
Deal with the Delinquent

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"I consider myself Istanbul's storyteller. My subject matter is my town. I consider it my job to explore the hidden patterns of my city's clandestine corners, its shady, mysterious places, the things I love." – Orhan Pamuk

Hachiman's POV

Hachiman looked at Mei-Yu for a bit before he slowly nodded, indicating to Mei-Yu that she could continue with what she wanted to get across.

Mei-Yu looked on, before she looked on, "She just always seems, rather…"

Hachiman raised an eyebrow. "Rather what? She seems fine to me."

Mei-Yu sighed, "She always seems to be in her own mind, like she's detached." She explained, trying to figure out the appropriate words to say.

Hachiman pondered what and why Mei-Yu would think that.

But considering the kind of girl Shiina had told she was, it would make some sense.

Shiina was and had always explained how she was alone throughout her time during school due to her being seen as "weird" by her fellow classmates.

Something Hachiman could relate well to. Something he understood.

So, the fact that Shiina was often seen as rather detached from the outside world around her, it made sense, in Hachiman's opinions.

When someone was alone, it made sense why one may detach themselves from those around them, as it was a coping mechanism for chronic loneliness, in Hachiman's opinion.

Hachiman however was unsure if he should tell Mei-Yu about Shiina considering they've only known each other for around two days.

Therefore, Hachiman had to think of a way to not really tell Shiina's own circumstances to Mei-Yu.

Hachiman eventually spoke in a way to ensure Mei-Yu wasn't being isolated from befriending her. "It's nothing serious. She does it to me as well."

Mei-Yu however didn't think this was the case, "But she always snaps back and focuses whenever you are around."

That surprised Hachiman, "She does?"

Mei-Yu nodded, "Yes. It's always like she's quiet and still, like a statue. But when she's with you, she seems a lot more alive and authentic."

Hachiman raised an eyebrow, clearly unsure what to think about that, "I guess it's because we speak a lot on books. That's all."

Mei-Yu remained confused, "But she doesn't seem to always want to speak to me…"

Hachiman sighed, "Again, it's nothing serious. If you just be open and speak to her consistently, she'll come out of her shell. That's what I had to do."

That seemed to get Mei-Yu a bit more understanding regarding it likely would take time for Shiina to get more comfortable around others.

"Is she a loner type? Like alone and shy?" Mei-Yu asked curiously.

Hachiman shrugged, "More than likely not shy. Just detached as you said. You just must befriend and enjoy what she enjoys befriending her." Hachiman explained.

In a sense, that was likely that you had to do to befriend anyone. Simply put, friends got together over mutual interests.

Throughout it all, Mei-Yu looked a bit conflicted, and thus Hachiman decided to ask Mei-Yu something.

"Would you say you're shy?" Hachiman asked. If that was the case, then perhaps befriending Shiina would be more difficult for Mei-Yu than he thought initially.

Regardless, Hachiman knew Mei-Yu must be more determined and bolder when it comes to befriending people.

"I guess act like her how you would to Hirata." Hachiman shrugged. That caused Mei-Yu to blush and become even more nervous.

Hachiman silently rolled his eyes realizing Mei-Yu likely had a crush on the popular boy. Regardless, even then Mei-Yu was willing to confront and speak to him.

"What I mean is use the same determination you use to speak to Hirata, as you would for Hiyori." Hachiman explained. It was rather straightforward, and thus he hoped Mei-Yu would be more willing to befriend Shiina afterwards.

In the end, that seemed to make Mei-Yu a bit more understanding, all the while Hachiman didn't necessarily expose Shiina to the kind of person she was in her previous school years.

Mei-Yu nodded, smiling a bit albeit with a nervous tone in her voice, "T-Thank you Hikigaya, I-I'll try better next time."

As Mei-Yu went to walk away, Hachiman then asked something for confirmation, "Did you have a fight with Hiyori?"

Mei-Yu remained still after a bit, clearly indicating that Hachiman was onto something.

That was somewhat strange. Hachiman had never gotten into a fight with Shiina, so for Shiina to get in a small fight with Mei-Yu was surprising.

