
Chapter 72.1 Poisoning

Lucy watched Sora practicing in the garden with her husband and frowned. The house-elf reported that the boy couldn't sleep all night, couldn't calm down, ran around the rooms, and went to the clearing in the garden before dawn and tortured himself for more than four hours. Not only the spouses watched the man, but every member of the family had time to watch, and all were impressed by the sight, though to different degrees.

The elders saw some roughness in the movement pattern, but recognized that this guy was already a serious opponent just by his body. Paul and Laura admired him and even thought about doing some gymnastics, because what was open to the eyes was enviable.

Angelica snorted and resented Sora's "useless dancing", although she recognized that he looked much better than the skinny and frail ones, or the terribly important and respected, but pot-bellied and unsmiling uncles. The twins traditionally laughed at every remark.

The boy, not paying attention to anything, continued to work with the stick, performing acrobatic tricks, rolls, various movements, sometimes "puffing" with magic so that a shiver appeared in the air. Looking at the sweaty man, with his red skin, his veins swollen with tension and his concentrated face, the woman realized that something was wrong.

She wanted to talk to Sora herself, but he stopped himself. Freezing like a statue, the boy unleashed another powerful wave of magic that made his hair stand on end and cleaned it as well as his skin. The woman got a good look at the intricate gold bracelet on his left bicep, the thin bracelets on his wrists, the amulets around his neck, and the rings on his fingers. Undoubtedly, all these things were magical, but she would not ask — it was not the time yet, the main thing was that the house elves did not react, so there was no direct threat from these artifacts.

— Madame Dunois, — the man approached the couple, bowing slightly in greeting, by the way, all traces of long training had really disappeared. — I would like to ask your permission to perform a small ritual of purification of body and soul on your land.

— Why? — The woman frowned and raised her eyebrows.

— I've been poisoned with something. — When Lucy heard that, she wanted to growl, but she held herself back. — I don't know what it is, but I feel like I need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

— Shouldn't we go to the hospital? Or should we call the family wizard-doctor? — Ludovic spoke up, noticing that the children were listening attentively.

— Certainly. — The woman nodded confidently. — But we will not deny our guest the ritual.... — Lucy looked at Sora very seriously. — ...if the ritual is bloodless.

— No blood. — The boy shook his head. — Fire, plants, common gifts, magic.

— Okay. I don't mind. You can count on our help. Is there something you need?

— Yes.

— Lulu. — The house-elf showed up with a bang. — You can help Sora prepare for the ritual while we contact the wizard-doctor...

— There's no need... — Sora started, but he was interrupted.

— Yes, we do. As masters, we cannot do otherwise.

The boy just nodded, accepting the woman's decision, even though Dunois had expected a possible reaction. While her husband went into the mansion to contact the family wizard-doctor via the chimney network, the woman listened some more while Sora dictated a list of necessities to the house elf Lulu. Nuts, berries, vegetables, grains, flour. All in not very large quantities, but definitely on wide plates or in simple bowls. And wood for the fire.

— Mother, the attention of the hostess was drawn to the unusually serious twins. — We want to take part in the ritual.

— Hmm. — Lucy saw confidence and determination in the children's eyes. — Only if Sora doesn't mind...

— I don't mind. — the boy suddenly replied, breaking away from the house-elf's explanation. — The ritual is quite simple and as many people as you like can participate. The main thing is that everyone should have enough grains and vegetables so that a handful of the former and at least one vegetable goes to the sacrifice. The wine should be very little — one cup for each. — The boy spoke smoothly, but it was obvious that his mind was elsewhere.

— So we can all participate? — Lucy asked cautiously, for it had been several years since she had been through such a ritual.

— No problem. — Sora shrugged. — Just change into something simpler, and don't let your house elves near the ritual — they have no place in it. Oh, and if you have familiars, bring them with you. I think that's about it.

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