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Thinking of his future plans, Silas decided to round up his plans and complete the website.

"LUNAR, you know what to do about the website right?"

{Yes sir.}

"Umm... Don't forget to put the terms and conditions of our company, its policies, and other needed shenanigans that needs to be there."


"Also, I will give you access to my bank account. I want you to contact ComCast for advertising.

Since they are a telecommunication and media company, and I'm one of their top shareholders, I should be top on their list of priorities.

I want our website to be advertised as much as possible. Take any amount you need. I want ELLA to go live next month."

{Okay, sir.}

"Good, I will leave you to it then."

After assigning the task to LUNAR, Silas turned his attention to the next thing; Hiring workers.

"I wonder if Kim can do it? There's no one else I know I can trust with this," Silas said, and decided to call Kim.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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