
Chapter 26: Two King/Queen Realm Slaves


I didn't care about their trauma and drama though as I was fully concentrated on cultivating with the energy inside my own body.


Without thinking twice, I immediately order my slaves to exert pressure on the room from outside, to increase the gravity while I tried to cultivate.


Only a heaven defying genius of a big clan, or big power would be able to enjoy such great care and attention, but I had taken everything with my own hands.


This was something I had reached with my own efforts and hands, no one else had helped me to get it.


Even though it was 10 times gravity now and it was difficult to have my energy cycle and integrate it in my body, I was able to go through with it.


Slowly but surely my cultivation was growing and reaching higher, despite its difficulty I felt like I was grinding levels in a game.


In but a few hours, despite its difficulty I managed to reach the 5th level of the Qi Realm and my foundation was rock solid.


Wanting to try myself one more time, I quickly had my slaves gather a few more outer court disciples for me, as I once again started to one shot K.O everyone in the Qi Realm.


Only the 9th level of the Qi Refining Realm turned out to be a little bit difficult for me to deal with, but even that it didn't take more than 5 minutes.


It wasn't like I didn't think of trying my strength against a 1st level Foundation Establishment Realm opponent, but I had to grab one from the Inner Court and it would attract attention.


Outer Court disciples disappeared all the time, and they weren't very important to the Sect, so it wasn't difficult to find, grab, and fight with a couple of them.


But the Inner Court was different, they were all taken as disciples from an Elder, and the moment they went missing their Master would come knocking at my door.


Now wasn't the best time to receive guests, especially with the Grand-Emperor being in the Sect. That guy could show up at any time, and drop a bucket of troubles on my head.


Not to mention that there was something more important at the moment to care and deal with.


It was the time to brand the Imperial Tutor, and that Elder of the Sect, so I could replace my lost slave as well.


I had to be prepared for any changes, and these two would definitely be a great help to me at the moment.


With those thoughts in mind, I quickly made my way towards my Bedroom, and upon reaching there, I sent two more slaves inside to make sure that the two fogies were fully out before making my way in.


Even though I entered inside, I didn't approach them too close, I had my slaves surround me and set up defensive barriers before my Soul Avatar rushed out of my body.


Once I reached within the Soul Sea of the Imperial Tutor, the old foggy noticed my presence and immediately raised a protective barrier.


It was a weak one though, as even though he had connected his Soul to his inner energy he had only cultivated his Soul Power to the third level just like me.


But I had the advantage of being able to fully use my Soul Power, while he could only use about 30-40%.


In fights like this, even 1% is a great difference, not to mention 60-70% difference. It wasn't a fight any longer it was bullying.


Add to that the fact that I had my Inferno Soul, and my Soul Avatar washed on those flames all day-night long, the poor Imperial Tutor didn't have a chance.


Once I dealt with him, it was time for the Elder from the Sect that had arrived with him.


This woman was just like one of those mature hot ladies, that had evil written all across her face, and body.


I didn't care though, this evil star was going to be mine, and was going to work for me from now on. So, it would be my enemies that would have a headache upon dealing with her.


She surprised me a little bit though, as the moment that I entered her Soul Sea, I wasn't able to find her Soul Avatar immediately.


The next moment, more than one Soul Avatar appeared out of nowhere, and before I could react, they had undressed naked and were approaching me with 'bad' intentions.


The next moment though all of them were slowly turned into flames and dust, revealing just an old Soul Avatar with white hair in front of me.


Her Soul Avatar was extremely old and ugly, most probably revealing her inner thoughts, but it didn't really matter to me.


Right now, I didn't have the option to look at the beauty of the Soul, and I wouldn't waste my time and chances doing that either.


To me, it mattered just the fact about having powerful women by my side that actually helped me with their cultivation, and helped me grow.


As I was thinking about that, and placing my Slave Seal on her Soul Avatar despite her unwillingness to have my Slave Seal, I found something useful.


Upon the contact of my enslaved to my Slave Seal, or to be more specific to the flames of my Inferno Soul, the impurities of one's own soul were removed or burned as well.


This was the first time that I was dealing with such a Soul Avatar or Soul Sea so full of impurities that I had the chance or opportunity to see this in action.


One would think why I hadn't been able to see this when I enslaved all those criminals!?


And they would be right considering my current words, but I didn't pay them any attention at the time, I was marking them.


Even more, they weren't important enough for me to actually pay attention to them, whether it was then or now.


Most probably I wouldn't have been able to see it happen now either, if it weren't for this woman's cheap trick in trying to put me in an illusion.


I wasn't the only one who noticed that happen though, the woman who had her impurities removed understood it immediately as well.


The next moment, the way that she looked at me changed massively, and she couldn't help but say,


"I am willing to truly become your Servant as long as you help me remove my Soul Impurities from here on!"



You say it like you have a chance! Do you think you will be able to remove my Slave Seal on your Soul Avatar!?

Are you treating me for a fool woman!?

Do you have any other choice but to become my slave!?"


While I was speaking harshly that was the truth and this woman understood it as well, and she understood it perfectly.


I had to admit she was one of the rare few cultivators I had met that could actually use her Soul Avatar and Soul Power.


So, she understood better than anyone what my Slave Seal boosted by the speciality of my Inferno Soul actually meant.


Of course, the fact that I understood and knew that fact as well, came as a surprise for her, as she was that old and she had just dabbled in the usage of Soul Avatar and Soul Power.


One wouldn't normally expect someone like me, with less than a century of life to be able to understand the intricacies of Soul Avatar, Soul Sea, and Soul Power.


So, the woman was caught by surprise from my statement but she managed to pull herself together rather quickly, despite reaching a dead end.

"That might be so, but I can help you out with a big opportunity to upgrade your ability, something that you won't find even if you try to force me to answer, or search my Soul."


Now this was something that truly caught my attention, because a Slave Seal wasn't something that can be thrown away at will from the enslaved target.


I clearly didn't believe what she said, so I immediately tried to do exactly what I had to do,


"Tell me about it!"


While my words might sound like I was just conversing with her I was actually ordering her to tell me, but what happened next surprised and angered me a bit,


"I can't!"



What the hell is this!?

How come I am not able to force you to tell me that!?"


"Because you aren't strong enough!"


Those words irritated me, because I felt like this woman was playing with my strings, like she was mocking me right now.


To make matters worse I could feel that she truly thought and felt those words, which angered me even more.


This was the first time after my rebirth that I was experiencing such a drawback, or such an unfavourable situation, and it pissed me off.


Not wanting to withhold my anger to myself, I came out of her Soul Sea and took control of my body.


I ordered all my other slaves, including that Imperial Tutor fucker as well, to fucking leave the room immediately.


Once everyone was gone, and the woman was awake as well, I made a move forward and appeared in front of her.


She had no chance of dodging me or moving away as I had ordered her not to, so she could only see me as I ripped her clothing apart to reveal her naked body.


Once she was fully naked…

Hello everyone this is my most recent work.

Hope you like it and become a part of the journey ahead!

Have a great ride!

crazy_immortalcreators' thoughts
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