
The Way of The World

[Three Days Later]

After the Second Impact, the two men continued moving through the city, taking rest in a now abandoned movie theater. 

Finn sat in the lobby, which was properly barricaded, only allowing a single entrance to be uncovered. Across the large room of red-and-yellow, retro carpets and walls of posters for movies that would've been currently showing, Damian was at the concession stand, snacking on popcorn that was stale by now. 

"Status," Finn said, checking on his current abilities as he ran his fingers through his messy, dark hair. 

[Level: 10] [750/5000]

<Vitals: Healthy> 

<Magic: Healthy> 

Though it had been a few days since the start of the world-changing event, not much progress had been made in finding any other survivors. It almost felt like they were completely alone in the city, though that seemed unlikely. 

"What's the plan for today?" Damian asked, munching on a bag of popcorn as he walked over. 

Finn exhaled as he sat up, looking around at the lobby of the lonely theater before staring at his friend, "I don't want to sit around here any longer. We're close to one now so…I think we need to check what those towers are about." 

"I was thinking the same. Those things have been bugging me–they came down with the Second Impact," Damian remarked. 

There were still too many questions about the nature of what was happening. Even fundamental aspects about the systems bestowed to them, like the "Anarch Coins" that dropped from monsters; Finn was still perplexed as to their purpose. 

After finishing up their morning snack, the two men made their way out, going through a side exit of the theater that led into an alleyway. As he led the way into the main street, Finn couldn't get over the sight of the cityscape even after the first few days:

The streets were cracked, blooming from tall grass; moss and vines clung to the deteriorating buildings as even some trees began to grow between the cracks in the asphalt. 

"Nature is reclaiming it, eh?" Damian said, leaning his axe against his shoulder. 

"I wouldn't say that. I think whatever is responsible for everything is claiming it," Finn said. 

It was simply unnatural the rate that the cityscape was overrun with the growth of nature. He could only pin it to the Second Impact. 

The quiet ruins of the city housed too many monsters to keep track of. While it was almost peaceful, both men knew it was otherwise. The only reason it ran quiet was the fact that there was nothing left for the monsters to slaughter. 

At least, the smart ones that remained hid themselves from such a fate. 

"Think we'll find someone today?" Damian asked, scratching his chin as a light beard had begun to grow in. 

"Dunno. I hope so," Finn answered. 

"Me too," Damian said quietly. 

Though he only knew the person for a few days, he felt he understood what kind of person Damian was well. It wasn't a difficult thing, seeing as Damian was an open book who wore his emotions on his sleeve. 

'I can tell, he wants to help people. He's talked about how many he failed to save so often, that at this point he's probably praying just to save one. I get it. I'm not some kind of hero, but it'd be nice to find another person in this hell,' Finn thought to himself. 

In the near distance, the sight of one of the enigmatic towers loomed; it reached past the clouds, seeming to be endlessly tall. 

Finn watched it as he marched towards it, not knowing what to expect from it. 

"Not many monsters on the street lately, huh? It's weird we can just walk around in the open like this," Damian remarked, looking around at the desolate area. 

"The first day was like a raid on us. After that, I imagine they've all taken homes of their own," Finn answered. "I'll hear if anything approaches, though." 

"The senses of an assassin sure are convenient, aren't they?" Damian playfully remarked. 

While crossing an intersection, a ravine was found left in the street, separating the roadways. It looked as though a blade far too large left a gash in the world. 

"What do you think caused this?" Damian asked, staring at the ravine as he kicked a pebble into its depths. 

"I don't really wanna think about whatever is capable of that," Finn answered, glancing down as the small rock seemed to fall for ten seconds before its landing echoed. 

There were a few more blocks until reaching the structure, though something brought him to a stop in the middle of the ruinous street. 

"What's up?" Damian asked. 

For Finn, he picked up on a subtle, rhythmic sound coming around the left turn of the upcoming block. The steps were heavy, and singular; that ruled out it being a goblin. 

"Something is coming–likely big," Finn said, manifesting his dagger into his grip. 

Damian already had his axe ready, slapping the base against his hand with a bated breath, "I'm surprised it took this long to bump into something–alright, let's do this." 

