
Richest Person On The Planet

While the drama was unfolding, Silas was busy with something else. He would have loved to watch the drama, but he has some clean ups to do.

There's actually no need of him following what's happening as he has already told the justice who will be presiding over Lucas' case to call him after he has been sentenced.

After Silas was done with everything, he picked up the unconscious bodies of the hired goons and dragged them to the police cars outside.

Silas had called and told them to come and pick the trash that Lucas sent to litter his house.

When the policemen saw Silas dragging more than three burly-looking men out of the house, and quickly went to receive them from him.

The policemen were able to recognize the men dragged out by Silas as Lucas' goons that does his dirty works. This is because they are regulars at the police station.

Just as Silas was done taking out the trash, he was informed that Lucas has already sent the money.


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