
chapter 11: tête-à-tête

In the weeks following the harrowing surgery, Chenxiu's recovery remained Mina's top priority. She was a frequent visitor, ostensibly to monitor his healing process but, if she were being honest with herself, also drawn by the undeniable charge that now thrummed between them.

Their interactions had shifted in the wake of that life-or-death crucible. The banter came more easily, loaded with subtext and the occasional heated glances that stretched a beat too long. A delicious tension shimmered just beneath the surface.

On one such visit, Mina arrived to find Chenxiu's suite in an unusual state of disarray. Files were scattered haphazardly and the tight rictus of frustration on his face appeared somewhat...panicked?

"Everything okay?" she asked, surprised to find the typically unflappable man so disheveled.

Chenxiu's head snapped up at her voice, features smoothing instantly into their customary inscrutable mask. "Dr. Han, yes, everything is...well, that is..."

"Boss! There you are!" A anxious-looking young man in an ill-fitting suit bustled in, his hair sticking up in tufts. "I've been looking everywhere for...oh!" He skidded to a halt, finally registering Mina's presence. "You have a visitor. My apologies."

Clearing his throat, Chenxiu waved a dismissive hand. "Yes, yes, this is Dr. Han. She's been...overseeing my care."

The nervous energy was palpable as the younger man bobbed his head rapidly. "Of course, of course! Chen Feng, at your service ma'am!" He thrust out a hand to shake Mina's enthusiastically. "I'm Mr. Liang's indispensable assistant,

best friend and general helper of...well, everything really!"

Mina arched an eyebrow at Chenxiu over the rambling Feng's shoulder, amusement playing at the corners of her mouth. He leveled her a long-suffering look in return.

Extricating her hand from the overely excited grip, Mina said mildly, "I see. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Feng."

"Oh please, just Feng is fine! No need for formalities here." He shot Chenxiu a nervous grin which was emphatically not returned. Clearing his throat, Feng retrieved the scattered files from the floor. "My deepest apologies for...well, you know how it is, Dr. Han. Keeping this cranky ol' boss of mine on track is a full-time job, let me tell you!"

A low rumble emanated from Chenxiu's corner. "I'm fairly certain that comment constitutes insubordinate behavior, Feng."

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