What arrived from around the corner, stomping into view, stood as tall as the out-of-order traffic lights. The gray-skinned giant used its hand to casually bend the pole that blocked its way, tearing it from the concrete as it stomped closer to the humans. 

"...Gruuu…" It exhaled, watching the two men with its singular eye as its seaweed-like hair hung over its face. 

Finn recognized it, though it didn't need an introduction–a cyclops–the fundamental, most common member of the giants. 

"That's a big one," Damian remarked, readying himself as he rolled his shoulders to warm up. 

"Scared?" Finn asked. 

"Kind of," Damian answered truthfully. "You?"

"A bit, yeah," Finn replied with the truth as well. 

They stared down the colossus that stood between them and the street ahead. It at the very least seemed to recognize that they were fighters, seeing as it didn't attack without a second thought. 

Instead, the cyclops stood there, lifting its tree-sized club up as it released bellowing roars as some kind of intimidating tactic. 

One look at a being of such scale would be enough to disperse any idea of fighting it, though Finn wielded a different perspective now; he was stronger and ready. 

"I'll bring it down for you, so finish it off," Finn instructed, flipping his weapon between his fingers as he kept his emerald irises locked on the giant. 

"Gotcha. Make 'em fall," Damian said. 

Taking the initiative, Finn sprinted straight towards the cyclops, running across the cracked asphalt as he watched the oversized oaf begin to move in response. In accordance with its overwhelming size, the cyclops was just as overwhelmingly slow; the agility of the assassin allowed him to move with superhuman speed, easily avoiding its swing. 

The club collided with the asphalt, striking the street with enough force to further crack it, though doing little more than put a hole in the road. 

Finn felt the vibrations of the mighty slam, even though he steered well clear of being hit directly. He sprinted straight for the cyclops' legs, coming upon its right foot–

'There,' he watched, looking behind its ankle. 

["Tendon Slice"] [1:59] 

A quick slash of his dagger against its achilles provided a devastating effect, completely severing its pivotal point. 

"Grruuu–!?" The cyclops let out, beginning to lose its balance. 

As it began to stumble, causing the street to rumble beneath its weight, Damian backed up, finding its shadow cast over him. 

"Woah, woah–don't fall on me!" Damian called out. 

From behind the falling cyclops, Finn yelled to his companion, "Use your skill!" 

"--Oh, right!" Damian remembered, sucking in a large breath. 

["Aura of The Strong"] [9:59] 

The skill was commanded through a massive exhale and a slam of the warrior's foot upon the street, producing a shock wave that rippled forward. It was powerful enough to move the nearest, wrecked cars, even off-setting the stumbling cyclops as it instead began to fall backward. 

Finn, from across the street, felt the winds brought upon by his partner's skill as his hair was brushed, finding the cyclops now in his range to finish off instead. 

'Alright–I can't miss,' he thought, focusing his vision on its neck. 

As he made sure his sight was lined up on that specific vital spot, he sprung forth, vanishing from the spot he stood–

["Blink Slash"] [2:59] 

In an instant, he reappeared multiple meters in the air, at level with the giant's throat as he swept his dagger forth in the very same instant. It was a near instantaneous attack, leaving the cyclops utterly confused as its neck was slit before it collapsed onto the street. 

Finn landed on his feet with an exhale, brushing his hair up, "Got it." 

["Cyclops defeated."] ["Anarch Coin x20 obtained."]

[Experience points: +750] [1500/5000]

[Assimilated ability from [Cyclops]: "Commanding Stomp" 1 / 5]

'A new power to use–that could be useful,' he took note of before looking at his companion. 

Damian wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead with a smile before putting his fist forward in a gesture, "Nice one!" 

Finn bumped his fist against his companion's own with a small smile, "Yeah, you too. It's good to know we can handle a cyclops fairly easily now." 

"Isn't it? Man, I feel strong!" Damian boasted with a playful attitude. 

"Let's hope you feel that way when we get into that tower," Finn said. 

I really enjoy post-apocalyptic settings visually; seeing cities covered in grass and vines.

DelzGBcreators' thoughts
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