
Chapter 646: Cousin's Reaction!

In Yunnan, on Gaoligong Mountain!

Various green plants were growing vigorously, and tall trees, tens of meters high, could be seen everywhere, presenting a scene of a pristine tropical rainforest.

Moss covered the tree trunks, and dense leaves blocked the sunlight.

Li Xing and Fan Peng were walking through the mountains. They climbed a relatively open, sunny slope, and the bright sunlight finally shone on them again.

"Oh~ oh~"

In the distance, the calls of gibbons and the melodious songs of birds could be faintly heard.

As soon as they finished recording the love song, the two hurried back to Yunnan to find the single female gibbon cousin.

Judging by the sounds, they seemed to be very close.

Thinking about what they were doing, which could affect the future of the skywalker gibbons, they couldn't help but feel excited.

Fan Peng raised the binoculars hanging from his chest and looked into the forest!

After observing for a while, he said, "Oh, I see the cousin's family!"

In the dense canopy in the distance, a completely black gibbon was holding onto a tree trunk, stretching its long arms, and nimbly climbing up to sit and rest.

A smaller gibbon ran over and sat beside the male gibbon, who started grooming it.

The family looked very warm and cozy.

The single female cousin lived close to the cousin's family, so seeing the cousin meant the female cousin was nearby.

Fan Peng observed for a while with the binoculars and saw the female cousin sitting on another tree.

She was hugging her legs with her arms, her head resting on her knees.

Sunlight filtered through the leaves, shining on her. Against the light, her expression was unclear, but her posture alone conveyed her loneliness and solitude.

Li Xing and Fan Peng climbed over another slope to get closer.

The male and female gibbons of the skywalker gibbons have different appearances. The female cousin's fur was a mix of light yellow and gray.

She sat hugging her knees, head down, like a motionless stone.

Sunlight shone on her head, with her long white eyebrows marking the divide between light and dark.

Her eyes were calm, as if she had accepted her current life without any hope.

Occasionally, she would lift her head, stare blankly into the distance, and then lower it, looking a bit dejected.

She looked like a forgotten doll in a shop window, evoking pity.

Li Xing looked at the single female cousin, pursed his lips, and sighed with some discomfort. Fan Peng also frowned, looking serious and tense.

They weren't sure if they would succeed.

Li Xing then asked, "Shall we begin?"

Fan Peng nodded, "Yes!"

He raised a handheld speaker, pressed the switch, and played the courtship song of Qing Tian.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh..."

"Oooh, oooh..."

Hearing Qing Tian's song, the female cousin's expression, which had been unchanged for ages, suddenly showed some change, like a stone thrown into a calm lake. Her eyebrows raised slightly, and her eyes filled with indescribable emotions.

Surprise, confusion, disbelief?

Li Xing uncertainly remarked, "Hey, she seems to be reacting?"

Fan Peng observed carefully, "She seems hesitant! But that's normal. For her, this is like winning a lottery jackpot. She needs to confirm it repeatedly!"

The female cousin placed one arm on a nearby tree trunk, sat up straight, and listened to the melodious song.

She lifted her head, looking around, as if seeing her surroundings for the first time.

She stood up, stretched out her long arms, and with a light jump, grabbed the tree trunk above and continued climbing.

Seeing the female cousin's actions, Li Xing and Fan Peng couldn't help but smile brightly!


The fact that she reacted to the love song showed that their idea of attracting the female cousin with a love song could work!

However, the female cousin climbed to a higher, more open branch and stopped again.

When Qing Tian's song ended, she held the branch, opened her mouth, and called out softly, "Oooh?"

Her voice was very gentle, like a shy girl in love!

The female cousin was waiting for Qing Tian's response.

Li Xing and Fan Peng exchanged glances, and Fan Peng pressed the button to play the song again.

But this time, it didn't seem to work, and the female cousin sat down again.

Li Xing pursed his lips.

Fan Peng also looked a bit disappointed and smiled bitterly, "It seems we don't understand gibbons well enough."

It's like having a conversation; saying "hello" and getting a "hello" back is fine, but you need to follow up with "Have you eaten?" or "How's the weather?" Otherwise, repeating "hello" or giving irrelevant responses makes you seem like a rigid robot.

Although gibbons don't have the concept of "robots," the female cousin's reaction clearly showed she sensed something was off.

Today's attempt failed, and they had to return.

Back at the research station, they held a meeting with the gibbon conservation staff to discuss what had happened.

Everyone frowned and pondered deeply!

They had come up with this idea with great difficulty and had high hopes, but the result was disappointing.

Suddenly, a girl had a lightbulb moment and said, "Hey, if recordings don't work, how about connecting with the zoo directly?"

Someone immediately objected, "How can that work? The zoo is over a thousand kilometers away, and there would be significant delay. Plus, in the mountains, network coverage is spotty. What if the sound cuts off in an area with no signal?"

It was a very real problem!

"Then, how about recording multiple love songs at the zoo? Play one after another?"

"That's like a shot in the dark. Doesn't seem reliable!"

"Hey, if we could decode the meaning of the gibbon songs, that would be great!"

Fan Peng thought for a moment and said, "I think we can try connecting! Even if there's a delay, the female cousin should be patient enough to wait! In areas with no network, we can use a satellite phone."

After the meeting, they called Fang Ye and explained the situation and their idea.

Fang Ye was stunned!

Recording love songs for wild animals to play matchmaker was already quite incredible. Now they were even thinking of connecting them for a long-distance relationship. It sounded too fantastical!

But it also seemed somewhat feasible!

If it worked, they might be the first animals to fall in love through live streaming! It would be historic!

Fang Ye readily agreed, "No problem, feel free to connect. Our zoo even has a 5G base station! It might help with the signal."

Fan Peng was also surprised. How could their zoo be so advanced, with hot springs and 5G base stations?

5G hadn't even been widely adopted yet, with only some major cities having base stations.

He sincerely thanked, "You're amazing, Director Fang! Thank you, thank you!"

Fang Ye replied, "You're welcome!"

Li Xing quickly bought a ticket and flew to Linhai.

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