
First Look at Opinions

Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"Today's public opinion, though it may appear as light as air, may become tomorrow's legislation-for better or for worse." - Earl Newsom

Classroom's Opinions of Hachiman Hikigaya

(-100, -51): Hate

(-50, -26): Dislike

(-25, 25): Alright

(26, 50): Like

(51, 100): Friend

Manabu Horikita (40): He's a smart and deducing person. He was able to properly investigate what he saw were holes in the system based on what information he was given. He also seems to be a strong person physically. He doesn't seem to communicate well with others, but I can sense he cares about people in his own unique way

Akane Tachibana (30): He's very interesting, but also oddly scary and brooding. His eyes scared me with how I felt them staring into me directly. However, even then, he has surprised me as a smart student. It sucks that he wasn't more open and brighter, because maybe he would be more likable. Alas, the student council president sees something in him, and I can see it as well.

Nao Nagamine (60): He's hard working and reliant. What's more to ask for from a coworker? However, I do sometimes worry about him. He seems lost sometimes and unmotivated until he has something to stick his mind on. Alas, I hope to be close to him because he reminds me of a younger brother I really care for.

Shiina Hiyori (60): I like him a lot. He's my first and only true friend. We share books together and we often discuss and debate how we feel regarding a plot, theme, or anything about books. We always go and get food together, but I can tell behind his mask of disinterest, he seems to care for me as well. He's also using his phone a lot more to text me, and that also makes me happy. He's a hard worker and his eyes reflect it, regardless of how they are shaped. He's not that bad looking.

Sae Chabashira (20): What should I say about him? He has the potential to be a very strong student, his records of physical abilities and academics show that. Especially after his willingness and motivation to figure out the private points, my interest in him has gone high. He just needs a lot of pushing to get past his defect, but alas, it infuriates me how he thinks he can live with such a defect without acknowledging it.

Chie Hoshinomiya (10): He's very scary! I originally thought he was cute considering Sae had brought him in, but his eyes are scary! They are like staring down at me, and even when I drink, I feel myself focusing on him cause of how serious they always are! But still, he's cute, and apparently, he helped Sae after I had a hangover, how kind!

Satsuki Shinohara (-60): I hate him. He should die for all I care. Does not respect my friends and refuses to take responsibility for not telling us we would be losing all our private points. He knew everything and yet decided not to say anything. He's more infuriating than Kouenji because at least I can expect that from that confident and narcissistic person, but Hikigaya hides behind those ugly eyes and face, and yet he wants to call me ugly.

Kokoro Inogashira (10): I don't think he deserves the hate those girls are giving him. Especially since Yousuke seemed to speak fine on him, my judgement on him is mixed. From what I remembered, he kept to himself, and was decent in the mock test, so he doesn't seem like a liability. He was fine in my opinion, but I know if I say this the girls would be mad at me.

Nene Mori (-20): I only know from him because of Sudou. Sudou seems to speak surprisingly well on Hikigaya, but Karuizawa seems to not like him at all. It confuses me, but from what I can see he's below average in looks, and fine at everything else. Alas, I didn't like how he kept these secrets from us until we were at the bottom. It was rude, but he did make a point on how it wouldn't have made a difference.

Teruhiko Yukimura (-10): He's just alright. He seems smart based on what I saw on the mock test, he was one of the smarter students in our class. However, he does make me jealous he's surprisingly good in athletics like swimming. It makes me wonder why he's not in a sports team or club. Otherwise, he's whatever. But he shouldn't have kept what he knew about the private points a secret.

Yousuke Hirata (30): I think everyone is being too harsh on him. After all, Kouenji was just like that, and he doesn't seem to be noticed as much as Hikigaya. It does make me worried if anyone will begin to harass or bully him out of anger. I've already spoken to him, but he seemed adamant that he would be fine, even accepting violence as an option to use. I'm not accepting of that, but I can understand that he will get things done whatever is necessary.

Kei Karuizawa (-40): He thinks he's completely innocent as he pretty much watched us all spend our way to the bottom! Now I had to beg every girl in class for some private points, and I don't know how long it'll last. He also makes me mad because Yousuke speaks highly and respectfully of him. Like he doesn't care for us, so why should you? But he also angers and scares me because his entire deduction about me was right! He's not even that good looking, his eyes are sore to look at.

Kayano Onodera (20): Honestly, I can understand how Sudou sees him. He is very skilled and kept his own with Hirata. I believe in the swimming course he scored the exact same as Hirata, and even in the mock test. Sure, he seems socially withdrawn, and he did leave us out of details regarding the private points, but I think he's being mistreated for that. It's not all his fault, because we would have ended up here regardless. But if his capabilities are on par with Hirata's, then we should give him a chance as well.