Regardless, Hachiman said one more thing. "Regardless of the circumstances of the argument and the topics spoke, don't hold it too much onto each other."

Mei-Yu sighed, "Hiyori spoke to me about my apparent obsession with Hirata…"

That made Hachiman a bit confused, "Huh?" He knew she was one of the girls to like him, but to see Shiina out of all people taking notice, was confusing. Shiina didn't even know Yousuke.

"No, it's just I kept… talking about him and the likes… I guess she figured out quickly… But she only got mad when I compared him to you…" Mei-Yu admitted, looking down.

Hachiman hummed, "Is that why you and Hiyori afterwards didn't come to see me after I finished studying with the other boys?"

Mei-Yu nodded, looking down. "Hiyori got mad that I compared her friend to someone else she didn't know… She kept saying that comparing people makes me come across as high demanding and spoiled…"

"She also said that she was fine with me speaking about Hirata, but not when I began to compare him to you, even if it was just by how similar the two of you were in figure…" Mei-Yu explained, her eyes down casted. "She said that by doing that, I was bringing down her friend and insulting you…"

Hachiman understood a bit better. "I see. But I guess she is right. Comparing others is never a good idea."

Mei-Yu nodded, "I learned that lesson today, Hiyori snapped it into my mind. Because she then started comparing you to this person and spoke about how you made her feel happier. She didn't know who Hirata was and yet even when I showed her a picture of him, she staunchly defended you. And then showed me how bad it felt when someone you like and care for is badmouthed by other people…"

Hachiman was a bit confused and shocked, as if he needed some time to think it through. Regardless, Hachiman sighed. "I don't necessarily care for the words people throw at me. If you think I'd be mad at you for saying I was ugly, then I would hate the other girls for spouting bad names at me as well. Simply put, I don't. I only care if the action demands consequences." Hachiman explained.

Mei-Yu nodded, guilty. "Still, I feel that you deserved an apology…"

Hachiman shrugged, waving his hand, "It's whatever. As I said, it doesn't impact me, and even I know I get a lot of comparisons to Hirata. Every boy in our class does. I've heard the girls speak on how Hirata's calm unlike Sudou, athletic unlike Yamauchi and Ike, more attractive than me and the other boys, it doesn't bother me."

Mei-Yu looked at Hachiman unsure, "But doesn't it hurt you to feel inferior to other people?"

Hachiman shook his head, "I already know my place in this school and society. And the best I can do is wear it with pride."

Mei-Yu looked on, a bit shocked to hear that even Hachiman himself admitted he felt inferior, because in his mind, he was. Mei-Yu never knew that, and while he didn't explicitly say it, he seemed uncaring to admit it.

Mei-Yu wanted to tell Hachiman that wasn't true but considering how she had compared him to Yousuke in front of Shiina, she knew she'd be a hypocrite if she spoke.

And so, she just nodded, before uttering a small statement. "Good night, Hikigaya… And please feel worthy. I'm sorry if I contributed to making you feel less…"

With that, Mei-Yu walked up, clearly feeling guilt for the action she had done, especially in front of Shiina.

Hachiman watched as the twin-haired girl walked up.

He truly didn't care.

He didn't.

Why else would he judge people for what they think of him when he thought the same thing? It was nothing, and hypocritical if Hachiman held that to her.

Regardless, he did feel that he would need to speak to Shiina for defending him from Mei-Yu. He doesn't deserve the need to be defended from others.

He didn't want to have that right again, else he risked losing those he cared for.

Not again.

He wanted to only rely on himself, and to ensure that he was capable, so that he could see the worth he truly was.

But now, he didn't deserve it.

Because those who cared for him once, would eventually suffer because of him.

And he couldn't allow that once again. Whether he was seen as selfish, cynical, or even a villain, he would focus on himself and his security.

But now it brought the question regarding Shiina.

How close could Hachiman allow himself to get to her? He wasn't sure, nor willing to decide that unresolved question right now.

As Hachiman made his way to his dorm, he decided to rest, working on deciding what to do in the morning.

Of course, night was rather underwhelming, Hachiman made a simple small dinner and went to bed.

