
Eye to Eye

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"I feel that art has something to do with the achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos. A stillness which characterizes prayer, too, and the eye of the storm. I think that art has something to do with an arrest of attention in the midst of distraction." – Saul Bellow

Hachiman's POV

The aftermath of what appeared to be among the scariest moments in Hachiman's life had passed.

Well… perhaps it wasn't the scariest moment in Hachiman's life…

"Yeah, I can name like two or three moments where I had been scared, alas, two of them were from when I was a child and teenager… So perhaps me being older has allowed me to be firmer and stronger." Hachiman thought.

He felt that his hands from where Manabu had struck him were still aching in pain. It wasn't enough to make him coil over and fall to the ground, as it was lessening, but a few more hits, even when Hachiman had blocked would've been enough to injure him to that point.

He was incredibly glad he knew how to effectively grapple and joint lock, else he would have been at a massive disadvantage.

Hachiman wasn't the best at fighting, but because of the training and conditions he was in with Aoki, he certainly had knowledge and a physical figure to utilize for such fights. But otherwise, Hachiman never liked fighting.

He never really liked intense activities, unless he had a purpose.

Hachiman thought back to the time he was in middle school, how he had swum two kilometers and was even given an athletic reward for being good at swimming. So much so they wanted him to try swimming professionally.

But Hachiman chose to deny and leave that behind because he had numerous external issues that nobody would want to help him through. Once they saw how messed up and chaotic his situation was, they would pull out and run away as always.

Then, there was the time in Junior High he had managed to perform on par with Hayama. Sure, there was a reason for this, albeit a stupid reason when Hachiman thought about it.

Throughout the entire course regarding everything, Hachiman could say that right now, his was the least chaotic time in his life. Being in a senior high school that prevented contact with the external world, it was a godsend for someone like Hachiman, who had to likely deal with the Yukinoshita family, something he wasn't willing to deal with once again.

Hachiman looked on as he and Manabu had agreed to meet at a later day, with the latest being 3 days later, by the end of the week.

As this occurred, Hachiman had simply gone back to his dorm to sleep. When he woke up, the day was as typical as he figured.

He had gone to class, and listening to Sae, Hachiman began to ponder specifically on the circumstances at which everything had brewed up. In specific, Hachiman remembered how Sae had thrown him under the bus when it came towards the private points matter.

Hachiman thus was also thinking of a way to get back to Sae.

However, he wasn't entirely sure how he could get back at her. A part of him wondered if it could be small and petty, like taking away her cigarettes to make her freak out, but he wasn't sure.

Regardless, Hachiman had to respect that Sae was a teacher, and thus she had a lot of levying power against him. Hachiman had to think critically about what to do.

In the meantime, one of the more notable things about today was during lunch.

Hachiman had intended to walk again to the library, as he wanted specifically some time to himself, where he could be alone, or at least not around complete strangers or people who would criticize with him their glares.

All the while Hachiman sighed as he sat down, ready to enjoy a bit of alone time.

That was, until Hachiman noticed someone was coming into the library. Somebody he recognized, considering it was a short girl with silver hair going down her back and hips.

But the other individual was somebody he wasn't aware of.

By the looks of it, Hachiman could see this man was some form of delinquent. This individual had a muscular physique, more on the similar side.

Again, like Yousuke and Hachiman, but slightly more muscular.

The individual, from what Hachiman could see, was slightly shorter than Hachiman himself, and had shoulder-length magenta hair. He also had magenta eyes which seemed very sharp, looking everywhere as if ready to analyze it critically.

The individual wore the typical standard uniform, although like Hachiman himself, he didn't use the tie, but also had a bit of his shirt unbuttoned.

It wasn't until Shiina spotted Hachiman did she walk towards him, which the other man noticed, and began to follow.

"Hikigaya?" Hachiman turned to see Shiina looking at him.

"Yes?" Hachiman answered as he turned to look back at Shiina.

Shiina looked at Hachiman before seemingly turning to the other individual next to her. "This is Ryuuen Kakeru, he's in my class."