Kikyou Kushida (-20): He's weird. He seems to hate everything around him. But he is weirdly significant in everything because he seems smart and athletic. I managed to get his contact, but I know it is futile because he will ignore my messages. In a way, he is uncaring about what kind of image and personality he shows. He knows he's rotten and has no problem showing it. Infuriating.

Ryotaro Hondo (-30): I lost all my points buying juice and the likes, and Hikigaya could have prevented it. That makes me mad because now all I can do is just drink water. I can't even get any milk. It sucks. Also, him lashing out and bullying the girls is not cool. He really needs someone to keep him in check, because he's somehow more annoying than Kouenji.

Hideo Sotomura (10): He clearly doesn't like being around anyone. And he was put in a situation where he was forced to speak and criticize the girls for their hypocrisy, because that was what it was. The girls ganging up to pin the blame solely on Hikigaya was wrong, and all he did was call them out and defend himself. It's as simple as that. Besides, he showed he's more capable than the girls through swimming and the mock test.

Chiaki Matsushita (-20): He insulted and berated both Karuizawa, Shinohara, and Sato and that made me feel a bit uneasy, so naturally he seems like someone I shouldn't be around. But then again, he isn't seeming to be as angry or confrontational as others like Sudou. Plus, he seems to be on the smarter and quieter end besides what I saw. Regardless, I know he likely is not liked within the class.

Rokusuke Kouenji (30): He certainly is interesting to say the least. He was one of the few to understand everything and seemed not to care much about the people around him. His dead fisheyes are also funny to look at and they always fail to never make me chuckle. His attitude is also funny and seeing him say his mind to the girls was satisfying.

Haruka Hasebe (-10): He doesn't seem like a pervert or anything, but he doesn't even see to care for girls, which is shown when he got into that argument with them. I don't have much to say about him because he is just there, and sometimes he can be in front of you, and you don't even realize it. He's strange, and surprisingly confrontational.

Haruki Yamauchi (-40): I lost all my points, and it could have been prevented if he warned us of our habits. Instead, he goes and pretends to act mighty, telling us we deserve this when he also is dealing with it. He acts like he's above us and thinks he doesn't need to tell us important things. He's also very condescending and thinks he's something by arguing with those girls.

Akito Miyake (-20): Just annoying is all. He doesn't seem remarkable in the slightest when it comes to his appearance. But that is probably because he reminds me of myself, looking like a delinquent. Regardless, even if he kept everything to himself, he didn't need to go further and rip the girls apart, it was not needed. Also, getting into a slight physical confrontation with Sudou was not ideal.

Mei-Yu Wang (20): I think he's just shy and was put into a situation he didn't want to be in! He's also not that bad when it comes to studies. I should try and study with him some time, because I think he did well on the grammatical parts of the mock test. I know the girls wouldn't like me for that, but he's not that bad, he's just quiet and study focused.

Kyosuke Okitani (-10): No real opinions on him. He seems content with whatever is happening, and considering how he pulls himself, it's likely for the best we leave him alone. That, however, doesn't mean I'm fine with him. I am mad he kept everything from us, but alas, I'm realizing my actions did not help as well. So we're even.

Maya Sato (-40): I did not like how he attacked Karuizawa and Shinohara just because they wanted him to acknowledge he was in the wrong like the rest of us. We all made mistakes for the private points, but he could have helped us redeem our mistakes to an extent. Instead, he was fine with letting it all go down and acted like he was perfectly fine and did nothing wrong. He didn't need to make a scene right there.

Ike Kanji (-30): I could still have plenty of private points to buy the things I wanted! But instead, he decided to limit my capabilities of doing such a thing. Now I must literally do nothing. He denied me the freedom to use my private points because he's taken them, when he could have saved us all! The only reason I don't hate him more is because he's ugly, so he's unlikely to get any cute girls.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji (20): I guess he's interesting? His eyes reflect a lot of hardships and anger which he hides with apathy and disinterest. And yet, he was motivated just to answer a question. Also apparently knowing everything regarding the system might make him potentially interesting. It's too early for me to decide, but he seems to be of higher quality than the rest of the class.

Suzune Horikita (20): I'll need him to help me reach Class A. Chabashira said it herself. He's simply too valuable to let him be on his own, completely separated from the class. Sure, he is better when he is alone, but keeping him at a distance is for the best. His personality is rotten, and his eyes are rottener however, and I fear my chastity whenever I'm stared at by those fisheyes. How pervious. Regardless, I'll do what I can to get him to help me.

