
Chapter 4: Everyone Has a Plan Part 3

– Thud!

– Boom!

The ground shook violently. At the same time, screams started to echo from all directions.


The shouts of the night watchmen and the mercenaries panicking and rushing out of their tents.

I was perched in a nearby oak tree, watching the scene unfold below.

That's right.

Even without the pounding sounds and vibrations, I had long since sensed the presence of something.

Previously, the birds had taken flight and the buzzing of the insects had ceased.

This meant there was something dangerous nearby.

This is truly strange.

As if an attack by shadow wolves wasn't enough, now…

– Guoooooo!!!

A troll, is it?

It's not so much surprising as it is utterly baffling.

Whoever it is, they seemed hell-bent on wreaking havoc on this caravan.

At this point, asking "why" is pointless.

A troll had appeared after all.

Instead of asking questions, it was better to grab my bow and arrows.

If I had known this would happen, I would never have taken this job of guarding the caravan.

– Kiiin.

Ayla whimpered softly from within my pocket.

"Shh. Be quiet."

I pushed the wriggling creature deeper into my pocket and focused on the approaching troll.

The troll was almost the size of a house and it wielded a club as large as a whole tree.

The club the troll was dragging was a dark brown color, like rotting wood, and it was obvious why.

It wasn't just some young troll that had recently reached adulthood; this one had killed enough, be it man or beast.

This might be more difficult than I thought.

The older mercenaries managed to maintain a composed stance, but the younger ones were visibly terrified and unsure of what to do.

It would have been better if that were all, but some of them even abandoned their weapons and supplies and fled outright.

Perhaps that was the wiser choice.

…If only this troll was the only threat around.

But just like the attack by the pack of shadow wolves, it was clear that someone, somewhere, was controlling this troll.

Fleeing hastily could lead us right into the clutches of other hidden dangers.

I tensely drew my bowstring and aimed the bow at the troll.

That creature too has a large wound on the back of its neck.

The troll's nape which was targeted by my arrowhead bore a huge, ghastly wound.

That's right, just like the shadow wolves had on their necks.

"The money's been paid, so do something! I'll make it worth your while; just kill that troll!"

At the merchant's desperate scream, the wavering mercenaries exchanged glances.


The only thing that could motivate a mercenary.

Forgetting that their swords were old and rusted, they began to shout fiercely.

"This vile troll bastard!!!!"


For people who had only sucked the honey of the golden road until now, they've surely gone utterly mad with this action.

These idiots who were under the protection of the empire have forgotten how frightening monsters can be.

The worn swords of Karl's mercenary group couldn't possibly defeat the troll.

They seemed unaware that only the famed mercenaries of Roshan could charge at the troll while shouting, "Die, you troll!"


As expected, one of the mercenaries who rushed at the troll first was immediately sent flying by a blow from its club.

He slammed into a tree with a dull thud, and the tree was instantly splattered with blood.

Instant death.

It was inevitable. He had charged at the troll without proper armor.

It could actually be said to be a blessing that his head was broken and he died instantly and without pain.

It was a far better fate than being half-crushed underfoot and lingering in agony for hours.

I wouldn't have bothered healing him if I'd known he'd die like that.

His death was so foolish that I couldn't muster any sympathy.

"Haaah, aaaaaahhhh!!!"

Now, the mercenaries' shouts were so chaotic that it was hard to tell if they were warcries or screams.

"Get a grip! Lower your stance!"

The only one managing to lead properly and hold out was Jamil.

The leader of the mercenaries, Karl, seemed to have excused himself to protect the merchants and fled toward the carriages.

They should have had a few lure the troll while the rest escaped…

But it was already too late.

The merchant's offer of money to kill the troll had turned out to be a grave mistake.


The bolts and swords the mercenaries fired and swung only served to further enrage the troll.

Just a little longer.

I bit my lip and waited for the right time.

Jumping out right now would have meant certain death, so I had to stick to my "plan".

That was the moment when the troll raised its club high towards Jamil.


I released the tightly drawn bowstring.


With the sound of cutting through the wind, the arrow flew at an incredible speed that was invisible to the eye and lodged itself in the troll's club.

Almost at the same time, vines grew from the arrow and rooted themselves, binding the troll's club in the same manner they had entwined the carriages before.

-Pong, Pon-Pong!

The troll tried to pull its club free from the ground, but the entangled vines hindered its efforts.

This bought me quite a bit of time.

But it was very brief.

If the troll seriously tried to extract its club, the vines would surely be torn apart.

The thinner stems were already beginning to snap.

Jamil looked in the direction from where the arrow had come and we made eye contact.

I nodded at him and then gestured towards the oak tree where I had healed him.

Realizing what I meant, Jamil nodded in understanding.

"Everyone fall back! Lure the troll to the oak tree! Don't get close to the troll!"

Jamil and the mercenaries maintained a distance from the troll that was neither too far nor too close as they began luring it toward the oak tree.


I closed my eyes and began to recite a spell.

More precisely, it was akin to a prayer offered to Lynshaka, the goddess of forest and earth.



