

Natzin looked on in concern as Ye Xian turned pale after answering the call and she waited until she needed the call and looked up.

"Is everything okay? What is the problem, is it Fan or auntie?" Natzin asked as she came closer to Ye Xian who looked like she could faint any moment.

"It's.. it's my father, he has been released from jail and apparently he is planning on holding a press conference." Ye Xian muttered, her mind seemingly gone far away as she stared into the distance.

"A press conference?" Natzin echoed and screwed her face.

It was inconceivable to her that a man like Ye Xian's father who had just been released from jail would want to hold a press conference, what could he possibly have to say to the press?

"Why would he hold a press conference?" She asked perplexed at the confusing news.

Ye Xian's panic filled eyes swung to her and she said in an urgent tone, "I need to go to the location and stop him immediately."

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