
Chapter 176 - Two Letters, Two Senders, But Both Only Make Me Think Of You

The Coiled Serpent branch looked different after the week away. Elua's mint eyes tracked the movement of workers arranging heavy bookshelves along some of the walls of the ground floor. Leather-bound reference texts and scrolls occupied some of the wooden spaces already.

Their spines displayed a careful organization that healed her heart. She didn't consider herself to need things like that to be perfect all the time, but the administrative pavilion at the competition grounds was a living nightmare. It was a miracle that all the workers at the site were actually being managed appropriately.

'Probably more on them knowing how to do their jobs than the bureaucrats directing them well.'

Two young women in plain gray tunics sorted through a cart of incoming documents at a side table. Neither of them wore the Guild insignia, as they were merely hired mortal help rather than official members. The ancient cultivator approved of the former liaison hiring competent-

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