
18. Unforeseen Event

The boy wanted to scream, even in his state, bound, gagged and violated, all he did was try to crawl to the girl. As I approach, he turned to look at me in terror, I was sure he couldn't make out my features in the dim light.

I reached down to the naked body of the girl, she just lay there, even I who had killed so may since coming to this world, felt a pain in my heart. From the looks of it they hadn't held back, she had purple bruises all over and bleeding from all of her orifices. 

I checked, not really expecting anything, but she was still breathing, just barely. I looked at the boy who looked back with hate filled eyes. I took out a dagger and pointed it near his face to make my point.

"Listen, the men who did this are dead. We killed them. I can help you and the girl. But you need to stop struggling and listen. If I take the gag out, if you scream, I will kill both of you and leave you here, understood?" I had said while channeling every bit of 'intimidation' I could, it probably wasn't needed as I still had my mask on.

The boy froze, probably would piss himself if he could, I cut the dirty cloth that bound the gag in his mouth. As the gag came out, he pleaded, "Please help us, my sister, please, she's all I have please, I beg you, Alys please."

"Quiet." I said, forcefully stopping any further begging. "I will help you, when my men return we will get you somewhere safe, if you scream, you and sister will die, understood.

He quickly nodded, even if I was helping them, there needed to be some understanding, I wasn't going to put myself and my men in unnecessary danger. His eyes went wide again as he heard the approaching footsteps.

Sure enough it was Ilyn and Robar that came through the door. "You, take the girl and you the boy. Be careful with them, especially the girl." I instructed Ilyn to take the girl while I quickly wrapped her in my cloak. Robar would take the boy.

With their injuries, it was faster to carry them, I had no doubts that Ilyn and Robar would manage since they could train for hours in plate armor, right now they only had chainmail on them. This wasn't the first time we had rescued an orphan in bad condition.

As they picked them up, I made my way down the stairs to the ground floor. There were 4 bodies laid out in the center of the room, on top of a broken table and some broken chairs on the floor.

I quickly took out a small paint brush from my pouch and I quickly drew 4 diagonal lines across the wall using blood from the bodies. They ran from top right to bottom left resembling claws; this was my new calling card for my Basilisk persona.

We quickly exited the house after I made sure the street was cleared. It took us half hour to make it back to my manse, the entire time I had to walk ahead looking out for patrolling Gold Cloaks. There had only been 1 patrol we needed to avoid and we just had to take a different street around them.


I had woken up Maester Brayan and Mya to take care of them. The brother had passed out by the time we got back, he was fortunate, as bad as his injuries were, he would live, the sister 'may not be so lucky'.

I could see that the situation had brought back some trauma from Mya's past, but I had confidence in her and I knew that she would do everything she could for the girl. Only time would tell if she would survive.

As I sat in my office, I contemplated how the night had gone. I didn't blame myself for what had happened to the brother and sister, I couldn't kill all the criminals in the city, it had been their bad luck.

However, I could have made the scum them suffer before they died, in my haste to get rid of them, I had over looked their possible crimes and granted them the mercy of a quick death. This only highlighted my need for my own information network.

I had used them out of convenience to spread the name of The Basilisk. It had started off as an afterthought and then grew into an idea. The Basilisk was supposed to be some type of Boogieman, something to keep the petty criminals in check, but then I started to see greater possibilities for the future. 

 Why just a Boogieman, he could be so much more. The small folk of King's Landing numbered around half a million and this was the capital of Westeros. They were a potential tool just waiting to be used by the right person.

Power resided in The Capital and the people were pivotal in its running, from the servant to the guards. I needed a way to not only influence those in power but also those who served their bidding. This was the only way to secure absolute power, because the more successful I become the more enemies I will have.

The Faith was one such entity that I needed to be wary of. There were a lot about the true nature of the Divinities of this world that I still didn't know and I couldn't take the chance that one day, they would oppose me by using the masses, I would need to work out ways to counter them.

The Faith had a large following in both King's Landing and Lannisport. I needed to start to build my own organizations that could control the small folk so that they couldn't be used against me. As during the rule of King Aenys Targaryen when The Faith had rebelled and used the small folk to bolster their force, such as The Faith Militant and The Poor Fellows.

Also future events, when Cersei had committed the fatal sin of complete stupidity and allowed the High Sparrow to re-militarized The Faith. My balls hurt just thinking that she could one day be a child of mine.

I was planning 2 organizations, the 1st will utilize personas such as The Basilisk to control the underworld to indirectly achieve my objectives, also gather information and spread propaganda.

The 2nd will be and elite team of spies, to focus on the noble houses as well as carry out assassinations and other clandestine operations. I had a headache just thinking about how to fill the numbers that I needed, it was why I saved the brother and sister tonight, and why I hired orphans at both my Inns.

I would provide them with shelter, food and a place to belong to. Those who showed potential, I would recruit, train and all I asked was for their loyalty. It was something Varys had done as well.

