
I get a job

I stood before Dr. Bright and the other SCP Foundation doctors, my gaze unwavering as I made my intentions clear.

"I will not be your immortal D-Class," I stated firmly, my voice carrying a hint of resolve. "How about I join the task force instead?"

Dr. Bright exchanged a glance with his colleagues, considering my proposal carefully. He folded his arms, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Task force," he echoed, musing over the implications. "You understand the risks involved, Able."

"I do," I affirmed, meeting Dr. Bright's gaze with determination. "But I believe I can contribute effectively. My abilities could prove valuable in containment operations and anomaly research."

Dr. Kondraki, known for his cautious pragmatism, spoke up next. "We'll need to assess your capabilities," he remarked, his tone measured. "And establish protocols to ensure your cooperation and containment."

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the necessity for stringent protocols. "Understood," I replied, my thoughts racing as I contemplated the prospect of joining the task force. "I am prepared to undergo evaluation and comply with all necessary measures."

Dr. Clef, observing silently from the periphery, finally voiced his opinion. "If we agree to this," he interjected skeptically, "your actions will be closely monitored. Any deviation from protocol will not be tolerated."

"I understand," I affirmed, my voice steady despite the underlying tension. "I am committed to proving my trustworthiness and contributing positively to Foundation operations."

After a brief moment of deliberation, Dr. Bright nodded decisively. "Very well," he conceded, his tone signaling approval. "We will initiate the process to integrate you into the task force. Evaluation procedures will commence immediately."

As the doctors began to disperse, preparing for the evaluation process and protocol establishment, I felt a mixture of relief and anticipation. Joining the task force offered an opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities and contribute meaningfully within the SCP Foundation.

Days passed as I underwent rigorous evaluations, demonstrating my proficiency in combat, containment procedures, and anomaly research. The SCP Foundation doctors scrutinized my every move, assessing my adaptability and reliability under pressure.

Finally, after a series of tests and assessments, I stood before Dr. Bright once more, awaiting the verdict. His expression was inscrutable as he reviewed the evaluation reports.

"You have shown commendable skills and dedication," Dr. Bright remarked finally, his voice measured. "We have decided to integrate you into Task Force Alpha-9."

I nodded gratefully, a sense of validation washing over me. "Thank you," I responded sincerely, aware of the trust placed in me by the SCP Foundation.

"Remember," Dr. Bright cautioned sternly, "your actions will be under constant scrutiny. Any breach of protocol will have consequences."

"I understand," I assured him, my commitment unwavering. "I will uphold Foundation standards and contribute to our shared goals."

Also one more thing. Dr bright said giving me a collar. The O 5 don't trust you so if you do anything this will blow your head up

I just Looked at this, as I scanned and traced it as, I can see everything it was made by, so I put it on I went to my room, I wanted specific close, as I got a white shirt, Black pants, finger less gloves and a drak blue jacket, as I tied my hair back

So how is I look. I say in my mind to able. How do I look Able

Able's consciousness responded within my mind, his voice resonating with a mixture of contemplation and approval.

"You look... appropriate," Able replied, his tone carrying a hint of acknowledgment. "The attire suits our new role within Task Force Alpha-9."

I nodded silently, adjusting the collar Dr. Bright had given me. It felt heavy against my skin, a constant reminder of the trust I needed to earn within the SCP Foundation.

"Indeed," I thought back to Able. "I'll need to prove myself, especially with this collar."

Able's presence within me echoed a silent agreement. "We will navigate this together," he assured, a sense of solidarity underlying his words. "Trust will come in time."

With that reassurance, I straightened my attire, adjusting the collar slightly to ensure it was secure. As I prepared to embark on this new chapter within the SCP Foundation, I resolved to uphold their standards, contribute to the team, and navigate the complexities of containment and collaboration in this anomalous world.

Hey Able. I said in my mind. I always wonder about something your sword they come from a different demention correct

Yes. Able said to in my mind. Why do you ask that

Cool. I said remebring Gilgamesh from Fate. Then we can pull a Gilagmesh

Able's voice echoed in my mind, curious yet cautious. "Gilgamesh?" he responded, his tone tinged with intrigue. "Are you suggesting we can summon weapons from other dimensions like Gilgamesh?"

I nodded mentally, a hint of excitement coloring my thoughts. "Exactly," I affirmed. "With our ability to trace and replicate powers and weapons, imagine the possibilities."

