
The Avengers

Things were getting pear shaped pretty fast and it all started when Tony Stark realized that Loki would be opening a portal from the top of his brand new tower. 


He had roughed it out of a cave crawling with terrorists armed with his weapons. He had survived a traitorous family friend who had set him up to die and stolen his work. Sexy super spy/assassins, aliens, alien 'gods', and now an invasion force coming through a portal right above his tower. This was just another Monday for the billionaire. 


So when he got a call from Barton about a winged man blasting aliens out of the sky with a stick he wasn't too surprised. He had seen the swirling blue flames that suddenly appeared burning the alien invaders as they came through the portal. He knew there was another player. He had thought that nothing would surprise him at that point. At least, he wasn't until he ran into the  winged man. 


The man had a grin on his face as he shot colored spells? at the aliens. Tony would have assumed that the man was a mutant of some sort. One of the ones he had been hearing about with that group called the X-Men. The man was different though, something about the air around the man screamed 'divine'. It was something that Thor or his adopted brother Loki didn't have despite the two being hailed as gods. 


The man had dark wavy hair, bright green eyes, and a build like a swimmer. The most eye catching trait was the pair of wings that radiated golden light. Tony felt almost at ease while the light bathed him in his armor. The constant pain in his chest lessened and a sense of security settled onto him. 


"Anthony Stark." The man? spoke to him after blasting a Chitauri grunt with a green light. 


"Do I know you?" Tony replied. 


"I wouldn't think so with an Atheist like you. Don't worry though I'm not mad, I won't send you to hell for not believing in me." 


Tony froze, this man was implying some terrifying things. If he wasn't full of shit and he really was who he was implying to be then a lot of people were fucked. 


"Uh right, well thank you… for your help?" 


"Don't thank me yet, you might want to deal with that by the way." The man? said. 


"Deal with what?"


Just then JARVIS informed him that a nuclear missile had just been launched from the Helicarrier and that it was headed for the city. Tony cursed and shot off without so much as another look at the strange being. 


[Scene Break]


I watched Ironman, aka Tony Stark, fly off without another word. The city was still under attack by small ground forces in various areas. With Tony mostly going after flying targets I could only guess that he probably just got word about the nuke that the government just launched at the city. 


I didn't know how well Tony would fare against those blue magical flames and I didn't want to risk accidentally killing Ironman so I flew after him. I caught up to the billionaire playboy with ease and flew alongside him lazily. 


"Hey, listen. I'll deal with the nuke, why don't you go back to your friends." 


"They're not friends… more like work colleagues." He replied. 


"Sure, just go. I have a better chance of dealing with the nuke." 


"If you're sure." Tony muttered. 


"Of course I'm sure, I'm God. I'm always right." I replied with a smirk. 


I could almost hear Tony rolling his eyes, he broke off and shot towards the streets firing repulsor blasts at Chitauri foot soldiers. I continued flying until I caught up with the nuclear missile. Flying next to it I considered the options I had in dealing with it. Smiling when a plan popped up I put a hand on the missile and attempted to store it in my hammerspace. Fortunately it worked and the missile disappeared. Flying over to the portal I flicked my wand consolidating the flaming skeletal dragons and blue fire into a single orb of power. With a snap of my wrist the blue orb shot off into the portal and towards the mothership. 


The explosion wiped out half the fleet along with the entire mothership. I could hear shouts of shock and relief in the streets as the people fighting watched the aliens collapse as if their strings had been cut. Noticing Hulk about to use Loki as a bludgeon in the distance, I teleported over to Stark Tower and put a hand on Hulks shoulder. 


The green rage monster growled and looked at me hatefully. I glared at the man in ogre form making him visibly squirm. 


"I'm not your enemy Bruce, now calm down and let me handle this." 


Hulk huffed and stomped away. Loki sneered at me after glancing at my wings. 


"Bow before me mutant." 


I deadpanned at the dark haired man and chuckled making him frown. 


"You're really a fucking idiot huh? Hulk over here was just about to turn you into a man sized bludgeoning implement and your first instinct is to insult the guy who made him back off?" 


"Of course! I am a god, you stupid mortals should know your place." 


"You? A god? Fucking please… here let me show you what a god is supposed to feel like." 