By the time it was morning and classes rolled by, it was lunch. That was when Hachiman would decide to approach Shiina to speak on what apparently happened with Mei-Yu.

Instead, he met with another person, and offered a deal which would have worked for his plan regarding the three girls he had maintained a hostile stance towards.

Still, he was benefitting the class ultimately, and he felt that perhaps what he was about to do may seem rude, but the intention would suffice and maybe encourage the girls to learn more and be less critical.

It started when Hachiman spotted Shiina again in the hall. Steeling himself to approach her, he did and when Shiina noticed Hachiman, she smiled and walked to him, about to greet him.

She smiled at him, "Hey Hikigaya, how is your day?"

Hachiman wasn't expecting her to be so rushed in her introduction, but he continued.

"It's going fine. I was about to ask you something." Hachiman started.

"Oh?" Shiina tilted her head. Hachiman looked around, gauging the situation and environment before he decided.

"Want to get some food and go to the library?" Hachiman asked Shiina at last.

She nodded eagerly, "Yes. I always would like to with Hikigaya."

Hachiman acknowledged her as the two bought their own food before heading to the library for lunch. As Shiina was about to bring out a book, Hachiman decided to speak immediately.

"Hiyori, can we speak on something besides books for a bit?" Hachiman asked Shiina who nodded.

"Sure." She nodded, tilting her head as if wondering what was happening.

"I heard from last night, that you got into a fight with Wang?" Hachiman asked Shiina a bit unsure how to start it.

Shiina's head remained tilted as she pondered, "I don't recall it being a fight. I was just telling her how I didn't like how she was speaking down on you to try and speak on someone else's strengths."

Hachiman sighed, clearly unsure, "Have you ever met the person Wang told you about?"

Shiina shook her head, "No. She sent me a picture, and even then, I don't see any point speaking down on you."

"So, Wang was correct on Hiyori speaking up for me…" Hachiman confirmed before he too answered.

"As much as I appreciate you doing that, you didn't need to." Hachiman explained.

Shiina looked confused at Hachiman's own statement before she spoke, "But I didn't like how she was speaking bad about you."

"She apologized and learned her mistake. It's as simple as that." Hachiman shrugged, "Besides it doesn't affect me as much as you think."

"But still, you're my friend. I don't like it when people speak badly about them. Especially to make a point trying to emphasize about their own friends, there is no reason for them to bring others down through comparisons." Shiina explained.

Hachiman sighed, "Again Hiyori, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. You don't have to stick up for me."

"But I want to…" Shiina pouted which made Hachiman think how cute she looked right now.

"You don't have to, I'll be fine, I promise." Hachiman emphasized, gently placing his hand out to pet Shiina's head.

This shocked Shiina who slowly was flustered as Hachiman was patting her on her head, very softly and awkwardly.

"I haven't patted someone on the head since Kaori…" Hachiman thought to himself.

But before the two could speak further on the aftermath, an individual both recognized noticed them.

Kakeru Ryuuen.

For Hachiman, he was somewhat content he had approached them at this time, as it would make the aftermath a bit less awkward.

Furthermore, he had some things to speak on with Kakeru.

Hachiman turned to Shiina. "Hiyori, I would like to spend a bit more time with you later today, but I have a proposition and deal to make with Ryuuen."

Shiina looked surprised at this, turning to see Kakeru was also a bit surprised, but his surprise was turned to one of a small smirk.

In the end, Hachiman watched as Shiina left, looking back at Hachiman with a bit of worry.

As Shiina left the room, Ryuuen looked somewhat intrigued.

"Well, you've surprised me Hikigaya. What would you need my help with?" Kakeru asked, clearly smirking.

Hachiman hummed. "Looks like we have a lot to speak about, regarding circumstances and the likes…"

And so, as Hachiman spoke to Kakeru, it took the remaining of the lunch period. In the process, Hachiman maintained how many private points he had, with around 832,000 private points, however, with everything that he proposed, he would likely fall to 782,000. Still, he will be able to gain quite a bit from his job, and potential extras from Manabu.

