
Chapter 28

Naruto really really didn't want to say what was becoming rather apparent.

He really really didn't...

So he'd just settle for saying that studying under Orochimaru was...not what he'd been expecting; and he'd been expecting quite a few things.

He was...in comparison to the other teachers he'd had beforehand...

He was not going to give the man a complement...

He was...

He would settle on a perfectionist and demanded such in both his student's ability to learn and his ability to teach.

In short, he wouldn't let up until you could do whatever it was he was asking you to do.

Jiraiya and Kakashi were very hands off teachers, the only teacher he had that Orochimaru somewhat resembled in methodology was Bee.

The former two would give you a concept, and throw you to the proverbial wolves to figure it out. Learning by doing and such.

Bee had guided him along to learn how to be in harmony with Kurama. Though, he wondered half the time if the circumstances were what kept him so attentive as opposed to his own teaching practices. Bee seemed like he would have preferred to be writing up a song or something as opposed to lecturing.

Orochimaru though, was attentive to everything.

The first thing he'd done with them was have them fight him, no nin-jutsu or gen-jutsu allowed just pure tai-jutsu.

They hadn't touched him of course, that wasn't the purpose. They fought him in hand to hand for several hours with the snake occasionally pulling off some strange maneuverNaruto'd never even dreamed of to attack or forcing them to break away from standardacademy Taijutsu. As he was fighting them Orochimaru broke down absolutely every aspect of their physical makeup/fighting preferences.

Every tell that they had, how they leaned, where they looked, what they tried to do by instinct whether it was block, dodge or counter, he catalogued and then informed them of what he'd seen later, when they'd been eating their lunch.

The first thing I'll do with you two is teach you both a new Taijutsu style. The academy basics are a one size fits all form that is there out of necessity. Now that you are my soldiers, it is my job to hone you into the weapons you will one day become. And the first step is learning how to win at a simple fist fight."

Ryoko had questioned him on such. Everyone knew that out of the two remaining sannin, Orochimaru was by far the most well versed in the arts of ninjutsu.

A ninja's life is measured in the chakra he has. For most this means that once they've run out of this, precious resource they might as well be dead, even a shinobi several times weaker, or even a simple samurai, could end their lives with little more than a knife. Before I teach either of you how to spend your own share of this precious resource I will first teach you to turn the knife against that weaker shinobi. How to defend yourself and ultimately kill whatever wishes to turn you into prey with your bare hands. As my soldiers, you are reflections of myself. And I will not be found wanting by having one of you die to a simple brigand with a good sword arm.

The very next day, he'd brought them both scrolls for stretches and exercises that had to be completed every morning before training and every week he would test them to see how well they could pull their respective exercises off.

If they failed...


Lets just say they didn't exactly want a repeat performance and leave it at that.

Training consisted of drills.

Every day over and over they would do a variety of physical exercises from running to pushups to crunches and so on, followed by the early Kata's of their taijutsu styles with one Orochi leading Ryoko and the other helping Naruto.

Ryoko's style from what Naruto could gather, was fast. Using quick-hand strikes, one's that could easily incorporate kunai or shuriken held in the hands and flexibility to avoid, or absorb attacks as opposed to a more meat and potatoes blocking punching. He vaguely wondered if it was the so called snake style and that she'd learn to eventually seize openings and exploit pressure points and such.

With him however, it would still be a great number of years before he was anywhere near a physical capacity to go pound for pound with a full grown civilian, let alone a Shinobi.

So his style was focused on kicks and knives.

The leg, of course being far larger than the fist also carried the most amount of power and reach, something he sorely lacked.

The only thing he was using his hands for was the occasional block and the acrobatic dodge.

The entire style revolved around quick footwork and powerful chakra enhanced blows.

The knives came into play when he grappled.

Given his small size it wasn't out of the question for him to nimbly latch onto a whole limb, be it a leg, or an arm. Where most fighters could take these limbs and break them through sheer brute power, he could just latch onto them like a gnat and keep cutting till he disabled the limb, or hit something vital.

And given the amount of veins and arteries present in the hips, legs, arms and biceps, killing a man who over extended his punch wouldn't take very long.




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