I released my full aura for a fraction of a second, Loki gasped and fell to his knees while Hulk immediately shifted back to Bruce Banner. Loki was sweating profusely and looking at me with fear. 


"Wh- what are you?" 


"I have many names, Elohim, Yahweh, Allah… none of those matter. What matters is that I'm honestly trying to decide what to do with you." 




"Yeah, I can't decide whether to just smite you or let your people have you." 


"Y- you will be greatly rewarded for my safe return to Asgard." Loki said quickly. 


"What happened to the 'bow before me' attitude?" 


"I- I have learned the error of my ways." 


"Really? Because I don't think you have. See, I'm really good at knowing when people are genuinely repentant. It comes with the whole divinity thing after all. All I can sense from you is a darkness that's already plotting an escape." 


"You know nothing!" He shouted. 


"Hmm, do I not? Here let me show you what your actions will lead to." 


I grabbed him by the face before he could move. He struggled in my grip as I forced the memories I had of the second Thor movie into his mind. Specifically the part where his petty revenge against Odin had gotten Frigga killed. I played that moment in his mind over and over again while I searched through his mind. 


It didn't take long for me to find Thanos' influence in Loki's mind. It took an even shorter amount of time to erase that and clear out his mind of the 'Titans' brainwashing. I pulled back and released Loki letting him fall to the floor a sobbing mess. 


I regained awareness of the room and noticed that the other Avengers had arrived but were wearily looking behind me. I turned around and deadpanned at Gabriel who had apparently found me just as Thor was about to do some meathead thing while I was in Loki's head. She now had the Asgardian pinned under her foot with her flaming sword at his throat. 




"Yes daddy?" 


"Can you please let that poor man up, he's turning blue." 


"Oh! Right, sorry about that." She chuckled as if she hadn't just had one of the strongest Avengers pinned effortlessly to the ground. 


Gabriel skipped over with a wide grin on her face and hugged my arm as I looked at the gathered heroes. 


"So it's true?" Bruce Banner asked. 


"Hmm? What's true?" 


"That you're him?" Tony jumped in. 


"Right," I turned to everyone in the room, "I'm God, a pleasure to meet you all."


"Do you think we'll really believe that?" Black Widow asked. 


"Doesn't matter what you believe Natalia Alianovna Romanova. I will always be who I am." 


"What pantheon do you belong to?" Thor asked. 


"Mine, obviously." I replied with a smirk. 


"I like this guy." Tony muttered to Captain America. 


"Right, this has certainly been a long day for you guys so I'll get out of your hair now. Gabriel, come on let's go, we've got a city to fix." 


Natasha touched a finger to her ear and held out a hand to stop me from moving. I raised an eyebrow at the former Russian spy. 


"I can't let you leave, Fury wants to speak to you." 


"Unfortunately you humans have no authority over me. Gabriel why don't you go ahead and start helping anyone you can see. I'll be there shortly. Just have to tell these people a few things." 


"Okay daddy." She let go of my arm and flew out of the window shocking everyone when her twelve wings shot out of her back. 


I opened my own wings and looked at the Avengers.


"I'll be around, you know how to contact me." I winked at Natasha before disappearing in a flash of golden light.


[Scene Break]


I don't really know why I winked at Natasha, what I do know is that I have a serious weakness for redheads. It's why I wasn't as freaked out as I should have been when I realized that the Harry Potter world I was in was part of a DxD world too. The thought of burying my face between Rias' fat fucking tits was enough to make me hornier than a middle school boy that just discovered porn. 


So what if I was God and supposed to be an example of purity. I was God, that meant I could do whatever I want, within reason of course, and not come off as a total dick. 

Shoving the thoughts of shoving my face between some tits aside I waved my hand repairing the sixteenth building I had come across. Gabriel and I had been flying around for the past hour. I had repaired the heavily damaged buildings while Gabriel healed anyone we found. 


Unfortunately there were some dead people buried in the rubble too, and while I could have resurrected them easily, I knew that it would cause people to flock to me and become nuisances. I could already feel people praying to me boosting my power as we moved through the city. It certainly helped that Gabriel was visibly performing straight up miracles like regrowing severed limbs and healing serious wounds. 


I remembered feeling a trace of what felt like heaven in this universe and decided that I was going to check it out once we were done. 


