
Complicated Birth of the God.




In a chaotic world, one of the many worlds made by the Creator, was brimming in intense light. No, calling it simple light would be an understatement, if one has to describe it then the perfect description would be 'All myriads colors dumped into a single location creating an abominable thing'.

No one in the vicinity could explain the phenomenon except for the Creator who has a slight idea of what it is. 

Perhaps it has been long since he witnessed another birth of a being from nothingness like himself but Veldanava could not contain himself from revealing a joyful smile. 

The phenomenon is similar to how a True Dragon is born however the difference is that this being seemed to willed itself into existence. There was no natural law that helped its birth or any variable, it simply wished to live.

"What is happening, my lord?" Besides Veldanava were his Seven beloved creations. Equipped with white wings hanging on their back, the seven were fixed in their kneeling position. They were the Seven Primordial Angels, the progenitor of the angel race. These creatures were also one of the first creations of Veldanava after the world. The one who uttered the question was the leader of the Primordials, Feldway, named by Veldanava himself.

The most notable thing about Feldway is that he held great resemblance with the Creator Veldanava. Same long hair waved at the back, mesmerizing beauty that could be described with mortal words. He is transcendent in every sense. The only difference he held was that his hair was designed pure silver unlike the Creator which was void black. 

Out of the seven angels kneeling, only two of them have gained their proper consciousness as the others are still falling behind. The first one was Feldway while the other is Zalario, a black haired angel. This angel has a stoic look on his face but his aura spoke of how powerful he is. Just one glance and anyone can recognize that he is a great warrior.

Upon hearing the question, Veldana didn't hold back his chuckle. "I believe that another progenitor of a race would be born in this instance. This being would undoubtedly be born with powers surpassing you so I would like it if you don't act immediately hostile against it" he said smiling at Feldway who just accepted the order from his beloved lord.

"Understood" he said with no emotions however he was deeply disturbed by the news. They, the Primordial Angels are one of the first created so their power was not by any means weak, in fact they are at the top of the food chain at this time. Feldway would have been relieved if his master said that it was another sibling of his hatching but his words alarmed him. Just thinking about the Cryptids which annoyed them too much was already a headache, now another race is forming..

Veldanava, perhaps sensing the thoughts of Feldway, patted his head. "There is no need to be tense, this creature is nothing like Ivarage, just take a glance at that magnificent spectacle, can you really say that whatever may be born from that is purely evil?" Veldanava calmly spoke pointing at the myriad of colors. 

It was intriguing though since the vacuum has no signs of stopping, it still kept gathering all light from the universe and Veldanava has to constantly feed it magicules to avoid destroying his world from the hunger of this being. "I guess we have to wait," Veldanava commented, activating his Magicule Breeder Reactor. By taking in the magicules from their surroundings and mixing it with their own, they then collide together in a process similar to nuclear fusion and create more magicules. This allows the user's energy to increase dramatically and no matter the consumption, it will not decrease. In other words, infinite magicules.

The angels gazed at the effect with fervent eyes, no matter what their master did, it never ceased to amaze them. Just like now, they themselves could never imagine wielding such insane power yet their lord was doing it without any sign of difficulties. 

It was not long before the silence was broken, mainly by two beings with the same aura that the Creator has. They were flying at ridiculous speeds equivalent to tens of times that of speed of sound. Veldanava smiled at their arrival, he was excited to show his sisters the new being that would be born. 

""Brother!"" both of them exclaimed wondering what was happening. The two were just sleeping with nothing to do when a great disturbance forced them awake. Immediately sensing their brother's aura, they were quick to fly at the location. What greeted them shocked the two, not from the fact that a creature is about to exist but rather from how their brother is helping it to hatch. A dangerous act if they may say so, but with their utmost confidence in Veldanava, that worry became nothing.

Velzard, also known as the Frost Dragon, was the second born from the True Dragon Family. She appears no older than a girl in high school, with fair skin, eyes the color of blue diamonds, and long, glossy pearl-white hair tied into twin-tails reaching her waist. Her attire consists of an off-shoulder white and blue dress and blue boots. She also wears detached white sleeves, a blue star-shaped pendant and a gold headband. She assumed this form as not to disturb her brother with the wild blizzards that her true form would unconsciously release. 

"Brother, is another one of us being born? This procedure is unlike how it happened with Velgrynd" Velzard asked tilting her head, she was confused since Velgrynd's birth was nothing like this. She just released some dangerous flames that threaten to swallow the whole world if not for the help of Veldanava who suppressed it. "Ahh, unfortunately this one is not a True Dragon. Even I have no idea what will form from this but I am expecting" Veldanava replied.