Hachiman nodded, turning to greet Kakeru in the eyes. Immediately, the two pretty much went into a staring match, as Hachiman's dead fisheyes turned and analyzed Kakeru's fearful eyes. Hachiman, however, didn't bother to let his fear get involved, as he focused on trying to see the kind of person Kakeru is.

"Seems to me he's a leader-like individual. Maybe a bit ruthless and sadistic." Hachiman thought to himself as he seemed to be waiting for Kakeru himself to speak.

Kakeru, however, was also making his own first impression of Hachiman.

"Literally seems unimpressive. Just normal. How did this normal person with fisheyes catch Hiyori's attention and causing her to always speak about him?" Kakeru's opinion of Hachiman seemed to be very normal.

Nothing special or anything going on.

Hachiman however could see that Kakeru was a delinquent who liked being a leader. He wouldn't be surprised if this individual was the type to get into fights. However, even then, Hachiman could see some uses through this individual.

"Hachiman Hikigaya." Hachiman responded after a bit, seeing Kakeru as the delinquent too remained quiet.

Shiina looked at the two, clearly a bit tense clearly seeing Hachiman and Kakeru staring at each other.

"Nice to meet you, Hikigaya. I've been informed by Hiyori numerous times about how you." Kakeru spoke at last, as Hachiman turned to Hiyori in confusion.

"Why is she speaking to other people about me?" Hachiman asked himself in confusion. When he turned to see Shiina, he could see her cheeks were a bit flushed at Kakeru's statement.

Hachiman nodded, "I see… Is there any reason you came here then?"

Kakeru chuckled, "Straight to the point, taking no bullshit, that's interesting." He muttered as Hachiman eyed Kakeru with confusion.

"I can hear you. Is there anything you need from me?" Hachiman emphasized his point as Kakeru got to the point.

"Well, when one of my closest allies are speaking a lot and highly of another, I have to check it out." Kakeru explained, grinning as if spotting something in Hachiman he liked.

Hachiman rolled his eyes, "Are you her friend, or father?"

Kakeru smirked, "Well, how do I put this?" He mumbled before he spoke, "I guess you could say an ally? A friend? However, Hiyori is a rather… quiet girl, which has made her lonely."

Hachiman raised an eyebrow, "Okay, so you are overprotective of her?"

Kakeru laughed at this point, "Perhaps I am, because she is a… how do I say it?"

"Fragile? Timid? Lonely?" Hachiman asked.

Kakeru nodded, "Honestly, all of them. Except when she talks about you." Kakeru explained, his eyes narrowing slightly to Hachiman. "Every time she's around you, or coming back from speaking to you, she gets all talkative and energetic. It's so… unlike her."

Hachiman then deadpanned, "She is right here, you know."

Kakeru nodded, "I do. She knows how different she acts. I'm just curious as to who the individual is to have caused a… change in her."

Hachiman shrugged, "Well regardless, I don't think it's much to think about. She's changed me a bit as well, so it's mutual."

"Eh?" Kakeru tilted his head as if wanting to hear more. Shiina too looked at Hachiman a bit shocked at what he had referred to.

Hachiman's eyes looked tired as he spoke, wishing he didn't have to spend his lunch time speaking to someone he barely knew. He was fine with Shiina came alone, but she came with someone else who seemed to want to meet him.

"All we do is read books together. She mustn't have had anyone who was fine with reading books with her. I'm not special or anything. I'm just the first to accept her for who she is."

Kakeru hummed before smirking, "Very well. I don't have a problem with it. I'll leave you two alone for the rest of your lunch time." With that, Kakeru had left, having seen everything he wanted to regarding this Hachiman fellow.

Hachiman watched as Kakeru left, clearly confused about everything. He first turned to Shiina who had chosen to remain behind. "So, you talk to me to someone else?"

Shiina seemed a bit confused at why Hachiman was asking that, "Yes, Hikigaya makes me happy, so I talk a lot about you."

Hachiman, in a dramatic sense, collapsed from the cuteness and confusion Shiina was showing. "Come on, isn't that a bit… awkward for me?" Hachiman asked a bit uncertain. Shiina shook his head.

"I don't know, why is it weird for you?" Shiina asked, "Do you not talk about me?"

