
Chapter 723: Teasing Xiao Qiao

Fang Ye had the idea to tease and slowly extended his hand!

Watching Xiao Qiao's movements, he prepared to pull back his hand, making her bite at the air.

Xiao Qiao looked at him warily, shrinking into the innermost part of her little nest!

Seeing Fang Ye's hand reaching in, her eyes gradually narrowed into slits, emitting a cold and sharp chill, seemingly colder than the weather outside.

"Hmph, you're really asking for it! Today, I'll show you who's boss!"

Suddenly, she pounced and opened her mouth to bite.


But Fang Ye was prepared, and swiftly pulled his hand back, his lips curling up as he wiggled his fingers, saying smugly, "Hehe! Given the chance, you couldn't even catch me?"

Xiao Qiao stared blankly at Fang Ye, feeling tricked and furious!

In a fit of rage, she started running circles in her little nest.

It was like clothes spinning rapidly in a washing machine, leaving only a blurry, dark shadow!

Her big tail swept past the prince's nose, hitting the wooden board, and her feet occasionally stepped on the prince's body.

The prince, who had just been disturbed, fell back into sleep, now bewildered by the stomping, thinking, "What's going on? Can a fox get some sleep around here?"

He had initially planned to complain but seeing the frantic spinning of Xiao Qiao, he shrank into a corner, trembling.

The boss lady has gone mad!

Though Xiao Qiao usually appeared proud and elegant like a noble princess, this was just a facade!

She had the worst temper among the foxes, and when angered, she was extremely fierce, especially when disturbed during a good sleep. It was best not to provoke her.

The sound of her running shook some snowflakes off the haystack.

The netizens watching couldn't help but laugh!

"Hahaha, with that noise, it's like a thousand foxes running inside!"

"Is this a washing machine come to life?"

"She's spinning! Tornado destroys the parking lot!"

"The big windmill goes round and round~"

"How does she not get dizzy spinning so fast?"

Xiao Qiao, exhausted after spinning furiously for a dozen circles, gradually slowed down!

Lying on the ground, back to Fang Ye, she panted angrily, her body rising and falling, letting out a series of indistinguishable, sorrowful "whimpering" sounds, unsure if she was sad or angry.

What a big meanie, not only did he not pamper me, but he also dared to tease me! Meanie, I don't like you anymore!

Fang Ye chuckled, "Oh dear, Xiao Qiao is angry!"

He reached out and lightly flicked the tip of Xiao Qiao's tail.

At this moment, Xiao Qiao suddenly turned around and fiercely opened her mouth to bite!

Her earlier sorrow was half genuine, half feigned!

She knew that this bad guy Fang Ye especially liked to play with tails, so she intentionally exposed her tail as a trap.

Pretending to be angry, she actually wanted Fang Ye to let his guard down, while she listened carefully, ready to bite the moment he made a move.

Foxes are natural tricksters, sharp and cunning!

But Fang Ye also knew that foxes weren't easy to tease. He flicked her tail and immediately pulled his hand back, narrowly avoiding her bite.

Laughing, he said, "Phew, that was close!"

This time, Xiao Qiao was genuinely frustrated!

Resting her chin on the haystack, ears flattened down, she stared at him with bright eyes, looking pitiful as if he had committed an unforgivable crime.

How can you bully a fox like this!

She rolled over, whining and kicking the walls of her nest in frustration.

"Alright, alright, I won't bully you anymore. Come here, let me pet you!"

Fang Ye used a friendly skill, picking Xiao Qiao out of her nest.

Placing her on his lap, he gently petted her from head to tail.

Xiao Qiao felt Fang Ye's warmth like the sun, lying on his lap, more comfortable than sleeping in her nest, her eyes gradually closing.

Hmph, meanie, I'll forgive you this time!

"She was just angry, and now she's suddenly calm?"

"Xiao Qiao is a bit tsundere! Every time the director comes over, she's fierce, but a little petting makes her obedient. That's how tsunderes are."

"Haha, is that so? This fox is quite fun!"

At this moment, Youyou had stopped chasing Tang Bao, sniffing around intently.

Seeing this, Fang Ye smiled, bent down, and made a snowball.

"Smack!" He threw it, but Youyou dodged it skillfully.

Turning around, she raised an eyebrow, as if saying, "Sneak attack, no honor in that!"

Fang Ye sat by the haystack, with Xiao Qiao curled up on his lap, occasionally throwing a snowball.

Youyou and Tang Bao ran and dodged in the snow, creating a warm and beautiful scene that made people smile involuntarily.


After playing with the foxes for a while, Fang Ye continued to stroll around the zoo.

At the red panda exhibit, Shan Zha and Hong Tang were rolling in the snow!

Though their fur was still pale yellow, it had gained a bit more reddish-brown.

Their tails had also grown longer, no longer short and chubby as when they first started moving around.

With no visitors, the two little ones played freely, their short legs entangled, tails overlapping.

Hong Tang, sitting against the wall with Shan Zha's tail under her, raised her paws and let out a sharp cry.

"Rua! Today, I'll show you who's boss!"

Running and walking in the snow, their black paws looked like they had just kneaded dough, with white snow on their pads.

Shan Zha, lying on the ground, propped herself up with one paw, doing sit-ups, while raising the other paw to resist, only to have her head smacked twice by Hong Tang.

Not to be outdone, Shan Zha smacked back, their paws meeting in a game of pat-a-cake.

The two cubs tangled together, both falling to the ground, kicking each other with their hind legs.

Then Shan Zha got up first, pinning Hong Tang down before quickly turning to escape.

"As long as I win once and run, I'll always be the winner!"

Hong Tang chased closely behind, "No running away!"

The two red pandas ran clumsily, occasionally slipping or getting stuck in the snow, but it was also a form of exercise.

Hong Dou watched from the perch, eating bamboo leaves and observing the cubs' antics.

The cubs ran up and down the slope, with Hong Tang leaping for a powerful pounce!

"Take my mighty bear descent!"

The cute red panda, even in a pounce, was adorably fierce.

"Such adorable little ones!"

"They look so happy playing."

"Awei is dead! Awei is dead!"

The netizens were all melted by the cuteness.

Hong Tang's pounce caught the tip of Shan Zha's tail.

The two cubs rolled into a ball in the snow.

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