
Encounter at Wutong

On the south side of the Lido Hotel, within the Lido Garden, there is a large glass house that offers tranquility amidst the bustling city. In front of the house, a courtyard with a dozen towering sycamore trees creates a sense of seclusion. Amidst the swaying shadows of the trees and the sound of flowing water, one's body and mind can escape the city's hustle and return to nature, relaxation, and peace. This is the "Wutong" restaurant.

Four nearly century-old sycamore trees stretch through the two-story, nearly 1,000-square-meter glass house, reaching towards the blue sky. The entire restaurant is built around these originally existing trees. The transparent glass structure, lush potted plants on both levels, park-like scenery surrounding the glass house, and the flowing water curtain on the first floor together create a green, luxurious, private, and fashionable dining experience.

In Beijing's winter, night falls early. When Wang Yonghui and Zhao Nian arrived, the "Wish Wutong" sign was already shimmering in the light. The winter night's northern wind was still cold, and the once lush trees of summer were now mostly bare branches, occasionally shedding a few dry leaves in the wind. Yet, this desolate scene was contrasted by the glass house, twinkling with candlelight like stars in the night, creating a unique beauty.

Zhao Nian gracefully stepped out of the car door opened by the valet and smiled at Wang Yonghui, "It's so beautiful. I love the candlelight here at night!" Wang Yonghui looked at her tenderly, extending his hand, "Let's go inside quickly. The night wind is cold, don't catch a chill." Zhao Nian sweetly smiled, taking his arm as they walked up the steps.

Inside, 199 candles were lit on the roof supports, casting colorful beams of light onto the tables and floor, adding a dreamy and enchanting ambiance. On the first-floor stage, a foreign musician passionately played the saxophone, enhancing "Wutong"'s romantic allure at night.

They were seated at a window-side table on the second floor. The trickling water from the roof outside the window created a warm, romantic, and private atmosphere. In the soft candlelight, Zhao Nian smiled at Wang Yonghui and asked, "Why did you suddenly decide to bring me to Wutong for dinner tonight?"

"I missed you during the meeting! Is that reason enough?" Wang Yonghui smiled, his face gentle and warm, making Zhao Nian melt a little. She playfully pouted, "Liar!"

"Nian, when will you move in with me?" Wang Yonghui reached across the table, holding Zhao Nian's hand seriously.

Zhao Nian furrowed her brow slightly, smiling as she asked, "Have you decided to get married?" Wang Yonghui fell silent.

This was a persistent issue between them. Zhao Nian refused to live with him unless they were married, while Wang Yonghui wasn't ready to marry yet. Despite their strong relationship, they still lived separately, with Zhao Nian staying in a high-end apartment rented by her company.

Wang Yonghui gritted his teeth, unwilling to give up, "Nian, you know I don't want to get married yet, but you should feel my love for you. Why can't we live together first?" He almost asked if she still had feelings for Murong Feng but managed to hold back.

Zhao Nian gently shook her head, smiling faintly, "Yonghui, I understand... Let's not talk about this. How did your meeting go today?"

Wang Yonghui recalled seeing Murong Feng at the conference, walking in with Li Xiangnan with such composure and elegance. It left him feeling uneasy.

Outwardly, he smiled warmly, "It went well. The summit attendees are all key figures in the global industry. My speech is the day after tomorrow, so I was able to leave early today."

As they spoke, the food arrived, and they began eating and chatting.

At this moment, a sleek and luxurious black Mercedes G55 AMG drove into the courtyard.

Two black-suited security guards promptly approached, attentively opening the car doors. Those who worked here had keen eyes, recognizing the car's value and the status of the people inside. Such a car was typically owned by wealthy young elites, who warranted careful attention.

From the driver's seat emerged a young man in a camel-colored casual suit, clearly an expensive brand. His handsome face and commanding presence marked him as someone extraordinary.

Murong Feng smiled at Tang Qing, who got out from the other side, "Janney, is this the Wutong restaurant you mentioned? It really looks beautiful."

Tang Qing watched as Murong Feng opened the rear door, took out her coat, and gentlemanly draped it over her shoulders. She smiled contentedly, "Thank you... I wouldn't dare invite Young Master Murong for dinner if it weren't good!"

Murong Feng smiled wryly, "Alright, alright, Janney. I said I'd treat you as an apology, didn't I?"

Tang Qing, feeling a sudden rush of affection, quickly covered it with a smile, "I forgive you. If I hadn't called Ruo Ruo today and asked, would you have just ignored me? Just for that, you owe me dinner."

