
Setting the Trap!

Ella shook her head and pouted angrily, "Hannah, if you refuse again, I'll really be upset! I always wear the most expensive clothes, while you... I'm embarrassed by it. If you don't accept, then don't consider me your sister!"


With Ella putting it that way, Hannah didn't know how to refuse anymore. Brianna's lips twitched slightly before she smiled faintly, "Hannah, since Ella insists, you should wear it."


If Hannah kept declining and Ella got upset, it would definitely displease Robert, which wouldn't be worth it.


"Alright!" Hannah agreed, feeling a bit shocked. She hadn't expected Ella to treat her this way.


Something felt off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.


Ella was secretly pleased. Although this mother and daughter pair appeared to accept her "gift," she knew Hannah wouldn't wear that evening gown to the auction.


As expected, the next evening, Hannah wore a simple white evening dress. It was understated yet highlighted her perfect figure.


Overall, Hannah was curvier than Ella, who appeared more slender. Hannah's allure was diminished somewhat by the simplicity of her dress.


"Hannah, why aren't you wearing the evening gown from yesterday? Don't you like it?" Ella asked, looking disappointed, her lips pouting slightly.


Brianna quickly smiled, "Ella, your sister is still young. Wearing such an expensive gown might make her a laughingstock."


"Why would it be a laughingstock? Can't the Davis family afford such clothes? Besides, with you dressed so simply, people might think you're mistreating Hannah!" Ella laughed lightly, running over to take Hannah's hand. "Hannah, you must wear that gown. It's so perfect, it would be a shame not to. We already bought it, and with the Davis family's wealth, why wouldn't we afford it?"


"Besides, I heard a lot of eligible bachelors will be at this auction!" Ella winked playfully, a hint of regret in her eyes.


Hannah loved the evening gown too, but Brianna hadn't allowed her to wear it, so she had reluctantly put on the white dress.


"Mom, Ella is right. There's no harm in me wearing it this once!"


"Well... it might not be appropriate," Brianna said, hesitating.


The Davis family was wealthy, but Robert advocated frugality. If he found out that the evening gown cost five hundred thousand dollars, he would be heartbroken.


"Please, Mom, let Hannah wear it! I don't want people to think she's jealous of me. I always get the best things! It's really unfair to Hannah!" Ella exclaimed, pretending to be upset.


Brianna sneered inwardly. Children were just children. Getting upset over such trivial matters, this little brat was easy to manipulate.


"Yeah, Mom, I heard from the driver that Dad won't be back tonight. Didn't you get his call?" Hannah suddenly remembered that Robert was on a business trip and had been extremely busy lately.


Brianna thought for a moment. Newspapers and magazines wouldn't write about how expensive Hannah's dress was, so it wouldn't really matter.


Finally, Brianna agreed to Hannah's request.


Half an hour later, Hannah stepped into the car, feeling triumphant in her luxurious evening gown.


Her mood was exceptionally good. She believed she would be the center of attention tonight, catching the eyes of all the eligible bachelors. With her beauty, figure, and this striking gown along with her youthful skin...


Thinking about it, Hannah felt as if her heart would soar. She could already picture the mysterious gentleman at the charity gala, aiming Cupid's arrow at her.


Not long after, the three of them arrived at the auction venue.


The scene was filled with elegantly dressed men and women, moving gracefully. The auction was set to start in ten minutes.


Ella followed Brianna to their seats and suddenly noticed Mrs. Taylor seated right next to her.


Mrs. Taylor greeted them warmly, but her expression darkened upon seeing Brianna and Hannah.


"So, you've come too? Looking to bid on something nice for Hannah, I suppose? My, my, Hannah's dress is stunning. It must have cost a fortune. Meanwhile, my dear Ella is dressed so plainly!"


Ever since their last encounter, Mrs. Taylor had held a grudge against Brianna.


Brianna forced a smile, staying silent. She didn't dare mention the dress's five hundred thousand dollar price tag in front of these women.


Hannah smiled gracefully, "Mrs. Taylor, this evening gown is indeed lovely and expensive. My sister was kind enough to give it to me."


"As if she had a choice? Imagine if she wore such a beautiful dress and you secretly envied her—what a disaster that would be!" Mrs. Taylor sneered, and the other ladies around them joined in with mocking laughter.


Brianna and Hannah's faces turned extremely unpleasant, prompting Ella to quickly step in, "Let's not argue. The auction is about to start."


Brianna smirked internally at Ella's attempt to smooth things over.


Thanks to Ella's intervention, the ladies quieted down.


The auction began with the first item, a vase crafted by an artist from Country K, featuring abstract and intricate patterns.


Ella wasn't particularly interested in such items, but a familiar voice caught her attention. She looked over and, to her surprise, saw Eric!


He was here too! Eric raised an eyebrow and curved his lips into a teasing smile, causing Ella to quickly avert her gaze.


What bad luck! She couldn't seem to escape him. Was this fate?


"Mom, look at that man. Who is he?" Hannah asked excitedly, pointing at Eric. Following her gaze, Brianna saw a strikingly handsome young man, exuding an aura of nobility and arrogance.


His sharp presence commanded respect from everyone around him.


"That young man... he looks familiar, like Old Mr. Nelson. Could he be Old Mr. Nelson's grandson, Eric?" Brianna whispered. "Eric hasn't been back for long, but his overseas company has already flourished under his leadership."


Hannah's eyes lit up with excitement upon hearing this.


So, Eric wasn't just handsome but also highly capable—a genius in the business world, no less!


Who wouldn't want such a husband?


"Mom, I really like him," Hannah murmured softly.

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