
Chapter 708: Capybara Balancing an Orange

We moved to the outdoor bath area for the capybaras, also located in the cherry blossom grove next to the hot spring inn.

Normally, the capybaras go out as goodwill ambassadors, but today they were all here, happily soaking in the hot spring!

Behind them was an artificial hill with several white streams of water continuously pouring into the hot spring pool, making a "splashing" sound.

Steaming white mist rose, and we saw a capybara's black paw resting on the edge of a stone, its fingers clearly defined. Its face was turned towards the visitors, looking particularly gentle and honest.

Listening to the sound of water flowing into the pool and feeling the warm hot spring water enveloping its body, constantly massaging it, was much more comfortable than lying on the grass sunbathing!

Its eyes were slightly squinted into slits, looking very content, almost as if it were about to fall asleep!

Its large nostrils flared continuously, and its ears occasionally twitched, slowly enjoying this leisurely time.

Unlike the snow monkeys, who groomed each other and interacted while bathing, the capybaras' bathing style was quite Zen-like!

They seemed like retired old men, quietly and motionlessly soaking. If undisturbed, they might stay like this forever.

There were also some small yellow oranges in the hot spring.

These oranges were specifically for bathing, similar to a rose petal bath. When soaked in hot water, the orange peels released a faint fragrance.

The little oranges floated around the capybaras, swaying with the water's ripples. The bright orange-yellow color contrasted with the capybaras' brownish-yellow fur, adding a touch of fun and liveliness to the scene.

"Haha, these capybaras are so cute!"

"They're so still, like meditating monks!"

"They look so comfortable~ I want to soak with them!"

"Seeing them squinting their eyes makes me feel so relaxed! It's like an emperor's enjoyment."

"So blissful!"

Capybaras, with their gentle and docile nature, were already very popular with visitors.

Seeing them soaking in the hot spring with their eyes half-closed gave the visitors a sense of healing and happiness!

One capybara, with its fur matted and wet, seemed to have just taken a break from the hot spring.

It slowly climbed onto a stone, moving even more sluggishly than usual, and gradually returned to the hot spring pool.

As its large body entered the water, the hot water overflowed with a "splash."


"This is so satisfying!"

The visual and auditory impact made the visitors exclaim softly.

It felt like their ears had experienced an ASMR moment, bringing a sense of joy and satisfaction.

Exaggerating a bit, it was as if they were Archimedes in history, suddenly discovering the principle of buoyancy while bathing!

The capybara, finding standing insufficiently relaxing, slowly sat down.

Now, most of its body was enveloped in the warm hot spring, with only its head, eyes, and large nostrils exposed.

Its eyes squinted slightly, enjoying the blissful warmth.

Another capybara slowly ambled over, entered the hot spring, and squeezed past its companion to stand under a water stream!

It let the water stream hit its back, as if taking a shower!

It flapped its ears and even lowered its head, raised its paw, and rubbed its face, giving itself a wash.

However, it didn't stay under the water stream for long and returned to the center of the hot spring.

When its head emerged, it was balancing an orange!

Anzi was instantly charmed: "Hey, look at the one with the orange on its head!"

Rain Palace Xin excitedly snapped two photos: "Kawaii! So cute!"

The capybara with the orange on its head, initially curled up with its eyes half-closed, soaking comfortably, suddenly noticed the excitement around it. Curious, it lifted its head and looked outside.

Its eyes suddenly widened, looking much more spirited and even a bit handsome!

It chewed its mouth, and after a few seconds, relaxed again, lowering its head and returning to its lazy posture.

Whatever was happening, soaking in the hot spring was the top priority.

As it lowered its head, the orange fell off.


The visitors all let out a regretful sound in unison, wishing it could have balanced the orange a bit longer.

Such a scene was rare!

The capybara with its paw on the stone, perhaps feeling a bit dizzy from soaking too long, stood up and walked out.

The zookeeper smiled and said, "It seems the capybara enjoyed the hot spring. If you'd like to pet it, please do so in an orderly manner!"

Rain Palace Xin immediately raised her hand: "I want to pet it!"

She squatted in front of the capybara and began to stroke it.

Having just come out of the hot spring, its fur felt hard, wet, and warm!

If you sniffed closely, you could detect a faint fresh scent from its body, thanks to the oranges.

Purr purr purr~ purr purr purr~

The capybara, feeling the touch, immediately stopped moving.

It closed its eyes and emitted a soft purring sound, similar to a cat's purr when it's comfortable.

Rain Palace Xin scratched its neck, smiling: "So well-behaved, so cute!"

The capybara rubbed against her hand, showing friendliness!

Anzi couldn't resist: "I want to pet it too!"

She squatted beside the capybara, cautiously extended her finger, and poked it, afraid it might bite.

The zookeeper laughed: "Don't worry, our animals are very gentle! They won't hurt you."

Anzi relaxed and stroked the capybara from its head to its butt, smiling: "Kawaii~~"

She took a selfie with the capybara.


Leaving the capybara hot spring, we went to the mixed habitat area for the silly roe deer and sika deer.

This area was also covered with a thick layer of snow.

Rain Palace Xin and her friends arrived and saw a few roe deer standing or lying near the grove not far from the trench.

A little roe deer was chewing, searching for corn kernels in the snow!

The roe deer's head shape was shorter and rounder than the sika deer's, less elegant and beautiful, but more silly and cute.

With large, wind-catching ears and two round, furry tufts on its head, it looked somewhat similar to a giraffe.

The roe deer's antlers were among the shortest in the deer family, only about 20 centimeters long, unlike other deer with majestic and imposing antlers.

However, its eyelashes were very long! A few black, curved long eyelashes, and big, bright black eyes blinked, adding a touch of liveliness and cuteness to its silliness.

For the roe deer in the Northeast, snowy days felt rather comfortable and well-adapted.

"Three, two, one, the most beautiful flower on the prairie, the fiery Sarilang~"

A visitor couldn't help but hum softly.

Previously, someone had paired a video of a roe deer bouncing at sunset with this song, perfectly matching the deer's movements with the rhythm, making the video go viral.

Now, seeing roe deer reminded everyone of this song.

Just like seeing a marmot video reminds people of the funny screaming videos.

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