-Pong! Pong! Pong!

The skill [Plant Binding] was a skill that literally used plants to bind a target.

As long as there are plants and seeds nearby, it can immobilize the target.

It might not seem like a particularly impressive skill.

However, its efficacy greatly depends on the type of plant used.

While the stems of a dwarf dandelion wouldn't be enough to stop a troll…

The roots of a giant arrowroot vine could certainly do the job.

Of course, there was not a single hint of a giant arrowroot vine anywhere in this campsite but that didn't matter.

Fortunately, I had collected a variety of sturdy wild grasses and vine seeds during my travels to this place.

Out of caution, I had scattered these seeds around for self-defense but never expected to use them in such a manner.

– Pray! Pray earnestly! You are weaker than a blade of grass! Pray for your life!

The words of that damn old woman, spoken when I first learned "Plant Binding," echoed in my mind.

She told me to pray, not to command. To pray fervently…

Only then would the plants come to my aid.

And weeds you had once deemed insignificant would save your life.

Why am I thinking of that old woman's words now?

I lightly shook my head, concentrated my mind, and continued to recite the spell.

No, I was praying.

"Please, bind that damned troll!"



-Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As if in response to my prayers, the giant arrowroot vines began to grow rapidly and cover the ground.

They climbed up the troll's body.

The sight of the thick vines scaling the troll was spectacular.

Though they couldn't penetrate the troll's skin, they were exceptionally effective at binding its feet.

– Guoooooooooo!

At first, the troll managed to break through the arrowroot vines, but soon it could no longer keep up with their rapid growth, and one of its feet was already bound.

After that, it became quite easy.



The arrowroot vines wrapped around the troll's body with frightening force, and as they reached its waist, the troll could no longer stand and fell to the ground.


The troll fell with a sound louder than its steps.

It flailed its arms desperately trying to tear off the vines, but soon, the arrowroot vines grew to cover its mouth, drowning out its screams.


A moment's distraction would cause the vines to wither instantly.

So it was crucial to kill the troll before that.

Hearing my shout, Jamil leaped onto the troll and began stabbing it with his sword.

Jamil used a good sword, so he was able to pierce the troll's skin with difficulty, but the other mercenaries' swords either broke or were deflected.

When the troll's movements slowed down, I jumped down from the tree.

To avoid harming Ayla, I used [Feather Walk] which was a spell that lightened my weight and enhanced my jumping ability.

– Thud

I landed lightly and climbed onto the troll's body.

– Gwaaaaah…

The troll was still alive.

It was only natural, given that it was one of the monsters with the most fearsome vitality.

I knew it wouldn't die from just this.

"We need to burn it."

"With oil…"

"Regular oil won't do. We need holy oil."

I glanced at the merchant who had been hanging in the rear.

He seemed to realize what I was thinking and shook his head with a pale face.

"N-no, no! Holy oil is too expensive!"

"If we don't burn it, the troll will keep following the caravan."

"What! But it's bound!"

"I can't maintain this spell indefinitely, nor do I intend to."

Did he think I was crazy? To exhaust all my magical power just to keep it restrained?

I strode purposefully towards the merchant who was gradually taking steps back.

"Look here, Theodore. Burning it is foolish. Do you have any idea how valuable a troll's hide is?"

Karl interjected as if trying to mediate.

"…. Are you being serious?"


"You think we can actually skin that thing?"


It was impossible to skin the troll.

At least at this moment.

No one present had a sword good enough to do the job.

And more importantly:

"The beast isn't even dead yet."


"Imagine trying to skin it while it's still moving. If you touch it, you will die or at least be seriously injured. And you're suggesting we skin it?"


"We could consider beheading it. But then again, it seems no one here possesses a sword capable of decapitating a troll's head."


"If you still wish to proceed, I won't stop you. But you must act quickly. The vines will soon wither."

Karl clamped his mouth shut.

His face was turning a deep red, seemingly in anger, but that was none of my concern.

"Hand it over."

I held out my hand to the merchant.

"Holy oil isn't more valuable than your life, is it?"

In the first place, holy oil was meant to be used in times like this.

After much hesitation, the merchant finally handed me the holy oil.

No matter how greedy for money one might be, the desire for life is always stronger.

Simply burning the troll with oil would not kill it.

It would burn, regenerate, burn again, and continue to regenerate. In time, a regular fire would inevitably be extinguished.

If the fire were to completely die out, there was no doubt that the recovered troll would follow our scent and come after us.

That's why holy oil was necessary.

A fire that does not go out.

I meticulously applied the oil to the troll's wounds, then ignited it with a torch handed to me by Jami.

– Gwaaaaaaa….!!!

Contrary to the troll's dwindling screams, the flames grew larger and larger.

I looked at that figure and offered a prayer to Lynshaka.

Thank you for saving my life.

– Gwaaaa….!

Thank you very much.


TN: Pretty sure this holy oil isn't something that lasts forever; it must be a fire that could outlast the troll's regeneration though.

TN: Karl seems to be the in name leader of the mercenaries and Jamil seems to be the acting leader or captain who fights.

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