Shiina's face of sadness seemed to be impacting Hachiman in an unexpected way as he tried to find a way out of this. "It's just… I'm not used to other people knowing about me… So, people talking about me like how you do… It's a new thing…"

Shiina's face seemed to understand now, "Oh… I get it… Hikigaya doesn't like other people knowing about him… He likes to only be around me."

Hachiman flinched at that as he muttered in his mind, "Don't say it like that!"

Hachiman cleared his throat, "Yeah, I don't like speaking about others unless they give me permission to. Would you like if I talked to other people about what you and I do?"

Shiina shook her head, "No… I wouldn't…"

Hachiman nodded in agreement. "Not that I'm mad at you or anything, but before we have stuff like that happen again."

Shiina understood as her figure showed it all. "I see… However, Ryuuen was someone I had to tell."

Hachiman looked at Shiina with a newfound confusion, "And why is that?"

Hachiman was utterly confused as to why Shiina would have to inform someone like Kakeru.

There were two reasons that Hachiman was theorizing.

One, was that because they were in the same class, he was a leader? Wouldn't go far from what he could see based on the kind of character Kakeru was.

The other, and less likely, but never a zero percent chance, was that Kakeru was Shiina's boyfriend.

There had to be a reason why he was protective of her.

"Why is he protective of you?" Hachiman asked.

Shiina answered transparently, "He's the class leader."

Hachiman looked on, "Guess that eliminates the relationship scenario."

Shiina then added, "Although he usually is strict when it comes to everyone and who they speak to. He was hesitant to letting me speak to you."

Hachiman hummed as he pondered, "So, is he like a dictator?"

Shiina tilted her head, pondering before she shrugged, "I guess, he can be. But he means well for us."

Hachiman hummed, "I can understand it. Sometimes it's a reason and has its advantages for security." He pondered. He wasn't against any of that.

When it comes to authoritarianism, Hachiman always had some opinions on it. Not negative, but rather he always liked looking at them from a specific perspective.

Mainly because he would read a lot of books with varying opinions. Books based off the Japanese emperor and the history of Japan, he was always intrigued by such leaders, not because he wanted to be like them, but because it was interesting to see how simple, yet complex such a job is.

In the end, Hachiman had a neutral stance on Kakeru. He hasn't done anything to him, so he wouldn't do anything. Hachiman looked on, "Makes sense why you would have to tell him."

Shiina hummed, "Indeed, but since we are here, do you want to spend the rest of lunch reading and eating?"

Hachiman gave a nod of confirmation, "Sure, we can."

Besides the meeting with Kakeru that Hachiman did not anticipate, he eventually found himself enjoying the quiet time when it comes to earing lunch in the library, with Shiina as always.

The two even managed to read a bit of the book they both agreed to read.

Once that was finished, Hachiman and Shiina went to their separate classes with the advent of the midterm exams coming up.

The afternoon classes went as always, before the after classes occurred. Those were always the most interesting parts of the school day now.

For Hachiman, it came across as the first time in the school he had to deviate between two different things. Between his job and helping the idiot trio study.

Sure, some people may ask why Hachiman had decided to take the time to help the likes of Sudou, Ike, and Yamauchi study, but in a weird sense, it was for two reasons.

To help the class, and to indirectly humiliate Satsuki, Maya, and Karuizawa. Perhaps he was selfish or being out of what he usually found himself to be. but he had to think rationally. If he allowed people to trample over him, he would continue to be trampled.

Especially in a school environment, he knew that the weak had no place. He had to be strong and respected. Else the life he worked hard to get of being separated away from the outside world would go to smoke.

In short, he had to gain respect and authority to maintain his position. Whatever means necessary. Whether it was supporting the class, acknowledging and forcing those to accept their faults and learn from them to be better, he would do anything.

But with the girls, he had to do it for all those reasons. He will commit to this, because he will need respect, reassurance, and structure.

And he wasn't with the Idiot Trio because he wanted to be their friends, no.

He was only doing this and helping the Idiot Trio because they simply would benefit Hachiman by humiliating the girls. Simple as that.

He didn't care if he and Sudou would play basketball together, he didn't care about Ike or Yamauchi at all.