"Too bad, and I was just hoping for some little brother to play with" the one who made this comment was Velgrynd, also known as Scorch Dragon. Velgrynd has azure blue hair kept in twin buns with black ribbons and deep gold eyes. Her attire consists of a dark colored china dress with a golden dragon pattern as well as white long gloves and white thigh length boots both adorned with gold ornaments. "I hope for that too" he just gave her an amiable smile.

Velzard and Velgrynd took a closer look at the light however it was far too complex for them to analyze. "What is your plan with this brother? It might be weaker than your pigeons right now, however I doubt that would last for long" Velzard commented, inspecting the amount of energy being gathered. Although her words might be rude towards her brother's servants, she doesn't care as they are not close to her level. 

"Well, considering its pace of growth, keeping it inside the Cardinal World would spell nothing but destruction. I intend to bring it to another world when necessary, you can rest easy" Veldanava made that decision. He thought of sealing this being but held that thought back, disastrous is not even a word if it gets out of the seal. "If you say so. We will return now brother" Velzard nodded her head in understanding before bidding farewell. Both her and Velgrynd took their majestic dragon forms before flying away.

"Those two are really handful" Veldanava smiled bitterly before continuing what he was doing. Hours turned into days and days changed into years. Without even leaving that spot, Veldanava meticulously sent a surge of magicules towards the being. 48 years have passed and yet there was still no reaction from the light.

Anyone without patience would have left long ago however for immortal creatures like Veldanava, time is merely a number for them. A century could pass and it would feel like a second for them. That is exactly how Veldanava felt right now as he joyfully hummed. 

"My lord, would this not be enough?" Feldway spoke of his confused opinion about the situation. For some reason, the creator was meekly interested in this creature. It never happened before because despite creating a handful of beings in the world, he was never satisfied. He kept on searching for something and his loyal servants were disappointed that they could not help what it was.

Feldway and the other Primordials don't know how to take this situation as they believe that their master is just wasting his time in this light that after 4 decades finally took the form of a blob. Feldway considered this a failure already yet his master seemed to think otherwise. "Hm? What do you mean, Feldway?" Veldanava was not offended by being questioned by his subordinate but rather thought of it as growth. "Is this not a futile effort my lord? The amount of energy it contained has long passed the reservoir of Lady Velzard and Lady Velgrynd. However after all of that there was still no reaction" Feldway pointed this out.

Zalario gave a side eye to Feldway who was far too preposterous presenting his unneeded opinion. Still he understands that everything Feldway does is for the benefit of the lord, that is why he didn't do any movement to react. "Is that how you think of it? I have a different opinion though, this seems to be the most interesting thing I have ever encountered" hearing that, Feldway has no more doubts. He didn't dare to question the creator again.

"Well, just look at this, something is happening" Veldanava said pointing to the blob which was vibrating? The angels couldn't tell from how twisted it was. "Ohoh, I really am helping a monster here. Laws are getting afraid of its existence? That's a first" he spoke with a jovial tone unbothered by the concern his servants had. Why are they concerned? It's simple. The environment around them was transforming into a bunch of mess. Rules and Physical Laws were thrown away and now nothing makes sense.

The direction was overturned, the up became the left, the right became the left and the more seconds passed the harder it is to grasp. It is only a matter of time before the world would be influenced by what is happening. 

The gravity changed its force and instead of dragging an object down to the ground, it is throwing it everywhere. The force kept rising from 9.81 to 15.28 to 43.5 etc. There was no signs of stopping and the atmosphere just kept getting heavier. Pressure like these might not affect the Primordial Angels however if combined with the messed up Laws, even they could not resist the headache. 

The colors were being forcibly twisted and instead of the colorful surroundings, it was covered with a veil of black and white. With how things are right now, perhaps even the indestructible world that is the Cardinal World might fall. 

"Veldanava!! What is happening?!" A voice called out to the Creator with an unusually informal tone to it. There are no creatures that don't respect the Creator for he is the one who made them all… except for this beautiful being that is standing now by his side. She is one of the friends of Veldanava and also a creature that was not created by him. She willed herself into existence and became his friend. This creature is none other than the Queen of Spirits, Ramiris.

Veldanava smiled and waved at Ramiris, "Take a look! Isn't this fascinating?" He said, sounding like a child that found an interesting toy. "Bah! Now is not the time for that! Your servants are turning mad!" Ramiris scolded him, pointing at the angels who were groaning in agony. "T-There is no need to worry abou- Kugh!" Feldway wanted to ease the worries of Veldanava but puked midway. He had to admit that this environment is too dangerous even for them!

