
Chapter 16

As the body was slowly dragged out by the machine, Zhou Xu almost fainted looking at the corpse of the monster.

" You killed a monster, wait a monster is present inside the city, how"

" Monsters tend to use sewers to invade city, as a veteran Hunter it is part of job to clean them up, and as for why I am using machines and not magic it's to ensure that the sewers remain intact after battle, lest my destructive magic destroy it, or do you think someone who can't kill monsters alone would dare to spend night in the sewers where monsters are known to visit sometimes.

And as for why I am working alone, isn't it obvious"

" For more money?" asked Zhou Xu.

" For more money, huh do you a guardian of the city and its people, a noble person like me would do such a thing, no I wouldn't it's just that I am not generally less accepted and do not have a team for myself"

Lin Feng shamelessly defended himself as a strong protector of humanity, while downplaying everything else as his bad luck and such.

As for Zhou Xu who had gathered the courage raise his price as hush money after his stoic monologue, he simply threatened to tell the company how the monster corpse was transported and all.

" This might not be the last time I do this, if you keep quiet and do everything as you usually do then you will get just as much the next time and don't think of lying to me, I have informants in the city"

Then he let the construction guy take the lifter back and took the truck to the Hunter Union building.


Logically he should have gone to the Magic association building as they were usually in a larger need for a monster corpse and he could get a better price as well.

But his main intention was not profit, in fact profit would be negligible, Servant class corpses were priced between 20 and 30 thousand yuan, one fifth of what he spend to kill the beast.

Note: Not many corpses are sold in the original novel, however Mo Fan once sold a Commander level corpse to the military through Li Man after his first demonization for 19 million, now I have used a divisor of 10, so 20-30 thousand for Servant level and 200-300 thousand for Warriors.

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