It was a long road ahead and I felt exhausted, since I had come to this world, I hadn't even taken a moment for myself. Even now as I planned and schemed, all I could see in the near future was more long days and night, maybe I would take a few weeks off during the Kings Tournament in the next 5 months.

Even if there were thing I needed to do, I could consider it a working vacation. I got up and got ready for bed. Mya wouldn't be joining me tonight as she will be spending the night keeping an eye on the girl. Delia and Darcey normally spent their nights at the Inns as most times it was too late for them to return.

For the first time in a while I will be sleeping alone, with nothing else to do I closed my eyes and checked my status.


Name; Tywin Lannister

Age; 11

Blessings; Divine Guidance

Titles; Heir to Casterly Rock, Tytos Lannister's Son, The Young Lord of Casterly Rock, The Basilisk

Bloodline; (Inactive)



Vitality- 10/15, Strength- 11/15, Stamina- 11/15, Agility- 15/15, Mind- 15/15, Will- 11/15, Charisma- 12/15, Luck- 11/15 +1

(Free Attribute Points 0)



Sword Proficiency (proficient-10/30) Dagger Proficiency (proficient-7/30) +1

Archery (proficient-15/30)

Shield Proficiency (proficient-2/30) Reading (proficient-15/30) Arithmetic (proficient-12/30) Observation (proficient -15/30) Sexual Performance(proficient-5/30)

Controlled Breathing (proficient -22/30)

Striking (proficient -5/30) Spatial Awareness (proficient -20/30) Intimidate (proficient -12/30), Climbing (proficient -5/30)

Fine Motor Control (proficient 18/30) Deception (proficient 6/10)

Memory Recall (proficient 15/30) Inspire (proficient -12/30)

Stealth (proficient-5/30)

High Valyrian Language (proficient- 10/30)


Riding Proficiency (moderate-7/20) Handwriting (moderate-3/20) Alchemy (moderate-16/20)


(Free Skill Points- 10)


*Slay 100 opponents in battle. (64/100) (rewards- 5 free AP on completion) +2

*Gain knowledge by reading 100 books. (56/100) (rewards- 1 Free AP)

*Increase 5 skills to the expert level. (0/5) (rewards- 5 free SP)

*Notice- * (Hidden Bonus) You have saved the lives of two who despite their great potential, were always destined for tragic ends. You have changed their paths and changed destiny slightly in your favour. (+1 Luck Attribute has been granted.)



'Huh?' I was a little confused now, how did I receive a hidden bonus outside of a quest? What did it mean by I had changed destiny slightly in my favour? Why were they destined for tragic ends and what potential?

I had so many questions, did I hit the jackpot or did I interfere with something I shouldn't have. I am hoping that it means that they were just destined to never have a good life and I intervened without triggering some malevolent entity.

Even if I am shielded from the Divinities, why attract unnecessary attention too soon. Eventually I would be at odds with them but now was too soon, I was still too weak. I had played my hand and continue to not deviate too far from the main lore thus far.

Aenys Frey's death and my spite of Walder Frey was definitely deviations. The creation of The Basilisk persona was definitely something never mentioned in canon or was it something book Tywin would do.

My relationship with the Mya and the sisters, was something he wouldn't do at such a young age either. There was never any mention of Garrand Prester or Robar the Lion's Sheild. Yet my actions tonight were the first confirmation that I was changing lore.

Was it that my actions up to now could still be reversed or somehow negated, is it by saving these two, I had somehow changed an event that would reverberate throughout history. My headache only intensified while thinking about these things. Maybe it would be better if I went to sleep.

Before I went to sleep, a lightbulb went off. I hadn't received any other quests since Aenys Frey, was it that I had completed a quest that I had not received a notice for, I had done it by complete chance? I was wide awake again. Had I done something before the quest had been issued?

Maybe I had been going about this thing the wrong way, instead of laying low, the system wanted me to take risks, to actively change the lore of the world. Even if that was the case, it would come back full circle and wind up putting a crosshair on my own back.

'Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk, knowing the future is a massive pain in the ass, changing the future is an even bigger pain.' It was just too complicated, too many moving parts, too many players and I hadn't even met anyone or anything associated with my real enemy, 'The Great Other'.


7 days later

It was sunny out, and I was together with King Aegon V, Lord Commander Duncan and other members of the King's Guard at the gate to the Red Keep, watching a precession making their way through the city. It was made up mostly of knights, squires and men-at-arms, more than a hundred strong and at the center several carriages.

At the front was a man riding a black destrier, dressed in simple yet elegant black coat with red trim with the Targaryen sigil on his breast. As he rode forward accompanied by another knight, I could see that he had dark hair but still possessed the distinct purple eyes of a Targaryen.

As the man came closer, the King smiled at his oldest son, Prince Duncan Targaryen. Prince Ducan quickly dismounted and approached, he bowed "Your Grace" when he was only a few feet away and the King quickly moved forward and hugged his son.

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