
Arthur Valhalla

This is the story of how I died and made the most of a terrible situation.

After 'coming too' I was able to open my eyes. What I saw shocked me, it looked like I was surrounded by a galaxy.

A voice called out to me, "you shall go to planetos. You're given three wishes. Speak them."

Shocked and dazed he answers truthfully without thinking, knowing he can't become kryptonian in a world like that he matched his wishes to the world. Thinking it best not to annoy this voice.

"I wish to be of the first family of dragon lords. Who had Red eyes instead of purple.

I wish to survive the doom and help the war of the dance end without the extinction of dragons.

I wish for my mother to be a stark."

And with that it felt like he was sucked through a straw. Starting at his feet and going up and up.


On his way to wherever he was going, he saw colors of all kinds as he passed them. Looking like a real version of the mcu bifrost.

However unlike the bifrost, Arthur didn't land gracefully and come out ready to fight. He pretty much master chiefed the landing into the hard ground with everything turning black.


Waking up Arthur hears heavy breathing behind him. Turning his head he almost died of shock. A dragon looking much like Drogon. Only larger. And where red was on drogon is now a steely metallic shiny looking color.

The beast is battle scarred. It's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. Sure, everyone loves the idea of dragons and being able to bond with one. But actually standing before him, feeling and smelling his hot breath, it's too real. All too real.

As I'm losing myself in panic about the world I'm in, the place I used to call home being destroyed by 14 volcanoes simultaneously going off at the same time, the fact I live in a world where people actually piss and shit In pots. It all became too much. Just then I felt something touch me and my breathing became still. My heart calmed down. It felt like everything was right.

Opening my eyes I see dragon eyes looking back at me with an intensity And intelligence I thought impossible in animals. Just then, when our eyes lock and we connect, my world shifts.

Suddenly I'm looking at myself. It looks like a young Steven amell with pure white hair down to my shoulders. Only my eyes are white. Holy shit my eyes are white. Holy shit I'm looking at myself through my dragons eyes. I feel another wave of serentity wash over my mind and I know it's the dragon.

Releasing the strange mind-assault I did to my friend, I fall to the ground with my nose bleeding. The large black beast coos and tutts at me but I just rub his snout and speak words of thanks.

I gather my things, a bag of gold, a sword that looks like demasucs steel. Only instead of the darker gray mixed with light gray, the darker has been replaced with red. It also is equipped With a black handle.

Anglachel…..my mind speaks for me. Remembering the day my father made this sword for me.

As I'm inspecting the blade and my fingers touch it a memory comes unbidden to my mind. The memory of this body in the freehold, being taught by my father to forge valiryan steel. It truly did need dragon fire!

Coming back to the real world i sheath my sword and make my way to my dragon.

"What should I call you big guy?" I ask the large creature as I run my hand down its side towards where its shoulder and wings meet.

He grumbles back at me and I know his name instantly, "well then Morgoth, let's go shall we? We have a Princess to save." He roars in appreciation of his name and I start up my mounts giant metallic colored winged membrane.

He doesn't have a saddle which might be an issue but for now I need to go and set myself up at a place beyond the eyes of the hightowers and targaryens alike. As I'm thinking I finally made my way up and sat upon my dragon, I come back to the real world and shout out my own roar, speaking in valiryan even though I have no idea how I am. (Let us go morgoth! Let us show them what House Valhalla can do!)

The roar he returns sounds like one I've heard before. Like the alpha roar ghidorah let out above the volcano. It sent shivers of excitement down my body.

He very swiftly jumped and in one motion we were free falling off a cliff I didn't even know was there, 'I really need to stop doing that. It'll get me killed to not know my surroundings.' I chastised myself. I had been in the military, which is why I didn't need any instant mastery wishes, I knew how to fight with a sword and knew modern techniques to help give me an edge.

Before we could hit the water, morgoth pulled his wings out and we glided like a speeding jet parallel to the water of the smoking sea on our way to stop the extinction of dragons.


