
[Volume 1] Chapter 146 - Aron is in pain!

Aron stood slightly apart from the group, his gaze flitting between Ray and Ryan as they animatedly conversed with Jay. The afternoon sun cast warm rays across the yard, but despite the pleasant atmosphere, an unsettling sensation began to creep over him. It started as a mere tickle, a faint whisper against his skin, but it quickly escalated into a maddening itch that consumed his focus.

Frowning, he rubbed his hands together, desperately trying to relieve the discomfort. With each frantic scrub, however, his palms only grew redder, fiery welts emerging like angry reminders of an invisible menace. A sharp, stinging pain shot through his hands, and he could feel the heat radiating from his skin.

"Ack!" he groaned, frustration lacing his voice. He threw back his head and scratched at his scalp, hoping to distract himself from the mounting irritation.

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