We finished up after another hour, despite my insistence people had followed along with Gabriel and I as we went through the city. They cried out to me and sang praises as we went about our business. At first I was flattered at the attention, but then it just kept going and going. I understood why gods didn't interact with humans as much. 


With our job fixing the city and healing people completed Gabriel and I flew up into the sky ignoring the cries for more help. While I wasn't above helping those in need I also didn't want to just do everything for the humans. Call it what you want but I believe that people should help themselves if they can rather than praying to me for help. 


"Are we really leaving them now daddy?" Gabriel asked with a small frown. 


"Yes, we've done all we could. There's something I want to investigate in this world."


She conceded my point and grabbed onto my arm in her usual spot. Closing my eyes I focused on the faint connection I had in this universe before teleporting us away. 


Gabriel gasped, making me open my eyes. We had appeared in a courtyard mirroring the Heaven in our world only this world's version was in ruins. Skeletons in golden armor lay scattered around along with a few white feathers. The skeletons wore the armor of the Seraph showing who the remains belonged to. The odd part was that their wings were missing as well as their weapons. 


"W-what happened here?" Gabriel asked in a small voice. 


"Treachery no doubt." I kept the anger from my voice. 


Heaven was gone, wiped out by an unknown force. Gabriel and I made our way through the ruined kingdom. We eventually arrived at the entrance to the throne room. The doors slowly opened revealing a lone figure slumped over the throne. 


The figure weakly looked up and I felt a connection to the frail looking figure. The figure looked a lot like how Gregorny, my previous incarnation, had looked. Only he was much worse off with sunken cheeks, ratty hair, and hollow looking eyes. 


"I knew I wasn't alone." His voice was as weak as he looked. 




"The multiverse is real… thank you. Please, avenge us." 


The frail figure slumped back down on his throne. Gabriel ran forward to try and heal him but it was too late. The figure burst into golden dust. Golden dust that flew over to me and was absorbed by my own body. I felt my power grow exponentially as another incarnation of the Biblical God's power was added to my own. 


His memories were fragmented and broken. All I saw were flashes of a battle against darkness and being stabbed in the back by his favorite son. Samael had betrayed Heaven here just like he did back in the other world. I also saw flashes of the different gods and pantheons in this world. They had been born from the leftover energies in the Dimensional Gap. They also seemed to not know where they came from and believed that they were hot shit. 


I knew that I'd probably butt heads with them at some point. The Biblical God of this universe wasn't really an incarnation of me. Unlike him I was a primordial god. Meaning that I predated creation and reality. Hell, my main domains were creation and life. This version of God was simply a being that was created through the belief of humanity. He gained his divinity through his followers and as such, got weak when their belief in him waned. A lot of the higher beings in this universe were stronger than him. One of them even attacked and destroyed the Heaven of this universe. Looking around the ruined Heaven I frowned again. I wanted to burn it all down. There was nothing left in the place so it made no sense leaving it around, but burning even a mirror of my Heaven would leave a bad taste in my mouth. Taking Gabriel's hand I looked at the crying Seraph. 


"Come on, let's go. There's nothing left in this place." 


She nodded meekly, teleporting us back to New York. I glanced around at the repaired city, taking in the sights. I had missed the sight of modern buildings. With the year in my home world still being in the 1900s the buildings still hadn't taken that sleek aesthetic and instead still looked like brick shithouses. Like something you'd build in Minecraft on your first night. 


I flew around the dusk sky for a bit while pondering my next move. While I didn't want any attention here I also didn't really go out of my way to hide myself. The Avengers were some of my favorite characters in my first life. I wanted to hang out with them and relax before I went back to start chipping away at my home world's problems. I was powerful enough to not really worry about anyone attacking me, and if they did I'd just smite the shit out of them. The higher beings of this world were pathetically weaker than the beings in my home world. Gabriel was probably stronger than 80% of the most powerful beings in this universe and she wasn't even a god. 


I felt a tickle in my mind and I closed my eyes to focus on it. I had gotten familiar with the feeling of someone praying to me. I chose to tune it out most of the time since there were usually countless people praying at the same time. Listening to all of them would practically be ear rape and no one liked that. 


A familiar voice filled my head and I grinned, Natasha was praying to me. 


"God this feels silly… if you're listening, could you please come meet with us. We only want to talk." 


Gabriel looked at me curiously when I began to chuckle. I looked over to her as a plan formed in my mind. 


