
It Was A Pleasure Knowing You…

"Can you ride?" Henry asked Tony as he got on Nyx's back. If Tony couldn't, it might be best to bring him into Nyx's saddle and ride together back to the Hadron Mansion where he could get actual treatment. 

Tony groaned and looked at him,

"Of course," He said but his voice wheezed ever so slightly, "To prove it to you, we'll go on ahead!"

Tony nudged his horse hard with the spurs of his boots and they galloped, leaping over the down and prone horses that Henry had decided to spare and over the green mist that would have paralyzed them to get back on the road and find their way back to the Hadron Mansion. 

Despite the Healing Potion, Tony still looked like he was flitting in and out of consciousness, so his ability to ride was slightly surprising. He directed his horse properly on what path to take (which was easier to do now that they were not being chased) and stayed on horseback so well, that he was hardly swayed by the gallops. 

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