

Some of the citizens who recognized him began to whisper among themselves.

"Are they trying to investigate our lord?" one asked another.

"I don't know," the man replied, "but isn't using those things against the law?"

"Yeah, that's coercion!"

Arthur could gladly take Mei and the rest of the hidden village to court. He could also win since he owned the courts.

But what would good would legal proceedings do? The Mist Village was still known for being intolerable against political affairs that didn't otherwise suit their needs.

Lose in court, and a civil war could break out.

Arthur raised a hand to silence them, feeling a little intrigued; this was an unexpected twist in their theatrics. It was Mei's unreadable expression that troubled him, yet he chose his response wisely.

"Since my dealings are made publicly," he said, "I agree to your test and will answer your questions. But I have to ask, what is the Mizukage trying to charge me with?"

The three looked at one another as if not wanting to answer. They were in public, and he had already swayed the people to his side.

When Ao nodded, she announced, "Please excuse us when we say this, lord Belfort, but we have reason to believe that you've committed conspiracy to commit fraud, robbery, and terrorism…"

The crowd collectively gasped, disbelief spreading through both supporters and skeptics alike.

"How could our beloved politician be accused of such grievous acts?!" one yelled out.

Incredulity writ large on the faces staring back at Arthur. And they were shocked to see his serenity. He raised both hands, inviting the crowd's attention.

"Let us not rush to verdicts!" he called out, his voice staunch yet inviting. "I assure you, this may merely be a misunderstanding. I've dedicated myself to the service of this country and its citizens, and I stand before you willing to clear my name of any charges!"

With that affirmation, he felt their support skyrocket. They became excited—unwilling to accept injustice against someone who sought to build something significant for them all.

Mei's gaze bore into him, feeling impressed by his ability to maintain control of this scene.

A politician was just accused of several heavy crimes that would otherwise send him to prison for a lifetime. Yet here he was, ready to stand an unofficial trial.

"Great," Ao chimed in as he eagerly approached Arthur, ready to strap him into the machine.

Chōjūrō was close behind.

"This polygraph is state-of-the-art," he professionally explained. "It measures not just your heartbeat and perspiration but also chakra levels. It's practically impossible to conceal a lie when using it."

Arthur had never heard of such a device being in this world. It only furthered the narrative of how expansive things could get.

He met their gaze directly, maintaining his calm as he considered the nature of his response.

"I understand the implications," he confidently said. How could he not be confident? "I will tell nothing but the truth."

As the device was strapped onto his arm, Ao's gaze remained scrutinous. There was obvious tension between them; Ao was one who valued his village and country, and in his eyes, Arthur was far too polished for someone in the political sphere.

With a furtive look, Ao nodded at Mei, signaling the start of the questioning.

"First question," he began. "Where did you acquire all your funds and assets?"

"From wise investments and careful management of our country's estate," Arthur instantly replied, keeping his tone even. "Over the months, I have established solid partnerships with reputable businesses across the Water Country, which have all contributed to my financial growth."

The graph remained still as Chōjūrō wrote down the response.

"Where were you born?" Ao forcefully continued.

"In the Fire Country," Arthur stated more firmly, "just like what's written in my birth certificate."

"How much withholding do you have in the country's financial account?"

"A modest portion—less than ten percent of my investment portfolio is channeled into the country's financial account… I believe in supporting community projects that uplift our citizens."

"How did you meet lord Hiromu?"

"During a collaborative development," Arthur smoothly recounted. "We discussed things aimed at improving the infrastructure and welfare of our districts."

"Can you explain your relationship with Xavier Mullard?"

At the mention of Xavier's name, Arthur was now certain of it: that rat of a mob boss gave them information on him!

How else would they have known that he was linked to the plaza? Arthur had made sure to cover his tracks carefully, going as far as to never make mention of his building to anyone.

"Certainly," he said. "He's an interesting businessman, as I've helped fund him to foster a workable society for the community."

Mei raised an eyebrow. That was not the answer she wanted to hear.

"Why are you currently constructing this plaza?" Ao pressed.

"That was supposed to be a surprise," Arthur chuckled, seizing up the question. "Since I'm being interrogated about it, it's because I strongly believe that it will expand public engagement and serve as a central hub for commerce and cultural identity."

"How do you plan to address the trust deficit between everyone if you are found guilty?"

"By emphasizing transparency and open communication," Arthur quickly replied. "With nothing to really hide, it'd be better to address the citizens' concerns directly via a public meeting."

Spoken like a true politician.

Mei, after doing more observing than talking, finally chose to ask a question. Albeit, it was a more sophisticated one to try and throw Arthur off guard.

"Can you justify the feudal system's relevance in modern governance, particularly concerning your rule?"

Arthur's response was deliberate: "The feudal system helps ensure local leadership is accessible and accountable to the populace. It creates a balance in governance that allows for both stability and responsiveness to the community's specific needs; hence, why I wouldn't change it but rather expand on it."

The citizens' eyes darted from one to another before suddenly cheering. But Arthur could hear it in their applause—they didn't even know what sort of political nonsense he was spouting.

