
Chapter 20...

(Let me add a little detail to clarify things).

Mr. Jenkins, the IT specialist, had been working at the school for several years. Unbeknownst to Michael and Emily, Mr. Jenkins had a past connection with Agent Thompson.

They had worked together on a previous case involving a cyber threat at a nearby school.

Agent Thompson had been impressed with Mr. Jenkins' expertise and had kept in touch with him.

When Agent Thompson arrived at Michael's school, she had quietly reached out to Mr. Jenkins to keep an eye on things and provide intel if needed.

Mr. Jenkins, being a curious and tech-savvy person, had been doing some digging on his own and discovered the strange occurrences at night.

Mr. Jenkins leaned in closer. "Agent Thompson and I have a bit of a history.

We worked together on a case a few years ago.

She's a good agent, but I think she's in over her head this time."

Michael's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

Mr. Jenkins hesitated. "I think Agent Thompson is trying to protect someone... or something.

.And I think it's connected to Lucas and the strange occurrences at night."

Emily's mind raced.

Who or what could Agent Thompson be protecting? And what did it have to do with Lucas?

Michael and Emily decided to follow Lucas and see what he was up to.

They carefully trailed him after school, trying not to be seen.

Lucas led them on a wild goose chase, dodging in and out of buildings and alleys.

Finally, he stopped at an old warehouse on the outskirts of town.

Michael and Emily exchanged a nervous glance. What was Lucas doing here?

They snuck inside, trying to stay quiet. Lucas was talking to someone, but they couldn't see who it was.

"...just make sure it's ready for tonight," Lucas said, his voice low and mysterious.

Michael and Emily crept closer, trying to get a better listen.

"I'll take care of it," a strange voice replied. "But you owe me, Lucas."

Lucas nodded, and the strange voice handed him a small package.

Michael and Emily's eyes widened. What was in the package?

Michael and Emily tried to sneak a peek at the package, but Lucas quickly shoved it into his backpack.

They trailed him at a distance, curious about what he was up to.

As they walked, Emily whispered, "What do you think is in the package?"

Michael shook his head. "No idea, but I think we should find out."

They followed Lucas to the school's old science building, which was supposed to be off-limits.

Lucas snuck inside, and they followed him, trying to stay quiet.

Inside, Lucas met up with a group of students, including some of the school's top athletes.

They began to unpack strange devices from their bags.

Michael's eyes widened. "What are those things?"

Emily gasped. "They look like some kind of high-tech gadgets!"

Lucas grinned. "Welcome to the team, guys. Tonight's the night we take our school to the next level."

Michael and Emily exchanged a worried glance. What did Lucas have planned?

(Word count 514)....

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