Wataru Ijuin (-10): Honestly, I don't know. He seems to rather be on his own, and I'm fine with that. He didn't need to keep everything from us and didn't need to start the argument with those girls, but alas it was funny, and I enjoyed the entertainment that came from that.

Airi Sakura (-10): He spoke a lot and was somewhat scary and intimidating with his eyes staring at everyone with judgement. Alas, he seems quiet otherwise, and I don't have a problem with it. But even then, I wouldn't want to get on his bad side, and the bad side of his eyes. They are scary, but not ugly as what other people say.

Ken Sudou (20): So much potential. He could easily do a sport and do well, but he chooses not to. But it's fine. If he'll play with me then I'm fine with it. I like playing against him over some people because he doesn't anger me as much. Something about him speaking is completely genuine and he doesn't speak down on others for no reason. But he didn't need to be aggressive to me during May 1st.

Hachiman's Opinion of the Classroom.

Manabu Horikita (30): He gave me critical information about the system and for that I am grateful for his cooperation. While he seems a bit malevolent, he seems fine. I also appreciate his seriousness most of the time, I don't like it when people put on a mask and hide their dislike. He clearly shows interest and I'm fine with it.

Akane Tachibana (10): Didn't speak much to her, but she did also help when she accompanied the student council president, so I'm fine with her.

Nao Nagamine (60): She really reminds me of a female Aoki. She has his outgoing and optimistic outlook on the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm looking through a mirror because it's weird and nostalgic. But sometimes I look at her like a mom I never had, and a mom I needed. She really is caring and brings me food during work. She's nice to me, even if I only wanted to see her as my boss for this job.

Shiina Hiyori (50): She's been very clingy to me and always asking me stuff. While some may see that as a problem, I don't mind it. It shows she's committed to being my friend, and values it. We both enjoy speaking to each other about books and I can't say I haven't enjoyed my time with her, I have. She always comes by to the library and we spend Saturdays together, eating, reading, and speaking. I'm slowly feeling like she's reminding me of someone.

Sae Chabashira (-20): A bit unreliable. When I would ask her about stuff, I always got a better answer from the student council president than her. Also having to deal with her smoking and her drinking buddy, it's a bit annoying. In a strange way however, it reminds me of Hiratsuka. However, I don't like how she threw me under the bus, I'll definitely pay her back.

Chie Hoshinomiya (-10): I haven't spoken to her, but she seems to be a single young teacher as well like Chabashira. She also loves to drink, and I've only really cleaned her hangover mess that one time, so besides that small negative experience, I don't have much.

Satsuki Shinohara (-50): Complete hypocrite. She doesn't have a moral compass and relies completely on her friends in Karuizawa and the other ones. I have no respect for people who act like dogs to those on a leash, as that is not what humans are. Also, her eyes of hatred towards me shows she genuinely thinks what she said.

Kokoro Inogashira (10): I haven't spoken to her at all, but she hadn't gotten involved, so I'm alright with her. She's just there and that is fine by me. She also seems to be nervous, which I can understand and sympathize with.

Nene Mori (-30): She hangs out with the girls, Ike and Yamauchi. Therefore, she likely has bad opinions of me. I don't want to assume, but I feel it. She is being influenced by those influential people.

Teruhiko Yukimura (10): I guess he's smart and not stupid like the others? I don't know, but he seems fine and not willing to get involved in confrontations so he's fine. He does seem to be very poorly based in physical activities as he was I think the one having to take lessons from the swimming instructor after finishing last, I'm not sure.

Yousuke Hirata (20): He reminds me of another person from Junior High, which I guess is not a good start. Alas, he seems to at least be trying to get people to stop caring for me. Although I found it weird when he asked me to think I was being bullied? Hachiman doesn't get bullied, you doofus!

Kei Karuizawa (-80): What to say about this girl? Man, she is infuriating on another level I didn't think was possible. I thought all the other girls I met in Junior High were bad, but she reminds me of Sagami, how she cries and hopes other people will come to her defense. The fact she is just like her makes me feel annoyed and angry, especially seeing people fall for that exact same trick. She doesn't even have empathy, only caring for her own wellbeing and image to the class.

Kayano Onodera (10): I haven't spoken to her much, but she does give me the vibe that she would want to make me play sports against her. In a weird way, she reminds me of Sudou with her competitive nature likely. She's alright, however, she is a bit loud to my liking.