Able considered the idea thoughtfully, his consciousness intertwined with mine. "It's an intriguing notion," he conceded, a hint of amusement coloring his tone. "But remember, our primary focus remains within the SCP Foundation's protocols and containment procedures."

"Of course," I agreed, acknowledging the importance of maintaining focus amidst the anomalies and responsibilities we faced. "But perhaps in controlled environments, we could explore the limits of our abilities."

Able fell silent for a moment, contemplating the potential implications. "We'll proceed cautiously," he finally replied, a note of agreement in his voice. "But it's an intriguing proposition."

With a shared understanding, we continued to navigate our existence within the SCP Foundation, our thoughts entwined in a delicate balance of curiosity and responsibility, exploring the boundaries of our abilities while upholding the Foundation's mission.

Meanwhile in a different place with all the doctors of the scp foundation they were taking.

Can we really trust Able. Dr K.P Crow said as his dog ears moved. He maybe be tricking us

Dr K.P was a dog, yes not a dog humane hybrid but a real dog, as another Dr Spoke this was a female wirh green hair as shs looked at everyone this was Dr Z Kriyu

Dr. K.P. Crow, a unique member of the SCP Foundation with his canine features, expressed his concerns amidst a gathering of SCP Foundation doctors. Dr. Z. Kriyu, known for her distinct appearance with green hair, listened attentively as the discussion about Able unfolded.

"I understand your concerns, Dr. Crow," Dr. Kriyu responded calmly, her voice carrying a measured tone. "Able's history within the Foundation has been turbulent, to say the least. But we must consider the evidence of his recent cooperation."

Dr. Kondraki, renowned for his pragmatism, interjected with a skeptical expression. "Cooperation or manipulation?" he questioned, his voice laden with doubt. "We cannot afford to be complacent, especially with someone like SCP-076."

Dr. Bright, known for his optimism and understanding, sought to mediate the discussion. "Able has shown a willingness to cooperate," he asserted, his tone firm yet diplomatic. "We have containment protocols in place, including the collar to ensure compliance."

Dr. Kriyu nodded thoughtfully, considering Dr. Bright's point. "True," she acknowledged, "but we must remain vigilant. SCP entities are unpredictable by nature."

Dr. Crow, ever watchful with his keen senses, added his perspective. "His abilities are formidable," he remarked, his dog-like ears twitching slightly. "We must ensure they are not misused."

Dr. Z. Kriyu glanced around at her colleagues, a sense of determination in her gaze. "Agreed," she stated firmly. "We will continue to monitor Able closely and adjust our approach as necessary."

As the discussion continued among the SCP Foundation doctors, a consensus emerged to maintain heightened vigilance while acknowledging Able's potential contributions under careful supervision. The delicate balance between trust and caution persisted, reflecting the complexities of managing SCP entities within the Foundation.

Dr. Bright, known for his upbeat demeanor despite the gravity of their work, leaned forward slightly, his hands clasped together. "I understand the skepticism, but we've seen remarkable changes in Able," he began optimistically. "His strategic thinking now could be an asset."

Dr. Clef, standing by the wall with arms folded, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "We've been down this road before with SCP-076," he remarked dryly. "Are we sure this isn't just another elaborate ruse?"

Dr. Gears, who rarely spoke but commanded respect for his analytical mind, interjected with a cool detachment. "Able's transformation warrants cautious observation," he stated calmly. "We must prepare for contingencies."

Dr. Kondraki, known for his blunt pragmatism, added to the discussion with a skeptical tone. "We've contained him before, only to have it unravel," he reminded the room. "What assurances do we have this time?"

Dr. Z. Kriyu, her green hair falling over her eyes as she leaned forward, spoke up with a thoughtful expression. "Able's past actions as SCP-076 were impulsive," she noted. "But if he's indeed gained strategic acumen, it changes the equation."

Dr. K.P. Crow, shifting restlessly with canine-like restlessness, barked softly in agreement. "His history as a berserker is troubling," he admitted, his dog ears twitching. "But intelligence suggests a new dynamic."

Dr. Alto Clef, known for his enigmatic nature and sarcastic wit, finally voiced his thoughts. "Let's not forget who we're dealing with," he cautioned, a glint of skepticism in his eyes. "Able's cunning could be a facade."

As the discussion unfolded, various viewpoints clashed and merged, reflecting the complexity of managing SCP entities within the Foundation. Despite Able's transformation and potential for strategic thinking, doubts lingered, rooted in the Foundation's history of dealing with unpredictable anomalies.

