.

A dust cloud formed between the two, hiding their presence from the onlookers of the battle. Cardinal waited for the dust cloud to settle. In the middle of it all, Bluebell's body slowly appeared, the silhouette of the beast behind her.

The crowd erupted in cheers and Cardinal's muscles loosened. Everyone was about to walk forward, when a slight tremble shook Cardinal to his very bones. Without hesitation, he rushed forward. His mouth was too late to shout a warning. His mind was running on pure instinct as he raised his sword before him. Unfortunately, he was too late.

A single spike rushed through Bluebell's side causing a deep wound to her shoulder. Bluebell slumped to the ground as she tried to get up. Looking back, her eyes widened as the beast stirred in its place. She urged her leg forward, but she couldn't. Her body felt heavy, her heart was constricting as if it couldn't breath, and her muscles ached with every inch of movement.

Her breathing felt ragged as the Bladedsnatch got up from its place. With every step it took, the ground cracked and splintered. Bluebell's face contorted to try and desperately move, but she couldn't. Bluebell could feel the beast's eyes on her, and just after, its tail swung.

Calling forth every ounce of strength within her, she pushed her body to roll to the side. Just in time, the tail plunged to the ground. Bluebell's muscles ached and stretched as if that single move caused them to wrap around each other. The tail rose again and this time to where Bluebell laid. The knight closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

"Not gonna happen" Cardinal rushed forward and with a swing from his sword, he blocked the tails attack.

Cardinal's body started to glow a bright red as he shouted from the depths of his lungs. The Bladedsnatch's entire frame glowed a faint hue as it roared and pushed deeper into Cardinal's sword. Cardinal smiled as he felt the surge of energy transferring to him.

The Bladedsnatch trembled as the faint hue surrounding it grew dimmer and dimmer. Cardinal bit back his laughter at the sight. Calling forth the surge of energy, he directed it to the tip of his blade. With a push, he swung the blade forward. A massive wave of energy rushed to the beast sending it flying to the River Lowl.

Cardinal took this time to turn to Bluebell and carry her in his arms. He ran back to the alley and jumped. Reaching his full height, he landed to a nearby roof and walked along until he found a lone bell tower. He gently load Bluebell to the floor hovering his hands above her chest.

"What are you doing?" Bluebell asked, her voice weak and shaky.

"Transferring you some energy." Cardinal put a hand to his lips. "So, stop talking."

"No…" Bluebell protested, trying to sound as though she could. "You'll need that to fight off that thing!"

"Don't worry, I'll get more." Cardinal pushed her back and kept her from moving. "What matters now is that you don't die from lack of energy. That thing's spikes. I can feel it sucking up your energy, mainly focusing on your muscles."

Cardinal straightened his body, envisioning the energy circling around Bluebell. He could feel it from the tips of his fingers. Whatever the beast injected her with. Guiding it out, he sighed as the slimy, thick substance floated out from her wounds.

"Finally." Cardinal flicked his arms and the substance disappeared in a flash of flames. His mouth smiled at the sight of Bluebell's relief. "Now, you recover over here, while I finish this thing off."

Cardinal rose from his spot, and was about to leave when Bluebell called him. Cardinal looked at her, his eyes flashing a a small glint. Bluebell laid her back on the wall. She looked at Cardinal and smiled faintly.

"Be careful." Cardinal's face softened as he nodded. He turned his body, and jumped down back to the fight.

Arriving at the River Lowl, Cardinal's face hardened at the sight of the beast rising from the water. His eyes glowed once again. He felt the link between him and the beast once more as the familiar surge of energy met his veins.

He directed the energy to his legs and jumped. The beast released an earth shattering screech that sent ripples in the water and splinters on the ground. As the seconds passed the Bladedsnatch's screech came to a halt. The glow that surrounded faded to a dim hue.

Cardinal stretched a grin. He directed the energy absorbed from his body to the top of his sword. The blade glowed brightly, its tip releasing an unsettling wave to those that stood near it. He raised it high into the sky as his body reached the climax of its jump. The beast roared and released a barrage of spikes at Cardinal.

With a mighty swing, Cardinal descended upon the beast. The spikes sent his way were all blown out of bounds as Cardinal slashed through air as if it was paper. The Bladedsnatch readied for the assault, it's legs burying deep under the water.

"Let's see you survive this one!" Cardinal shouted and swung his sword down. An arc of pure energy formed around its blade directed towards the Bladedsnatch's head.

Within contact, a gust of wind stronger than Bluebell's wiped off the area. The river rushed upwards, sending a wave of water to the streets of Humphrigg Hollow. For a second, the bottom of the river could be seen right before it was covered once again.

The water was now shallow, and the houses that surrounded the river were all drenched in water. Shingles fell off, window panes broken, and entire walls caved in. In the middle of it all stood Cardinal atop the unmoving body of the Bladedsnatch. His face stood frozen, yet his eyes loosened at the beast's sign of death.

"Cardinal!" The boy in red turned to see Orchid and Gilded at the end of the street. They broke out into a run until they arrived at the edge of the river. Orchid examined the damage, "Did you kill it?".

"Yes. For sure this time." Cardinal's voice had a higher tone to it. His mouth at a downward arch.

"Finally!" Gilded exclaimed. His arms spread wide while Cardinal laughed. Cardinal was about to raise his hands when Orchid stopped him.

"Can you feel that?" Orchid's body began to glow. "It's beneath us."

Just as Orchid said those words, a massive tremor reverberated through the ground. The sound of roads shattering and civilians screaming filled the area.

"What's happening?" Gilded said, his eyes looking frantically for the culprit.

As if to answer him, an explosion of dust and fire erupted beyond them. The column of fire reached the sky sending the clouds to twist and spiral. Bolts of lightning crackled in the dark night, illuminating the entire area. A storm was brewing, and at the center of it all lay a figure wrapped in light.

"Something tells me we're not done yet." Cardinal muttered, his eyes fixated on the lone silhouette of the figure floating at the eye of the storm.

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