
Epilogue - 1

Felix took a few deep breaths. It was time. The day had finally come. He didn't even know how the days--years, even--passed so fast to lead him to such a wonderful destination. Or would he say, a wonderful beginning. Because it didn't feel like the end of anything. Not to him.

"We should take lots of photos," Ada whispered into his ear. "Today is a special day after all."

He smiled. "Even if I refused, we'd still take the photos."

She grinned. "You're so smart!"

"Yes, he is. And that's definitely why they're going to call his name in a few minutes," Jon blurted from beside him.

The two looked at their friend, who's eyes seemed bigger than usual. Probably because he was doing it intentionally.

He was right, though. In a few minutes, his name was called.

"Aminu Felix-Odo Ibrahim Umar."

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