Kikyou Kushida (20): I guess I'll give her points for asking me for my contact. However, she hasn't spoken to me, meaning she just wants to have a lot of people around. While I don't know if it's for selfish reasons like Karuizawa, it's too early to tell for her. She seems bubbly and optimistic, but something about her makes me question how optimistic one can be.

Ryotaro Hondo (-30): He was one of the boys who seemed to look mad at me when I argued with Karuizawa. He may as well admit to the girl that he likes her or something. I don't care for him; it was his fault for being irresponsible.

Hideo Sotomura (-10): Not much to say here, again I have not spoken to him so I cannot gauge the kind of person he is. However, he didn't seem to care for the commotion, only until Sudou tried to punch me in the stomach.

Chiaki Matsushita (-30): She often accompanies the girls who had gotten into a fight with me. Sure, I may be a hypocrite, but it's natural to think a friend will back a friend no matter the circumstances, especially if the rivaling party is someone they don't know about. Therefore, I can assume she also holds a big deal of anger and hatred towards me.

Rokusuke Kouenji (20): As annoying as he can be, he's honest and admitting to the person he is. He holds no shame and I'm fine with people who are transparent and faulty, because everyone is faulty. Although if I were to ask him that, he'd said he's the perfect human.

Haruka Hasebe (-20): Ignoring the assets she has, she doesn't seem to give me any glares. Sure she seems judgmental, but she's spared me of it. Regardless, I cannot trust her due to her allegiance and close ties to Karuizawa and the others. Still, she's quiet and reserved, which I rather over others.

Haruki Yamauchi (-60): He's very annoying. Trying to act like he's the nice guy, and his pathetic attempt to make the girls feel better was a clear attempt to make a move on them. Of course, what was funnier was the girls turning their disgust onto him was entertainment. All the while he continues to not care and fool around. He should reap the consequences of her actions and yet I was the one targeted, no wonder he went on the boat.

Akito Miyake (10): He doesn't seem to care for what happens around him and focuses on himself, which I'm fine with. Even if he gives me a small glare of annoyance, I can tell he doesn't like escalation and commotions, which I understand.

Mei-Yu Wang (10): I cannot tell if she hates me or wants to ask me a question. I've seen her look at me a couple of times in intrigue, and while I see her around the girls, her actions make me question what she wants from me. Regardless, I cannot decipher her for now.

Kyosuke Okitani (-30): He's a bit annoying and was one of the boys who sided with the girl. Whether it's because he's genuinely stupid or is like a pervert like the other boys, I'm not sure. But it's best for me not to waste my time with him.

Maya Sato (-50): She was one of the girls who stood up and directly got involved. It annoys me of her attitude and the smug grin she gives. It annoys me how she can allow her friend to just be a parasite to others. She also, instead of looking at me with hatred, sneers at me. However, I don't care for her enough to give her a piece of my mind.

Ike Kanji (-50): At least compared to Yamauchi, Ike is more upfront about his flirtatious attitude. Therefore, I hate him slightly less than the other one. He also is less of a threat which makes me look at him pathetically. He clearly sided with the girls to come across as an interest, another pathetic attempt to get with one of them. Regardless, I have no respect for people like him.

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji (-10): He terrifies me. For some reason I cannot see anything about him. His face was filled with nothingness. Nothing. I can't see anything about him. No personality, no motivation, nothing. What am I supposed to say about him other than I want to stay away from him?

Suzune Horikita (-10): She is strange to me. She reminds me so much of Yukinoshita and with that brings back some bad memories. But alas, I still yearn for whatever I had with her. Alas, Horikita is someone I'm not entirely sure about. She seems capable and wanting to take a leadership role, but her personality will get her nowhere. Being serious is fine, but cold and looking down on others will get you nowhere.

Wataru Ijuin (-10): I haven't seen a lot nor spoken to him so I cannot make any deductions for him. All he did was stare at the commotion and did nothing. He saved himself, and honestly, I would have done the same. But then again, I know nothing about him.

Airi Sakura (10): She feels like she's hiding something as she is nervous and quiet. She doesn't want to be around drama, and I can respect her for that. However, I can tell there is something about her. She seems to be hiding something as she flinches around people. I guess she is cute as well.

Ken Sudou (10): He's a bit complicated. On the one hand, Sudou is a short tempered individual who is quick to get physical, and I could feel my thigh after blocking a blow. And then the other, he can be somewhat cooperative especially in sports. He wants me to play more sports, which I may take up in the future. Alas, I feel I can do something about his anger issues. He's like a male Kawasomething.


Question of the chapter, what suspicions of Hachiman's past do you have regarding the hints throughout the story?




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