"Want to meet some human superheroes?" 


"Yes! Serafall showed me a few movies with superheroes. Are they like those guys?" She asked. 


'Huh… I almost forgot, Serafall and the other devils are already around. Wonder who else is around. Maybe I'll go check when we go back.' A sudden thought came through my head before I replied. "Some of them, some of them are even greater than the heroes you read about." 


Her eyes sparkled in excitement, "Let's go meet them then, what are you waiting for!" 


I laughed, "Alright, alright. Let's go." 


I located Natasha through the connection her prayer had made and teleported us directly to a room. Natasha was on her knees with her eyes closed and hands clasped together at the foot of a bed. I raised an eyebrow in amusement and conjured up a camera. I made sure it was as loud as possible when I took the picture. The flash was also abnormally bright. The Black Widow immediately jumped to her feet in shock while taking a fighting stance. 


Gabriel clapped her hands, "Is this one of the superheroes daddy?" She asked me. 


Chuckling at the archangel I replied, "She more of a spy slash former assassin sweetie." 


Natasha frowned, "How do you know these things?" 


"I'm God, of course I know these things." 


I wasn't going to tell her that I knew a lot about her because of all the smutty fanfiction I had read about her. That would be spoiling my fun. 


She sighed, "Right, of course." 


"Also I heard you praying to me, you said you wanted to talk?" 


Her elegant eyebrows furrowed, "Can you read minds?" 


"Nope, I can hear people praying to me though. So what do you need, are we going to talk in your room or is there a fancy conference room in this flying deathtrap." 


"Follow me," she touched a finger to her earpiece, "He's here, get the others." 


"Hmm, you know if I didn't know any better that sounded like you're planning on ambushing me." 


She tensed when I leaked a bit of my aura. Gabriel looked between the two of us. Despite her outward appearance I knew she was also ready to jump into action if need be. 


"Rest assured we aren't, we just need to know what your business in this world is." 


We eventually got to a room with a table and a bunch of chairs, taking a seat I looked at Natasha and grinned. 


"I suppose the agents getting in various positions around outside this room is just security then." 


"They're not here for you, they're here for our safety." Nick Fury replied as he walked into the room. 


He looked exactly like he did in the movies, black trench coat, eyepatch and scowl. The rest of the Avengers followed him in. Captain America looked a bit nervous as he eyed Gabriel and I. I remembered him talking about Thor and how he only knew one god. He was a god fearing man and his thoughts were evidence of that.


"So now that you're all here, who wants to ask the first question?" I spoke up. 


"Who are you really?" Bruce asked. 


"You already know the answer to that Mister Banner." 


"That you're God?" 


"Would you like me to prove it?" I asked while leaking a bit of my aura. 


People around the room shuddered, Tony sighed before speaking. 


"We get that you're powerful, but nothing proves that you're who you say you are. You could be a mutant or just another enhanced human." 


"Proof it is then." I smiled. 


With a wave of my hand I transported everyone to the Dimensional Gap under a protective dome of light. The Avengers reacted in various ways. Steve gasped and looked around, Tony frowned, Fury reached for his sidearm, and Natasha blinked owlishly at the sudden transportation. 


"Go on, you can wander around a bit, the dome of light will protect you for the next hundred meters." 


"Where are we?" Bruce asked. 


"This is the Dimensional Gap, the space between everything. Worlds, Universes, Realities. Humans can't usually survive here but I'm protecting all of you with a barrier." 


"This shouldn't be possible…" Tony stated. 


"Why not?" 


"Instantaneous transportation of matter is still just a dream for humanity, is this some sort of power of yours?" 


"You could say that I guess, teleportation is childsplay for me. Then again, when you can create life out of nothing it's not that hard. I made a direwolf out of mud once." 


"That answers some questions but you still haven't answered the first question. What are you doing here?" 


I looked at Fury with amusement, Steve glared at the spy and spoke up for the first time. 


"We don't mean any offense, um- My lord?" 


"Please Mister Rogers, you can just call me Joe." 


"Joe? You're God and your name is Joe?" Tony said with some amusement. 


"Well it's a long story, I doubt we have the time for it. I have a lot of names, being around for so long does that to you." 


"Er- right, Joe…


"Hold that though, my sister just sensed us. She should be here in a second." 




