
Chapter 626: Golden Pheasant Forest and Penguin Pavilion

In addition to the local exhibition area, Fang Ye also plans to introduce some new animals!

For example, the red-bellied golden pheasant, the white-bellied golden pheasant, and the white eared pheasant, to create a golden pheasant forest.

The male red-bellied golden pheasant has gorgeous plumage, with a golden crest on its head and deep red feathers on its chest and abdomen. Its body is covered in feathers of all colors, like a dazzling rainbow.

Its long tail feathers, like fluttering ribbons, make it a very famous ornamental bird.

There is a poem praising it, saying that the golden pheasant on the mountain top has a golden crown, and its body is covered in colorful spots!

The red-bellied golden pheasant is also considered one of the prototype birds of the phoenix in mythology, and it really looks like it.

The back feathers of the white-bellied golden pheasant are metallic green, and the tail and neck have white feathers like clouds, with black edges.

Compared to the vivid colors of the red-bellied golden pheasant, the white-bellied golden pheasant looks more dignified and elegant, with a fairy-like aura. Both types of golden pheasants have their own characteristics.

The Wolong Bamboo Sea themed exhibition area in the zoo currently only has giant pandas and red pandas. Including the golden monkeys and gibbons from the Spirit Monkey Heaven, there are still quite few animals. Adding the golden pheasant forest would make it even more perfect.

Fang Ye had previously thought about introducing a few Sichuan takins or Qinling takins, but takins are indeed quite rare, and are considered national treasures on the same level as giant pandas and golden monkeys. Not many zoos have takins, and after asking around, there were none available for transfer, so he had to reluctantly give up.

He started designing the golden pheasant forest.

For the display of pheasant-like animals, in addition to preventing harmful organisms from invading, it is also necessary to prevent visitors from scaring them.

Because almost all pheasants are timid and shy animals, if they are overly exposed to the sight of visitors, they may be affected by stress, affecting their reproduction or even causing death. Therefore, the display of pheasants requires a lot of greenery for cover.

Bamboo is a good cover material, and it also fits with the theme of the Wolong Bamboo Sea. In addition to clumps of bamboo, there needs to be a variety of shrubs. Food can be hidden in the shrubs to enrich the food supply.

Most pheasants nest on the ground, so in addition to shrubs, enough soil area must be ensured for sand bathing. Their environmental needs are very similar to those of the green peacock.

Golden pheasants generally move around on the ground during the day and roost in pine trees and other trees on the cliffs of valleys at night. When night falls, they will flap their wings and fly up to the branches of the tree canopy. They jump from low branches and gradually move upwards when climbing trees.

So, some tall trees should be added to the golden pheasant forest to provide them with an opportunity to display this behavior.

When winter comes and the snow machine makes some snow, the red-bellied golden pheasants, accompanied by the snowflakes, will dance on the branches. It must be a very beautiful sight.

Actually, if golden pheasants are well raised, visitors will find them very stunning. It's a pity that many zoos raise golden pheasants in environments that are empty except for sand, making them look like they are being raised in a chicken farm, greatly reducing the visiting experience.

Because pheasants are alert and timid, they can easily fly and collide due to feeding operations or other disturbances. Therefore, the golden pheasant enclosure cannot use glass curtain walls, but must use stainless steel woven soft nets, which can dissipate the impact force when hit, reducing harm to the animals.

To improve the display effect, the color of the stainless steel net can be treated.

In addition to these pheasants, some visitors recently expressed to Fang Ye that they wanted to see the shoebill, hoping that the zoo could introduce it.

The shoebill is also a popular internet sensation animal that has gained popularity in recent years, a very charming bird.

It is large in size, with a peculiar and interesting face, giving people a silly feeling, and is known as the "Siberian husky of birds"!

Sometimes it will do some unexpected things, such as bowing its head, plucking feathers as gifts, etc. These magical deeds add to its popularity.

Actually, the shoebill's bowing isn't because it is very polite or human-like, it's an imprinted behavior. The shoebill does this along with tapping its beak, as a way to communicate with its companions. It's just that those raised by humans from a young age mistake humans for their own kind.

The shoebill, such an interesting internet sensation bird, of course Fang Ye also wants to raise a couple in the zoo.

When the Crane Pavilion was being built, he had already started asking around. It has always been in the introduction plan. If there are none available for transfer domestically, he would contact foreign zoos. Recently, he finally found one that could transfer.

Once the shoebill is transported over and has gone through quarantine, it can be displayed!

The shoebill doesn't need a special exhibition area, it can be placed directly in the Crane Pavilion or the Waterfowl Lake.

The construction of the golden pheasant forest didn't cost much green leaf currency, it just needed some minor adjustments based on the bamboo forest environment.

Now in the zoo, there are many animals that fly in the sky and run on the ground, but there aren't many that swim in the water.

Fang Ye is considering whether it's time to put the construction of the aquarium on the agenda.

However, if he really wants to build an aquarium, the consumption of green leaf currency would be too great.

In his envisioned aquarium, visitors can stand in front of a transparent viewing wall several meters high, watching the water grass sway, soft anemones and transparent jellyfish dance in the water, and colorful clownfish, pufferfish, and manta rays swim among the vivid purple and red corals, like watching the entrance to another planet.

Not a few dozen to a hundred cubic fish tanks, each with a bunch of small fish inside, and a different fish tank every once in a while, with some different small fish. That would be too shabby.

However, an aquarium of this scale would undoubtedly have a staggering construction cost, at least starting at tens of millions of green leaf currency, or even hundreds of millions or billions of green leaf currency.

There are only a few aquariums of this scale in the world.

If he can't build an aquarium, he can start with some seals and penguins.

Fang Ye plans to introduce some Humboldt penguins, which are a common type of penguin in domestic zoos!

The exhibition environment is similar to the hippo pavilion, the most important thing is to have a glass curtain wall, so you can see their swimming posture underwater.

There should be some stone cliffs by the water, as penguins diving is also a beautiful behavior.

Humboldt penguins are temperate penguins, and the suitable temperature is around 18 degrees. The climate here by the sea is not afraid of them being cold, but afraid of them being hot, so air conditioning is a must.

Once the penguins get used to the environment here, they can organize some penguin parade activities.


Early morning.

Fang Ye came to the back of the elephant pavilion for inspection, just in time to see Xiao Kong playing the flute for the elephants.


Xiao Kong was playing the flute in ecstasy, each note off-key and intermittent.

The elephants seemed to not appreciate this music, Ping Ping and Bo Bo hid far away, standing at the door waiting to go out and move around, Mei Ling picked up some sand and threw it directly at Xiao Kong.

Stop playing, stop playing! If you keep playing, my head is going to explode!

Xiao Qing saw Fang Ye coming over and gave a helpless smile.

Fang Ye scratched his head!

This was quite outrageous, it sounded like blowing a fire extinguisher.

He originally thought that playing the flute when free could help build a relationship with the elephants, but it seemed to have the opposite effect?

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