Murong Feng nodded obediently, following Tang Qing into the restaurant.

After walking through a short glass corridor, they entered the hall. Seeing the first floor nearly full, Tang Qing frowned slightly and said to the hostess, "Let's go to the second floor."

Tang Qing walked ahead, chatting with Murong Feng. The sound of her high heels on the wooden stairs created a lively rhythm that blended harmoniously with the saxophone music. Watching Tang Qing's graceful figure, Murong Feng felt a mix of emotions and sighed inwardly as he followed her upstairs.

The sound of Tang Qing's footsteps and her clear, melodious voice caught Zhao Nian's attention. She looked towards the stairs while talking to Wang Yonghui.

"What a beautiful woman!" Zhao Nian thought as she saw Tang Qing ascending. Tang Qing, already stunning and elegant, looked even more charming in this romantic setting. Zhao Nian immediately recognized the stylish silver-gray embossed suede coat from LV's latest collection, accentuating Tang Qing's slender figure.

Before her admiration could show on her face, she saw the man walking up behind Tang Qing, and her heart skipped a beat... Murong!

Murong Feng and Tang Qing chatted, unaware of their surroundings.

Zhao Nian watched them laughing and talking, sitting at a table by a sycamore tree, feeling a swirl of emotions.

Noticing her lack of response, Wang Yonghui looked up to see her pale face and asked, "What's wrong, Nian? Are you feeling unwell?"

Zhao Nian smiled faintly, "I'm fine, just a bit dizzy." She actually did feel a bit dizzy, her mind in turmoil.

Wang Yonghui held her hand gently, "Are you feeling better? Should I take you home early?" Zhao Nian, feeling a surge of guilt, smiled and shook her head, "No, it's okay. Let's continue dinner." She couldn't help but glance again at Murong Feng and Tang Qing's table.

Curious, Wang Yonghui turned to look. Murong Feng's seat was obscured by a sycamore tree, so he only saw the back of Tang Qing, sensing she was a very beautiful woman. He turned back and asked, "What were you looking at?"

Zhao Nian laughed, "Nothing, just admiring the beautiful woman over there!" She then lowered her head to eat, her mind in turmoil.

Women are proud. Though Zhao Nian had left Murong Feng, she hoped to see him doing well. However, seeing him with one beautiful woman after another, each as stunning as the last, filled her with a sense of loss.

Unknown to Wang Yonghui, Zhao Nian had privately kept tabs on Murong Feng. After his rise to fame with "Striving Youth," he had a fan base that followed his news, even creating a dedicated Murong Feng forum on Baidu. There, fans discussed his investments and shared gossip, including photos of him with Hong Kong socialite Huo Siqi, speculating he was a wealthy heir. As the executive director of TOM Beijing Media, he was well-known in Beijing's media and fashion circles, something Zhao Nian, as a top fashion brand market manager, couldn't be unaware of. 

However, she never discussed this topic with Wang Yonghui.

How did Murong Feng suddenly become successful? Zhao Nian often wondered late at night, reminiscing about their happy, youthful love.

Having decided to move on, she told herself to keep moving forward. The past was behind her. Wang Yonghui loved her deeply and treated her well, except for his reluctance to marry, which she could accept.

But why did seeing Murong Feng with other beautiful women make her heart ache?

In her favorite Wutong restaurant, this beautiful fairy-tale glass house filled with romantic candlelight, Zhao Nian found dinner far from enjoyable. Wang Yonghui continued to chat cheerfully, Zhao Nian maintained her elegant smile, but what about their hearts?

As Wang Yonghui and Zhao Nian left, Murong Feng was recounting a humorous incident from the Huaxia Group base in Hangzhou to Tang Qing: "There's a development engineer in the technical department, surnamed Li, who's a science graduate, very dedicated to his work but a bit scatterbrained in life. Once, he went to the bank to withdraw money and handed the cafeteria card to the bank staff. The teller glanced at it, quickly returned it, and he loudly insisted it was for a withdrawal. It wasn't until he was politely told it was the wrong card that he sheepishly retrieved it and handed over his proper bank card."

Tang Qing laughed, "Really? He must be quite the scatterbrain."

The two were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice Wang Yonghui and Zhao Nian leaving.

As Wang Yonghui retrieved the car from the parking lot, he noticed the striking black Mercedes G55, finding it familiar but unable to recall why. With Zhao Nian looking unwell and his mind preoccupied, he drove off.

This small encounter was known only to Zhao Nian among the four.

Life sometimes plays small jokes on people, leaving behind a sense of longing with meanings difficult to fathom.

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