"Oh right, I almost forgot" Veldanava snapped his hand teleporting the group outside of the barrier. "Thank god you came here Ramiris, my hands are quite full you see" he smiled happily pissing Ramiris off.  "How could I not come? The world balance is literally tripping off right now! What's with this blob? It is way too disgusting!" Ramiris shouted while pinching Veldanava's ears. "And what do you mean your hands are full?" Ramiris questioned, wondering what Veldanava is talking about. He is literally the embodiment of omnipotence here and he was speaking like he was helpless!

"Hahaha, you would know if you inspect it" Veldanava just laughed it off. Ramiris raised her eyebrow before doing just that. Without even a second she immediately recognized why he talked like that. Reinforcing the barrier so that it would not affect the world, suppressing the chaotic change in the environment, supplying an insane amount of magicules to the blob, and lastly fixing the fabric of space and time that kept breaking throughout the fiasco.

She could not help but twitch her lips from the absurdity. Even doing just one of those is already a burden to her. "Do you regret tossing off your omnipotence now?" Ramiris asked, shaking her head in resignation. Veldanava giggled at her question, "Nope. Never will I regret that decision, it was the best!" Hearing that, Ramiris could only sigh. "So? What do you want me to do?" she asked, placing her hand to the hips.

"Ah, I just want you to use Primitive Magic and throw us far away in the universe. You may also inform my sisters that I will be gone for some centuries or even a millennium" Veldanava handed his request like it was nothing and Ramiris was infuriated about it. "I don't really care about the first one but the last will earn your sisters ire to me you know? Considering how immature they are right now, blaming me would be the least of my problems!" Ramiris complained but still heeded his words. 

To summarize Primitive Magic then it would be the most powerful form of magic. It is born from the will of the user and there has been no sign of weakness about this magic. It is also the only magic that can work against a person with Ultimate Skill and also the only magic that is available within a suspended world.

Ramiris contorted her will and pushed the idea on her mind. Usually this magic won't affect someone like Veldanava but considering how full he is and he is the one who requested it, the magic worked like it was intended. With a single shout from the Queen of Spirits, both Veldanava and the blob were voided out of existence. They were thrown in the depths of the universe, perhaps the edge part where the border of this verse exists. Veldanava recognized this so he sighed and cursed his luck.

If this doesn't work out perfectly then there will be a chance where this blob would drift away to other verses. "I really don't want that to happen though…" he muttered before brushing the problem off. With where they are, he has no need to take care of his surroundings, he is determined to hatch this being with all of his might. 

And that is the start of Veldanava's quest of hatching the blob up. Time passed rather quickly and even though it was only a blink of an eye for Veldanava, it already passed 2 milleniums. And for the first time after 2000 years, a change has finally appeared.

The blob that Veldanava was taking care of suddenly cracked loudly. It was great news so Veldanava took a huge leap to give space for the newborn. It didn't create anything flashy but with the birth of the thing, came along a massive explosion that took 4 galaxies along the way. The light from that explosion worked like it was intended to, vaporizing any Celestial Bodies that were unfortunate enough to float in their location.

It was a horrifying scene where planets were melting faster than even a second, and for Veldanava it was a sad event. He created those things after all, the creator was not exempted from the sadness one feels if their creation is destroyed. Nonetheless, that sadness was swept away by the delight he felt gazing at the curled young man floating in the void. 

"What should I call this race? His appearance appeared to be the same as mine yet without the horns or the tail" Veldanava commented observing the appearance of this being. It was a tall young man with long blonde hair and golden eyes. Its mere figure screamed of authority along with the charisma that it is spreading subconsciously. Veldanava also recognized the concept of fear that the young man is releasing to its surroundings. "Then it's decided! You will become the Progenitor of the race Spectrals!" With that, Veldanava felt a portion of his power gushing away.

He didn't care since it would regenerate anyway. That was not the end, Veldanava was not satisfied yet, he pondered for a second before reaching a decision, "It would be a disappointment if you stay this way, I shall take you in as my son and name you Reinhard Nava" with that as a trigger, another portion of his power was sapped away. Veldanava did not hesitate to give some of his skill to his beloved son. Among those skills were Ultimate Skill Lord of Wisdom Raphael and Ultimate Skill Wrathful Lord Satanael. 

Unknown to the oblivious Veldanava, his decision right now would cause some of the most chaotic events in the future. That doesn't matter right now though as he is far too enjoyed by the situation. 

The young man finally opened his eyes and the first word that came out of his mouth was not what Veldanava expected from his son.

"Now, what kind of bullshit situation am I facing?"




Thank you for reading!

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