
Chapter 59: The Three Kingdoms! Tony's Struggle With Shapeshifting transformer (II)

Chapter 59: The Three Kingdoms! Tony's Struggle With Shapeshifting transformer (II)


When Tony heard Lorien's laughter, he turned his head and said hello.

"Hey, what a coincidence, you also run in the morning? I happen to be running in the morning too."

Lorien didn't even turn his head, just smiled back at him.

"Run with dark circles under your eyes, don't die suddenly."

"How could it be?" Tony raised the muscles in his arms and said, "I also often exercise at home."

"Whatever you want." Lorien was still jogging, but he reminded him, "If you feel like you're going to die suddenly, go far away and die suddenly. Don't die in front of my eyes."

"Oh~ are you worried about me? You must be worried about me," Tony looked narcissistic. "But sudden death literally means sudden death. How can I predict it?"

Lorien: ...

Confronting Tony's cynicism, Lorien actually knew what Tony was here for. No, the Transformer had been discovered. So Tony came over out of curiosity. That's all.

Tony followed Lorien for a while. It's not that he wasn't in a hurry. Rather, Tony wanted to compare whether Lorien's physique was better or his own, which was good from exercising. The results were obvious. After running for a while, Lorien didn't even take a big breath, while Tony was too tired to keep up.


Tony grabbed Lorien and said, out of breath, "Let's go, let's have a cup of coffee. My treat!"

Hearing someone offering to treat, Lorien nodded comfortably.

"Okay, let's go."

It wasn't about money. It was just a pleasure to have someone offer. Men are like that. Even if it's just a question, if you want something from me, you have to offer something first. This is how men operate.

The two walked to a coffee shop. After Tony paid for two Americanos, Lorien and he each had a drink. They walked outside the store and found a quiet place to sit down.

"Sip~" Tony took a breath first. Then he asked after Lorien took a sip, "I can't see that you are so physically fit, Lorien."

Holding the coffee, Lorien glanced up and down at Tony and said, "If you had been able to quit women a long time ago, you probably would have good physical fitness too."

"That's impossible," Tony laughed and laughed at himself. "I was young and frivolous at that time. How could I leave women?"

Tony was quite self-aware to say this. A strong person is not only strong now. He has to be able to accept his previous failures. And Tony did it. Now that he is in love with Pepper, he doesn't play around with women anymore and concentrates on research. That's fine. It shows growth. This is also one of the things Lorien appreciates about Tony. Definitely, this does not mean that Lorien fully approves of Tony. On some things, Lorien still reserves his judgment.

After the two rested for a while, Tony couldn't help asking quietly, "Ahem, I heard you have a very handsome Ferrari that can even transform, right?"

Lorien took a sip of coffee, looked at Tony who was frowning, and couldn't help laughing. "I'll give you one more chance to talk. Ask quickly."

"Is the Transformer yours?"

"It's mine."

Isn't that enough? What kind of detours do men have to make? You ask directly, I answer directly. As long as they don't touch each other's sensitive points, it's easy to talk.

After hearing that the Transformer is indeed Lorien's, Tony thought again about the Natasha Romanoff profile.

"So Natasha Romanoff's profile..."

"She came with Wanda that day, so we asked together."

"Oh~~~" Tony made an instantly understandable expression.

Then he rubbed his hands together, then coughed and asked, "So can I... take a closer look at it?"

"Don't worry, you can observe anywhere, just look at it, touch it at most."

"It just makes me so curious!"

"Is it a mechanical life?"

"I haven't seen the existence of mechanical life!"

Tony is into technology. He has a very strong interest in things like machinery, mechs, and electronics! Otherwise, he would not have developed the Mark Armor. So Tony really likes Transformers! He really wanted to see it.

At this point, Lorien's Phoenix force could sense Tony's heart. He loved it from the bottom of his heart. It was not for the strength, benefit, etc. of the Transformer. He, at the moment, was like a child who simply likes excavators.

But well... If you convert everyone into children, I'll show you my toys. You have to show me your toys too. And if you really like it, then it's normal for me to ask for something in return.

Lorien smiled mysteriously and said, "I can show you and even let you go to my underground garage to take a good look, but what can I get?"

Seeing Lorien's smile, Tony knew there was something going on! But what does Lorien need? This was a bit of a headache for Tony.

"Dollars? (USD?)"

Lorien was unmoved.

"Women? (Women?)"

This made Lorien laugh. "Who do you think is better than Wanda? Or can you give me a woman who is more beautiful and capable than Wanda?"

Tony shook his head decisively. What a joke. If he got caught by Wanda's Origin Magic Power, that magic could crush him to death directly through the battle armor! Unless he develops a nano armor, he can resist!

Since Lorien has Wanda, Tony knew he shouldn't talk about beautiful women. As for other things, like rights, houses, and cars, Tony thought about it all. But there was no need to ask. Because Tony knew that Lorien lacked nothing! As long as Lorien wanted, he could easily get the above!

So what does Lorien want? Looking at Tony's pensive look, Lorien reminded with a smile, "I want a collectible, and you happen to have it."


Tony thought about his collection. Art paintings? Antiques? Sports cars from the last century? Wine? It seemed that none of these were it. All of that money could buy. And the things he collects are not the only ones in the world.

But at this moment, Tony thought of the Mark 1-45 battle armor lined up in his basement... Many armors had been given to Pepper as fireworks. But the battle armor that was eliminated later was collected again. And so to speak, what Lorien wants is the Mark Armor?!

Tony frowned suddenly. To him, the Mark battle armor is more meaningful than valuable. Although he sent a set of battle armor, in a sense, he was not willing to part with it. It is sent out indirectly. But is it time to swap?

Tony thought for a while and still said, "Lorien, I want to know what you want the armor for? For Wanda? For your self? Or..."



Facing Tony's surprise, Lorien repeated, "Neither of them. I want your armor because I just want to collect it, and your armor is also very handsome. For this, I can exchange it with you. For example, do you want your mobile phone to become a Transformer? I can make an exception and change it with you. I want a custom-made latest armor that looks more than practical, and you take a mobile phone Transformer. If you agree, it's done."

Customize the latest armor for a small mobile phone Transformer. To be honest, Tony was so excited! Holding an Americano in his hand, he pondered for a long time before speaking, "Lorien, as long as you promise me that the armor will not be used for war, I will have no problem!"

That's definitely okay. Lorien didn't want to use it to fight in the first place. He just wanted to see what the result of the Mark armor + Transformer would be.


"By the way, I will send you the exterior drawings and details later, and you can customize according to my drawings. Now I am Party A."

"Have you thought about this day?!".

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