After nearly 2 months of moving from sun up till sundown I finally see what I know to be westerosi land. Instead of being stupid and going directly to the base of power and kneeling to the Targaryens I will build my own relationships with other people before being curtailed into kneeling. I'm a dragon now and the very notion on kneeling to someone I believe not greater than myself is unfathomable.

So it was to the north I went. Straight towards the heart of it. Winter fell. If my timeline is correct, princes rheanys will be ambushed by the hightowers in 3 months or moons, jeez. I hate having to speak that way to people in this world.

I had thought on my way to westeros of going to astapor and looking for a way to do what dany did by gaining the loyalty of them all but discarded it almost immediately. I did so for many many factors. #1 making an enemy of a place so high class as astapor would make me a target for all free cities as that's basically where the get their guards. #2 correlates to #1; in which I don't believe I could sit back and watch what they do to those men without burning them to a crisp. Which mean I'll never be able to pay for unsullied. The very notion that I would pay for a human being sickens me and my 21st century moralities.

This was the case for almost all my initial plans for what to do in the east. Not only that, but aside from having a map of the world from valirya my family had in the vacation manse, I didn't know how long it would take to fly to westeros. My main goal was to save princes rheanys, and if I can, try to kill one or both the Hightower princes without dying myself.

Doing the later would be difficult. But with two dragons fighting two dragons at least the odds will be better.

Let's talk about how I've progressed with flying these last two months. Let me tell you, I won't say I'm the best to ever do it but it's insane how fast I'm picking this up. By flying almost 12-14 hours a day, the bond morgoth and myself share is incredibly strong.

I've already been through most of his memories. He's only about 15 years old. Same age as me. The old gods have a funny way of being ironic it seems. But although he isn't old, he's huge, from what I know about dragons they are like reptiles. They can grow as large as their environment (and i assume ambient magical energy in the air) will allow.

Like the targaryens after the dance chained them up. Making them small and weak. Leading to extinction. And with how many scars he has on his body and the amount of whales I've seen morgoth eat already, I know he'll be more than ready to fight the hightowers.


As I make my way towards winterfell an inexplicable emotion grabs my heart. Leading me to make morgoth follow where it's telling me to go. Upon arriving i see a clearing in the trees. (Over there morgoth!) I shout to him and he follows my command without haste.

Landing amongst the trees and wilderness in the north feels like coming home after a long day at work, showering, and then laying in your bed and falling asleep. That's how best to describe it. A land full of green and rock. Reminding me of Ireland.

As I was taking in my surroundings morgoth let out a low growl, alerting me to another's presence. Slowly pulling my sword anglachel out of its shealth I awaited the foe.

The rustling was barely audible, as was the beast that came out of it. A silvery grey Direwolf with crimson red eyes as tall at the shoulders as I was. I knew exactly what was happening. So, with a pat to morgoth and assuring him through our bond that everything was okay I made my way towards the wolf slowly.

For all it's terrifying size and ability to kill a man without a second thought, as I walked closer the more comfortable I felt. It was more like a humongous husky to my eyes. With its head tilted to the side as if assessing me.

Eventually before I could make it halfway towards the beautiful creature it sprinted faster than anything I've ever seen with my own eyes towards me. Morgoth who was always ansy and nervous about my safety, quickly lunged to defend me. The two of them met at me. Morgoth pushed me forwards in his haste to come defend me, knocking me into the wolf who swiftly caught(?) me and allowed me a soft landing on the ground.

Looking up at the beast who was now licking my face I couldn't stop the child-like laughter that bubbled through my throat. "Hello there, frost" I said to the wolf who doubled his effort to make me piss myself laughing.

After a few minutes of allowing myself frost to bond we made proper introductions between fire and ice.

Morgoth although not happy about allowing frost to ride with me did it at my asking/begging and an oath that when we take our new land he can eat as many whales as he so pleases. And with that the three companions are on our way to winterfell.

An: would really like if you comment on this chapter to lmk if I should continue this idea or not. This will be heavily inspired by 'the strangers son' at least in the beginning but will drastically change by the time I'm fully into the story. Lmk. Pairing will be Rheana

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