
Landed Safely

The group of Kaeri landed back in the dungeon with a graceful leap, their movements as light as footsteps. The Kaeri's shining body was turned off upon touching the sunlight.

The Kaeri, with their unique ability to use a small amount of mana to delve into the void and climb back, were the only races of monsters capable of doing so.

That was why they were essential in the dungeon's construction and perfectly suited for such rescues.

Also, their body that could produce light in the dark useful against the nameless monster.

As the void closed behind them, they returned to the spot where Ashtarot and Sorrel had fallen. A crowd of worried staff awaited their return, among them Sorrush and Sarrisa.

Hearing that their loved ones had been in an accident had thrown them into a panic, causing them to abandon their posts and work to anxiously await the rescue team.

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