Regardless, Hachiman realized that perhaps this could work regarding some favours. It was a bit weird, but in a strange sense, it reminded Hachiman a bit of the service club.

Beyond that, nothing specific occurred, or at least anything significant that would occur for now.

In the end, Hachiman looked on as the afternoon classes were about to start once again. It was bound to be nothing of major interest, but considering it was Friday, Hachiman was about to gain around 8,000 private points with how he was working. Regardless, it was worth it and Hachiman could slowly make more private points.

Furthermore, the more he was able to find work, the more he could gain private points.

Despite it being Friday, study groups were still occurring, and Hachiman felt himself a bit tired.

Still, the progress Sudou, Yamauchi, and Ike were making was respectable.

But even still, to further complete and satisfy Hachiman's resolve regarding what was going on, he needed something else to happen.

Unlike the last time, Hachiman and the others decided to go in the cafeteria this time. It would make it easier for Sudou to head to basketball.

Regardless, this worked fine for Hachiman.

Especially when he saw the faces of Horikita, Satsuki, Maya, and Kei, Hachiman he was completely fine with it.

For the time being, Hachiman decided to focus on helping the boys in his little group, letting Horikita work with the girls.

Likewise, Hachiman could tell that they were currently feeling miserable, especially since Hachiman could hear Horikita sternly speaking to them and even sometimes berating them for being unable to answer some stuff.

Hachiman didn't care for them. They deserved it in his mind, and he was glad Kikyou and Yousuke had managed to switch it to be like that.

However, as Hachiman focused on the boys he was helping to better their studying, that was when Hachiman heard something. The sounds of something falling and being spilled.

When Hachiman turned his head to look up, to see what was going on, his eyes showed no sense of surprise or care when he noticed that some guys seemed to have accidentally tumble on the table of the girls, spilling his drink on the paper of the girls, which likely was the tests and the notes the girls had.

The looks of devastation on Satsuki, Maya, and Kei's face showed it all, and even when that occurred, Hachiman had no care in the world for them, as all he could mumble in his head was one word.


Hachiman watched as the guy was at least nice enough to help dry the stuff off, but the damage was already done.

All the girls' study notes were wet and indistinguishable through the ways to learn, and now, Kei, Maya, and Satsuki would likely have some form of stress and worry, knowing that their progress was completely derailed.

Hachiman didn't care, and instead watched as Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi were looking at the brewing commotion, especially considering Satsuki, Maya, and Kei were all clearly about to lash out at the poor student who had done such a thing.

Therefore, Hachiman got up.

"Where you are going, Hikigaya?" Sudou asked the fish eyed student in confusion.

Hachiman shrugged, "I'm going to the library. Something about what is going on over there makes me feel that there is a commotion brewing."

Sure enough, Kei was the first to lash out, angrily yelling at the student, with the other girls following her.

With that, and not wanting to hear such annoyances, the boys and Hachiman left and migrated to the library.

But for Hachiman, he knew that the little incident of Kei, Maya, and Satsuki's studying notes all being destroyed would be a crucial point going further.

For, if Hachiman could get those three girls to score lower than Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou, they would be embarrassed and have more issues to deal with regarding their reputation than to care about their hatred for him.

This would teach them a lesson that worrying about themselves, and their reputation was more worth than trying to bring others down.

Furthermore, it would teach a hard-learned lesson when necessary.

For Hachiman did not care in the slightest of what Satsuki, Kei, and Maya were now going to go through.

Coupled with Horikita, there was nothing they likely couldn't do.

Well, sorry for not updating for a bit... I ended up getting sick and then found out while sick that it was Covid, first time I've ever had it too, so... yeah sorry for catching covid.

So, a bit of a calm to chaotic chapter, the biggest scene is the student spilling his drink onto Satsuki, Maya, and Kei's handwritten notes for the midterm exams. Considering the circumstances, they will struggle doing the practice stuff on their own independently. Meaning they will struggle a lot more than in the canon.

As for Hachiman and the small fight between Shiina and Mei-Yu, that's just meant to be more of an authentic moment for Mei-Yu and Shiina. Those two are similar in my opinion so I thought it'd be nice to have them interacting.


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