
Seventy Three

It was Jie, and even though he was standing with his back towards her she could recognize that stance. The straight shoulders that indicated a strength of personality that had made her fall in love with him. Now the sight of it just angered her and she wanted to deal with him until his shoulders were slumped in defeat and suffering.

She did not want to talk to him and she wondered why he had come there. She wondered if he had an appointment with the doctor, after all he had been injured. But if so, why then would he come to Mr Xhi's room and not directly to the doctor's office?

She straightened her back and continued walking, Jie seemed to sense her presence because he turned around and saw her.

There was a look of concern in his eyes but Natzin decided that he must be pretending, what reason would he have to be concerned over her when she was an obstacle that he wanted removed.

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