Dr. Bright, sensing the tension, attempted to steer the conversation towards consensus. "We'll continue monitoring Able closely," he proposed diplomatically. "And implement additional safeguards if necessary."

The doctors nodded in reluctant agreement, aware of the delicate balance between trust and vigilance in their ongoing efforts to contain and understand SCP-076, now known as Able, within the ever-shifting landscape of anomalous containment.

The next day, I walked into the task force training room, feeling the tension in the air. As soon as I stepped inside, a dozen guns were pointed directly at me. The Task Force members, their eyes filled with a mixture of wariness and determination, kept their weapons trained on me, ready to react to any sudden movements.

"Hold on, hold on!" Dr. Bright hurried in behind me, raising his hands in a calming gesture. "Everyone, stand down! He's with us now."

The Task Force members hesitated but kept their weapons aimed. I could see the doubt in their eyes—after all, they knew my reputation as SCP-076, the unstoppable berserker.

"He's been integrated into Task Force Alpha-9," Dr. Bright continued, stepping between me and the others. "He's under strict containment protocols, and this collar ensures compliance. We're giving him a chance to prove himself."

A senior Task Force member, Captain Hollis, lowered his weapon slightly but kept a wary eye on me. "With all due respect, Dr. Bright, this is SCP-076 we're talking about. How can we trust him?"

I took a deep breath, knowing this was my moment to address their concerns directly. "I understand your hesitation," I said, my voice steady. "My past actions have earned your mistrust, but I assure you, I'm here to contribute positively. The Foundation has given me this opportunity, and I intend to prove that I can be an asset to the team."

There was a moment of tense silence as the Task Force members exchanged uncertain glances. Dr. Bright seized the opportunity to reinforce my words. "Able has undergone extensive evaluations, and he's been fitted with a control collar to ensure compliance. We've seen significant changes in his behavior and strategic thinking."

Captain Hollis finally lowered his weapon completely, setting an example for the others. "Alright," he conceded, albeit reluctantly. "We'll give you a chance, but any signs of aggression or non-compliance, and you're out. Understood?"

"Understood," I replied, nodding firmly. "I won't let you down."

The tension in the room began to dissipate slightly as the Task Force members holstered their weapons, though their wariness was still palpable. Dr. Bright gave me an encouraging nod, then turned to address the group.

"Alright, everyone, let's get back to training. We've got a lot of work to do, and Able here will be joining us. Let's make sure we're all on the same page."

As the training session resumed, I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on me, scrutinizing my every move. But this was my chance to prove myself, and I was determined to earn their trust, one mission at a time.

As I approached the climbing wall, I watched the Task Force members make their way up one by one, their progress steady but not extraordinary. I decided to join in and show them what I could do. With a single leap, I grabbed the wall and ascended with superhuman speed, reaching the top in mere seconds and even breaking a few high scores in the process.

One of the Task Force members, looking somewhat intimidated, muttered to his teammate, "Does this even count as breaking a score? I mean, he is an SCP." His voice wavered slightly, clearly nervous that I might react negatively.

I landed gracefully at the top and turned to face the team below. "Relax," I said with a hint of a smile. "I'm not here to break records or show off. Just part of the team, remember?"

The Task Force members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of awe and wariness. Dr. Bright, who had been observing the entire scene, stepped forward to address the group. "Alright, everyone, let's keep moving. We've got a lot more to cover today."

I descended the wall and joined the others, trying to blend in and show that I was serious about being part of the team. Captain Hollis approached me, his demeanor still cautious but slightly more open.

"We'll see how you handle the next exercise," he said, his tone neutral. "Just remember, teamwork is crucial here."

I nodded, appreciating the advice. "Understood, Captain. I'll do my best."

As we moved on to the next training activity, I noticed that some of the tension had eased. The Task Force members were still wary, but they were beginning to see that I was genuinely committed to working with them.

Throughout the day, I participated in various exercises, demonstrating my abilities while also trying to integrate myself into the team dynamic. I made a conscious effort to communicate and cooperate, proving that I could be a reliable member of Task Force Alpha-9.

By the end of the day, the atmosphere had shifted. While there was still a long way to go before I fully earned their trust, I felt a sense of cautious acceptance growing among the team. Dr. Bright caught up with me as we wrapped up training.

"You're making progress," he said with a nod. "Keep it up, and you'll show them what you're capable of."

I smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, Dr. Bright. I won't let you down."

As I left the training room, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. This was just the beginning, and I was determined to prove myself, not just as Able, but as a valuable member of the SCP Foundation.

To be continued

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