
Chapter 583: Vibrant Rice Fields

Sipping their honey tea, they arrived at the small farm area.

As they passed by the fields, they saw a patch of green rice plants tinged with yellow, enclosed by wooden fences.

Outside, a stone water channel with clear water flowed silently, creating a picturesque rural scene.

Yan Ganghui curiously asked, "Wow, the zoo grows rice too?"

Rice is planted in the spring and takes four months to mature.

Now, over two months had passed, and the rice was lush and thriving, already in the heading stage.

A large swath of rice swayed gently in the wind, with slightly yellowish, unripe panicles hanging down between the green leaves.

The grains were plump and full of life, bringing joy to those who looked at them.

By July, the panicles would turn a beautiful golden color, ready for harvest.

Parents with children frequently stopped by the roadside, pointing at the rice and explaining with smiles, "This is how the rice we eat grows!"

Yan Ganghui found the display boards on organic farming and rice cultivation quite interesting.

Growing up in the city, he had only seen vast farmlands from the train during school trips. This was his first time closely observing a rice field.

New facilities had been added to the rice field area.

Several large compost bins were placed under the trees along the field's edge.

The display boards next to the bins explained the composting materials and fermentation process, and also mentioned the huge manure fermentation tank behind the elephant exhibit. Interested visitors could lift the bin lids to take a look and a sniff.

A beautiful small pond had been added nearby, its edges formed by smooth stones of various sizes. Through the clear water, the pond's pebble-lined bottom was visible, with green lotus leaves floating on the surface.

Surrounding the pond were clusters of green grass, shrubs, and wildflowers in light blue and pink, with white butterflies fluttering among them.

In the warm sunlight, the shimmering water and lush greenery exuded a natural charm.

Half of the pond was in the sunlight, while the other half was shaded by trees.

Regular observations showed that blackbirds and white-headed bulbuls often visited this area, so mulberry, Chinese tallow, and paper mulberry trees, with their broad leaves perfect for nesting, were planted to attract them. Fragrant flowering plants were also added as food sources for insects, creating a rich and diverse plant community.

Su Hui excitedly tugged on Yan Ganghui's sleeve and pointed at a tree, "Look, a squirrel!"

Yan Ganghui looked over and saw a fluffy squirrel standing on the tree trunk, its lively black eyes observing its surroundings, and its bushy tail gently swaying behind it.

The squirrel nimbly climbed down the tree and disappeared into the grass below.

The small pond attracted many animals, making for a peaceful and pleasant stroll.

The pond could store rainwater, which could be used to irrigate the rice fields when needed. Nearby wildlife could also use the pond, and the dense shrubs and trees provided excellent shelter.

The pond featured a dragon bone waterwheel, resembling a tank's tracks. Visitors could pedal to rotate the axle, which in turn moved the blades to scoop water up and irrigate the fields.

The ancient waterwheel embodied the wisdom of the ancients and nurtured China's millennia-old farming civilization.

This waterwheel was specially commissioned by Fang Ye from an old carpenter in the countryside.

Visitors could experience the joy of irrigating the fields by using the waterwheel to draw water.

Nowadays, diesel engines or water pumps are commonly used for irrigation, and fewer people know how to make such waterwheels. Young people, in particular, have rarely seen them, but for older folks, it brings back childhood memories.

An elderly man in a shirt, accompanied by his grandson, eagerly stepped onto the wooden axle and held the pole, pedaling the waterwheel.

The waterwheel made a rhythmic "clack-clack" sound as it slowly turned, accompanied by the sound of water flowing. A stream of clear water gushed from the blades and flowed into the fields.

After a few turns, the elderly man stepped down, having had his fill, while the child enjoyed playing with it.

The elderly man wiped his eyes, seemingly on the verge of tears, but then smiled.

With a nostalgic look, he sighed, "Ah, you know, when I was a kid, we spent our summers with the waterwheel, but we used a hand-cranked one. My parents or siblings and I would each grab a handle and crank the waterwheel, drawing water from the pond to the terraced fields above.

We'd work from dawn till dusk, sweating under the scorching sun. So, treasure your food, because it's hard-earned."

The child nodded thoughtfully after climbing down from the waterwheel.

Yan Ganghui couldn't help but say, "This kind of natural education is great! It broadens horizons, brings people closer to nature, and teaches many things. It's truly an educational and enjoyable experience. When we have kids, we must bring them here often."

Su Hui smiled, "Absolutely!"


After feeding and playing with the alpacas, they arrived at the elephant exhibit!

They saw several gray elephants walking toward the edge of the activity area. Tourists were gathered around the moat, creating a lively scene. Curious, they hurried over.

They found Fang Ye, dressed in his zookeeper uniform, inside the activity area, which explained the crowd.

As it was nearly June, some early watermelons were already on the market!

With more tourists arriving, Fang Ye planned to demonstrate the elephants' fun behavior with watermelons and later trim their nails.

The elephants had been here for several months and, under the keepers' training, understood the meaning of the target stick.

The elephants approached Fang Ye, seemingly asking why they were called over.

Pingping extended its trunk, shaking Fang Ye's hand happily.

Initially, shaking its trunk meant asking for food, but now it saw him as a friend.

Meiling, having caught a whiff of something pleasant, eagerly stuck its trunk into the bag, rummaging around.

Fang Ye patted Pingping's trunk and smiled, "Come on, let's give you some watermelon!"

He patted Meiling's trunk, "Hey, don't be so impatient."

Meiling didn't mind, as long as she got her fruit.

Fang Ye took a large watermelon from the bag and handed it to Bobo!

Tourists were curious about how the elephant would eat the watermelon. Would it swallow it whole?

Bobo easily lifted the ten-pound watermelon with its trunk.

It placed the watermelon on the ground, gripping one half with its trunk, and stomped on the other half with its foot. With a loud "crack," the watermelon split open.

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