
Did You Think I Wouldn’t Notice?

As Angus recited his plan to Henry, he placed a knee right against his spine, pinking him into the grassy floor and leaving him no wiggle room. 

Henry gave up trying and his mind worked fast to come up with something— some series of words to spark sense into Angus' head when the padding of horse hooves sounded. 

Nyx was careful about her approach. She didn't whinny and she didn't snort. She just trotted over slowly and when she was within five feet of Angus, she built up speed with her head held out like a battering ram, aiming to knock him off her bond. 

Without taking his eyes off the back of Henry's head and with one hand more than enough to keep hold of Henry's wrists, Angus swung out a fist that struck Nyx's head so hard, that a wave of wind blew out from the point of contact. 



Nyx was sent many feet away and hit the ground hard before rolling once to hit her back against a tree. 

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