
The Porch

"Thank you!" said Talindra and took the parcel from him. She went inside and opened the packet to bring the food to her sister, but she was taken aback. Everything was made of blood. "Shit! What did Drel do? How could he send this to me? What am I supposed to do with it? Throw it out? Don't say such things, T2. People eat this food. Don't waste food. But what should I do?"

There was another ringing of the doorbell.

"Now what?" asked Talindra to herself and started walking towards the door with a deep sigh. She opened the door and her jaw dropped on the floor. No one knew where her new house was then how was he standing before her?

Baraion looked at her with disgust. She broke his heart and now she was stealing his food.

"Here, you stealer!" taunted Baraion.

"Stealer?" Talindra was taken aback.

"You stole my food," said Baraion and put forward the food packet before her. "Here is your food."

"So you too stole my food?" she asked.

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