All he cared about was that they would help with his goals, in a unique way.

Shaking his internal thoughts behind, he noticed that Sudou was struggling with a question, and so Hachiman knew he would have to intervene. It was somewhat simple, as being simple ensured there was no room for extra confusion. Something Suzune did with them originally, and was hopefully, also doing the same for Satsuki, Kei, and Maya.

Once Hachiman had finished explaining the question and problem to Sudou, he helped Ike and Yamauchi with the questions, before he noticed Shiina had approached, sitting next to Hachiman, and working with them silently.

It seemed to Hachiman that she only came and studied because Hachiman was working with them.

Ike and Yamauchi were progressing decently in their studies, with Sudou needing a bit more time especially for the grammatical stuff.

So much so that Hachian decided that the three could finish early.

Therefore, by 5pm, the Idiot Trio had left, clearly content that they had time to do whatever they want and had made progress academically. It was a win-win.

That left Hachiman and Shiina to their own studying.

While for a bit, they remained in silent, with Shiina about to pick up the book from where they left off, that was when another individual approached Hachiman.

"Hey! You!" Hachiman, in confusion, turned to see whoever it was.

When he turned, he saw a girl that was Shiina's height, with indigo hair tied in twin-tails alongside some pink, violet eyes.

Hachiman looked confused, pointing to himself.

"Yes, you!" The girl exclaimed, walking up to both her and Shiina.

"Can I help you…?" Hachiman asked in confusion.

The girl nodded, as she immediately got her bag of study notes. "Yes, I want to do some studying with you!"

Hachiman looked at the girl unimpressed, "Hirata is hosting a study session right now. Go study wih him."

The girl shook her head, "I did already yesterday!" She exclaimed with a blush on her face.

"Shh." Hachiman told her, "We're in a library."

The girl apologized before turning to face him again, "I'm Mei-Yu Wang, we're in the same class, you were the one who got perfect on English and Modern Grammar, right?"

Hachiman looked a bit surprised before nodding, "Yeah… Hachiman Hikigaya."

Mei-Yu smiled before she sat down, before realizing Hachiman was sitting with another girl. "Oh shoot! I-I didn't know you were having a date with your girlfriend…"

Hachiman's eyes widened in surprise, before he stared at Shiina, who's face too looked a bit flustered. "We're not dating. We're just friends."

Shiina nodded, "Hikigaya is a friend. A good friend."

Mei-Yu sighed in relief, "Glad I wasn't interrupting a couple… But I just though I'd study the grammatical section with you, since you seem very smart when it comes to that…" She explained, holding a paper a bit nervously.

Hachiman looked at Shiina, "Are you alright with this?"

Shiina looked at Mei-Yu, before nodding, "I'm fine with it, if Hikigaya is."

Hachiman sighed before nodding to Mei-Yu. "Alright, you can study with us."

Mei-Yu nodded and smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Hikigaya, and…?"

"Shiina Hiyori." Shiina greeted herself.

"Thank you, Hiyori." She bowed before she sat across from Hachiman and Shiina, as the three calmly studied together.

Hachiman sighed in a bit of apprehension, "She's not becoming another friend, she came to me wanting to study, that's all. She's just a nice girl… like a shy Yuigahama…" Hachiman thought to himself as he looked down at his studying notes.

All the while he, Shiina, and now, Mei-Yu all studied together. It was a bit awkward at first, but when Mei-Yu began to ask some questions to Shiina, the two surprisingly managed to speak together fine. Hachiman also got involved, albeit not as much.

Regardless, he didn't want himself getting too attached to a group again. Shiina was good enough, because she was a fine companion during a time, he really enjoyed reading.

But Mei-Yu, she just wanted to study, that's it.

So, if you saw Chapter 20, and each character's opinion on Hachiman, and vice versa, you will know Mei-Yu was curious about him considering he scored well in the mock test for English and Modern Grammar. Thus, Mei-Yu was one of the few girls who was positively alright with Hachiman. Now we see this little interaction come into fruition. Anyways, I'm watching all the polling, and I'm letting it influence the story so please let me know what you think!


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