
Chapter 28 : Choose your challenger

"What proposal?" King Alaric asked, his tone reflecting his impatience. Seeing as Elias would not be going his way, he saw no need to continue keeping up his overly friendly attitude

"It is nothing too complex, what I simply request is a challenge. With this challenge, I hope to prove to you that I am not refusing to go to the academy for no reason" Elias said

"And what does this…challenge involve?" King Alaric asked

"Simple, It's a duel. Bring forth any five mages of the academy and I will duel with all five of them, one after the other of course without taking a break. If I win, then you know that I do not need the academy" Elias declared

Imaya's eyes widened in shock, Elias' declaration was far too bold, for someone of his level.

"What? Five mages? Consecutively?" King Alaric repeated

"What an arrogant child. You barely qualify to be a Novice mage, what nonsense are you spouting?" Hughenden hissed

"Working on the farm all your life must have messed with your head boy, Mages are different from the cows that you breed" Thane sneered

"There's no need to impress anyone, this is insanity," Lady Isolde remarked

"A bold declaration. I like your courage, but don't you think five consecutive battles are a bit much for you?" Varric remarked, while Lady Selene and Queen Seraphina silently watched Elias with curious eyes

"Hmm, five mages? Of any rank?" Alaric inquired

"Now, that wouldn't be fair sir, would it? The mages have to be Expert-level mages at most, anything below is allowed and to make it more interesting, if I should lose, I would sign off a contract that states that I will be subservient to the mage I lose to" Elias added

The entire room froze, Elias had them where he wanted. There was a reason he chose a specific number of mages for the challenge, once he threw in the additional clause, he knew the family heads as well as the King would be interested.

Knowing the kind of people they were, they would pick a mage from their families and disguise them as academy mages. There were four families and one crown, Elias needed five challengers, the purpose of the challenge was evident.

Suddenly, Elias' proposal didn't seem arrogant or absurd to the family heads anymore, they had their eyes on the prize…Elias Ashdown, the child of light.

"You're a strange one boy," Lord Varric laughed

"So what do you say? We have a deal?" Elias asked King Alaric

"If all the family heads agree, then we are set" Alaric replied

"I agree," Lord Thane said, a mischievous grin on his face

"So do I. You have guts kid" Varric said

"I agree" Lady Isolde agreed

"I concur as well" Lady Selene added

"Before we continue, may I add a condition? If I do end up winning the challenge, then would you give the academy admission to Imaya instead."

"Who is Imaya?" King Alaric asked?

Elias pointed to Imaya who had remained silent throughout the entire conversation

"Ah the girl, I had no idea someone was there. Alright, if you do win the challenge, she can take your admission into the Royal Academy.

Any More additions to the deal?"

"Oh yes, I would like the challenge to be held in public and on the day the High-luminary arrives" Elias requested

"Hmmm," Alaric was beginning to get suspicious of Elias' proposal, "Why? If I may ask?"

"No apparent reason, I just feel more comfortable"

King Alaric had a bad feeling about Elias' proposal, especially since Elias was so calm and confident, but he waved it off. Whatever Elias was scheming wouldn't matter should Eliss lose to his selected mage.

"Fine, It is done. The conditions have been set and everyone here is a witness to the terms"

And so they closed the deal, Elias was to fight five Expert-level mages consecutively in less than a day.

Suddenly, Alan entered the throne room with Priest Mathias by his side, "We have news," Alan announced

"Speak" King Alaric commanded

"We have news from the High-luminary's convoy, that due to an unforeseen reason, the High-luminary's return would be delayed to a week"

"Hmmm, and the reason wasn't stated?" Alaric asked

"No, your majesty" Alan answered

"Very well then" H

Mathias stepped forward, bowing deeply. "We thank you, Your Majesty, for your hospitality during our stay. However, given the change in circumstances, me and my acolytes would like to take our leave from the castle. We must prepare for the High Luminary's arrival."

The king nodded thoughtfully. "Very well, Mathias. However Elias Ashdown here will stay behind, after all, he has a challenge to prepare for in a week" He added, with a smile

Mathias looked over to Elias, and Elias gave him an approving nod coupled with a confident smile.

"I see, we will be on our way at first light," Mathias said.


"Why did you do that?!" Imaya asked Elias as they walked to their chamber

"Do what?" Elias feigned ignorance

"You know what I'm talking about, don't play dumb" she pressed

Elias sighed, "Look, you need the academy training more than I do, trust me on that," he said

"You don't have to go that far to get me admission. Do you understand the complications if you lose the challenge? You are basically turning yourself into a slave of whoever beats you?!" She screamed

"Don't worry, I won't lose" Elias reassured her

"And besides, I didn't propose the challenge just for you, that's just a plus. I have other motives, and a statement to make" He added and Imaya's eyes traced to the ground, she felt a bit disappointed.

"You must be tired, today was an eventful day. You should get some rest" Elias advised as they reached the doors of their rooms.

"Goodnight…and Thank you," Imaya said, rushing into her room before Elias could reply.

"You're welcome?" Elias mouthed before entering his room

He changed out of his outfit, leaving only his underwear, and dropped to his bed, "I should prepare for the challenge, five Expert-level mages ...maybe I went a bit overboard haha.

The system's store should have some spells for sale, I should get as many spells and skills as possible…or maybe just a few powerful spells and skills.

Quantity or Quality, what to do?" Elias soliloquised

"Anyway, I'll know when I check the store"


Elias was interrupted by two loud knocks, he decided to ignore it and pretend to be asleep until the person went away.

But the person persisted, knocking and knocking until Elias couldn't bear it anymore, with a loud groan he got up from his bed and flung the door open.

"Well hello Elias Ashdown" Queen Seraphina greeted

[New Task available!]

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