"Can you discuss the role of shaping your decisions as the feudal lord?" Ao continued.

"Certainly," he said, ready to give an articulate answer. "I consider public opinion and community needs a priority in shaping my decisions. I also consult with my council members to ensure a holistic approach to governance."

This time, Ao's tone became much sharper as he asked, "How do you respond to claims that you exploit your position for personal financial gain?"

With composure, Arthur replied, "I completely refute those claims. My financial gains stem from legitimate investments made prior to my political career, keeping those matters completely separate from my duties as an official."

"What do you think the legacy of your lordship will be if these allegations of ours are proven true?"

"Should any directives reveal wrongdoing," Arthur evenly stated, "I would expect my legacy to be severely tarnished. Yet I'd still strive for a sense of integrity and service to those I might have wronged as opposed to self-interest."

Some were ready to shed tears for him.

Finally, Ao leaned closer to ask, "And how do you respond to these allegations specifically?"

"Allegations without evidence are merely rumors," Arthur replied with authority. "Have I not welcomed your inquiries, and have I demonstrated my innocence through honesty and transparency? Do I not advocate for truth?"

At that bold statement, the entire area became silent. Because not a single time did the lie detector go off.

Arthur found that the questions had been expertly aimed to provoke a reaction only after having done some research on him. But he stood tall and unbroken.

Xavier would surely pay for having tried to backstab him and go against their written agreement of concealment.

Ao's skepticism only deepened after having seen the response, and though he maintained a façade of professionalism, he was extremely uneasy.

It was because of Arthur's articulate answers. Anyone who could have answered like he had surely had too many secrets, too many strategies behind that understated smile.

But no one, not even Mei, had any real reason to doubt him after he had passed a public lie detector test.

Were there any tricks Arthur pulled? Not at all.

The key to winning against a lie detector was to remain calm and steady. A lie detector on Earth measures physiological responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and skin conductivity, which can all indicate stress or deception.

To successfully counteract these measurements, one must rid themselves of any anxiety and physiological responses while learning how to control their breathing.

Something like that was easy for Arthur, as it only required meditation visualization to maintain a consistent state of stillness throughout the test.

What about a lie detector that also scans chakra flow? The answer was more simple than one would expect.

'Control your chakra and you control the results…'

When it came to chakra control, Arthur's was tremendously advanced!

The crowd cheered at the finality of things while Chōjūrō unstrapped him.

He flexed his wrist, shaking off the residual sensations of being confined. Yet, lingering in his mind was an unsettling thought: throughout the entire interrogation process, Mei and the others hadn't asked a single question regarding the expungement order concerning Tayuya.

What had truly prompted their weariness? What had shifted their perception enough to cause this subtle inquisition?

Somewhere, Arthur had to have made a mistake. Yet this was odd, for he never left room for mistakes.

As he ruminated on these questions, the chorus of cheers grew louder. The citizens poured forth from the sidelines, feeling quite passionate for him.

They were his supporters, loyal to him through thick and thin, and their frustrations in seeing him accused of something without clear evidence finally boiled to the surface.

"Mizukage!" one woman shouted, her fists clenched in anger. "What you did to our lord was uncalled for!"

"Apologize!" yelled another, pointing an accusatory finger at Mei and the others. "You have no right to treat our leader this way!"

"He's also your leader, lady!" another citizen screamed, ignoring Mei's title. "He deserves respect!"

Chōjūrō uneasily shifted, noting how quickly the tide of public sentiment had turned against the three officials. They thought they were just as high on the political hierarchy as Arthur was, but to think the difference between a Kage and feudal lord was this great.

Chōjūrō swallowed hard upon finally understanding that Arthur's support ran deeper than they had anticipated. He couldn't help but feel a tad frightened by the collected rants.

Arthur would have gladly let the citizens start throwing stones at the three, but he knew better.

He raised a hand, requesting silence as he stepped forward into the fray. There was no need to resort to force when he possessed the innate ability to command with authority.

"Everyone, please!" he began, projecting his voice to reach the angered citizens surrounding him. "I must apologize for their actions. The Mizukage—Mei—she is your Kage, and she deserves just as much respect as I do."

His words struck effectively. The crowd began to pause, reflecting on the validity of his statement.

Because he had remained humble in the face of scrutiny, it moved many of them, inching them back into a more tempered understanding.

Mei was honestly stunned, having not expected such an amiable command. It was a subtle but powerful gesture, one that almost brought a smile to her lips. If only she could find it within herself to extend a genuine apology.

But before she could voice her thoughts, Ao's hand settled firmly over her shoulder, a reminder of their purpose for having come here in the first place.

The gesture effectively pulled her back into the seriousness of the investigation, and the wave of gratitude she felt for Arthur's demeanor was soon overshadowed by her frustrations.

There was a reason why she came here, so she wasn't going to let his charming words dissuade her.

Arthur, always the observant one, caught a glimpse of her conflicted expression.

"Mizukage," he inquired, "how did you know this plaza was my project? This information shouldn't have slipped into the public domain."

Mei's brow furrowed, and she couldn't help but retort, "Why had you been hiding such a big project right beneath everyone's noses?"

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