
Attack of the Underground Monsters (1)

We were screwed at the highest level.

Those were roars of monsters coming from the rear and that means there are monsters in the town.

How did they enter the town without completely breaking the defence lines that we had laid out to stop them?

There is only one answer and that is Underground Monsters.

Now that those monsters became part of the tide, then anyone would say that we are utterly screwed.

Even though I have sensory skills, it would be quite difficult with too many magic skills flying around. There are many who are using Earth magic. Unless they have an affinity with Earth element, it would be difficult to differentiate between who is who.

This makes it very difficult for me to understand where the underground monsters are.

If there were no people around, maybe it may be easy, though never verified, as I never went to the areas that are famous for underground monsters.

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