"Why so shocked Bruce?" 


"It's just that-


"You didn't think God would have any siblings?" I finished for him. 


He nodded and looked up as Ophis made her approach. The serpentine dragon flying closer and closer made everyone tense up. Especially Thor who looked pale for some reason.


"Jörmungandr…" He muttered in shock. 


I bit back a chuckle, "No, that's Ophis the Infinite Dragon God. Also my sister." 


As I introduced her Ophis shifted into her human form shocking everyone some more. I heard Fury mutter something under his breath that sounded like 'I'm too old for this shit' making me grin at the veteran spy. Ophis looked at the Avengers with her trademark deadpan expression making a few of them squirm. 


"Who are they?" 


"They're heroes from another world, I'm just showing them around." 


She nodded and without another word latched onto my back and closed her eyes. 


"Why does she look like she's a kid?" Tony asked. 


"We can shapeshift, she just prefers to look like that at the moment." 


"What do you mean by Dragon God?" Steve asked. 


"Exactly that, she's a Divine Dragon. She has control over domains pertaining to infinity just like I have control over the domains of creation and life." 


Fury sighed in defeat, "How many more of you are there?" 


I grinned and replied honestly, "There are three, well technically four of us. You won't meet the other two for certain reasons. Mainly they'll destroy a bunch of shit if they were around." 


"Right, and-


"And I'm in your universe for a vacation." 


"A vacation?" Clint asked, speaking up for the first time since I met the Avengers.


"Yup, nothing more nothing less. I have a bunch of issues I need to work out in my universe and I figured I'd take a vacation before jumping into the middle of things." 


"But why our world?" Steve asked. 


"Honestly I didn't know what world I was going to. The Dimensional Gap is filled with rifts that lead to different places. I just happened to go through one that led to yours." 


"Are you willing to join the Avengers?" Fury asked. 


"Straight to the point eh?" I chuckled. 


"That invasion just proved that there are things out there that are beyond us. It wouldn't help to have divine help." 


"What about Thor? Isn't he a god too?" Natasha asked. 


Gabriel giggled, making everyone glance over at her. Thor frowned at the reaction. 


"Is something funny miss?" Steve asked. 


"It's just funny seeing what became of the decoys Lord Odin created." 


"What?!" Thor exclaimed. 


I searched through a few memories in my mind, particularly my interactions with the Asgardian Pantheon back in my world. Odin, fearing Ragnarök, had body doubles created just in case. When Ragnarök was delayed indefinitely he had the body doubles thrown into the Gap. 


"Thor, what Gabriel is saying is that you and the rest of your family were originally the life decoys of the original Asgardian Pantheon. While you contain small traces of their divinities you are not truly divine."




"You must have found your way to a new world and settled there. The early humans began worshiping you lot boosting the trace amounts of divinity in your bodies. Of course since they've almost completely stopped believing in the Norse gods your powers have waned." 


"So I'm- we are fakes?" 


"More or less," Thor slumped in defeat, an aura of despair radiating from him, "but don't let that get you down. You've risen above what was expected of you and survived this long. That is something to be proud of." 


I tried to comfort him and got a small smile but the Pseudo-divine still looked like a kicked puppy. I mean who wouldn't be depressed when they find out their whole life was a lie. 


Gabriel frowned sadly, "Perhaps revealing that wasn't the best of ideas." 


"Hindsight Gabriel, but it's fine. I was going to tell him either way. Loki already knows." 


Thor perked up at the mention of his adopted brother. Fury who had remained silent up until then finally spoke up.


"What did you do to him by the way? He's been more subdued since the battle ended." 


"I simply showed him the error of his ways." 


"What do you mean?" Tony asked. 


"I basically went through his head, found out he was a puppet for some purple asshole named Thanos and that he planned on being a butthurt little bitch when he got back home with Thor. So I showed him that his actions were going to get a lot of people killed including Thor and Loki's mother." 


"You can read minds?" There was wariness in Fury's voice. 


"I can, doesn't mean I will. Humans tend to think about very disturbing things that make me want to drown everyone again." 


"I will speak to Loki." Thor said, getting up from his slump. 


"Alrighty then, we can talk about me joining your merry band of misfits later. I think your people might be freaking out about the whole transporting you to another place thing." 


Fury's eyes widened in realization.


"Natasha, you know how to contact me. Till next time folks." 


With a wave of my hand I transported everyone back to the conference room in the helicarrier before they could react. Ophis was woken up by the wave of power. 




"I sent them home yeah, I'm about to go back to their world too so if you're planning on staying here th-


"I go with you." She said quickly. 


Smiling at the Dragon God I pat her head making her lean into my hand and teleported us all back to the MCU world. 


[Scene Break]


Nick Fury was conflicted. On one hand, from what he saw, 'Joe' truly was divine in nature. Whether he was God was still in question but he knew that the being wasn't a mutant at least. On the other hand, he was still an unknown. A disgustingly powerful unknown with seemingly limitless abilities. The revelation that Thor and Loki were not actually gods was a relief at first but then he had to go and reveal that there were actual gods and more importantly, the universe was much larger than he had anticipated. He had known about extraterrestrials before, Carol Danvers being proof of that, but knowing that their universe was just one of many… that made him sweat. 


"I'm really getting to old for this." 


"What do you think?" Natasha asked him. 


They had gotten teleported back to the helicarrier a few minutes ago. No words were exchanged between the Avengers. They all just walked off silently to where ever they went. Tony returned to his repaired tower. Rogers stayed on the helicarrier with Banner and Thor. Loki was still in lock up. Barton and Romanov at his side with Hill going over everything they had just learned. 


"I think that we're much smaller than we originally thought." 


"Do you really believe him sir?" Hill asked. 


"We don't have a choice in the matter. He already showed us that he's far more capable of doing whatever he wants whenever he wants." 


"Is he a treat?" (AN: it's obviously a typo, but I found it hilarious in context so I left it in.)


"I hope not. We don't stand a chance if he is." 


Thor paced in his borrowed room, everything he had learned today had shaken him to his very core. His family, his whole world was just a creation of the real Asgard. He had suspicions of their supposed divinity of course. He had heard stories in Midgard about how gods were immortal and all powerful. He knew they weren't truly immortal, they aged slower sure, but they could still die. His father was powerful, but now he knew that Odin was a mere ant compared to the man who revealed his world origins and those two women. The smiling blonde may have been hiding her true power but he knew she could wipe the floor with him. Then there was that monstrous being hiding behind the form of a small child. She had met his eye when 'Joe' had been talking. The son of Odin had never felt so powerless with just a look before. 


Then there was the god himself. He had leaked his power once or twice and Thor felt as if he was gazing at a vast ocean with no land in sight. He wasn't in tune with magic like his mother or Loki but he wasn't clueless. The magic that god was capable of made him shiver in fright. Once he returned home he would have to speak with his father about this. 'Joe' would make for a powerful ally should war come to Asgard. Even if it was but a mirror of the real Asgard it was his home and he would defend it to his dying breath. 


Tony Stark frowned at the screen he was looking at. The meeting with the divine being had given him no information despite all the scans JARVIS had done. There was no technology involved in that teleportation trick or the shapeshifting girl. It was as if reality itself bent to the self proclaimed gods will. He knew it in his heart that what 'Joe' said was true but the genius in him couldn't help but to first try to understand it through science. 


Bruce Banner was on the same boat as the eccentric billionaire. As a scientist he knew that those things he was today should not have been possible. Yet they had all occurred and he couldn't even begin to imagine the implications of such things. He wasn't religious to say, but the proof that actual divinity made him rethink a few different things in his life. 


Steve Rogers smiled slightly, despite everything that happened today he had just gotten confirmation that his faith hadn't been misplaced all those years ago. God was real, a bit foul mouthed but real nonetheless. It gave him hope that maybe one day when everything was said and done that he would reunite with his lost friends and finally get that dance. 


Clint Barton wondered if he could pray for his family's safety. The being had proven that he was beyond powerful. He wondered if the risk of a powerful deity knowing about his family was worth the risk of asking for their safety. Then again, if he was truly who he said he was there was no way he didn't already know about his family. They had gotten married secretly but the ceremony was still held inside of a church. 


Natasha Romanov frowned, she remembered how that man had reacted around her. The not so subtle flirty looks, the fact that he knew her full name. She still had reservations about his true identity but she knew that he was powerful beyond belief. 


'Maybe he can help my sister…' 

“No Realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"

Vargr_the_Skaldcreators' thoughts
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