
Newbie Package

Both Lin Xiao and Mother Lin arrived back home. Lin Xiao carefully placed the cat backpack on the floor, then began arranging the supplies they had bought, including a cozy bed and some food dishes.

Lin Xiao gently unzipped the cat backpack, carefully opening it to avoid startling the kittens. Inside, he saw an adorable sight that melted his heart: both cats were hugging each other, sleeping soundly.

The white kitten, Lil'blackie, had its tiny paws wrapped around the black kitten, Xiao Bai, their soft fur blending together in a heartwarming contrast.

Their little faces were serene, and their whiskers twitched slightly in their sleep. The sight of their peaceful slumber, with their bellies gently rising and falling, made them look even more like plush toys come to life.

Lin Xiao hesitated, afraid to wake them up, but before he knew it, the kittens stirred on their own. Their eyes fluttered open, and they both meowed softly at Lin Xiao.

Lil'blackie, the white kitten, crouched down slightly while Xiao Bai, the black kitten, stood on him. Lil'blackie peeked out, surveying their new surroundings with cautious curiosity.

After a thorough inspection, Lil'blackie seemed to determine that the area was safe. With a reassuring meow to Xiao Bai, it was as if he was saying, "It's okay, this place is safe."

Seeing their actions, Lin Xiao felt his heart melting. "Sooo cute," he murmured to himself.

Unable to resist, he started petting both Lil'blackie and Xiao Bai, gently stroking their soft fur. As he did, he repeatedly called them by their names, hoping to help them get familiar with their new identities.

Lil'blackie seemed a bit resistant to Lin Xiao's touch, glaring at him as if to say, "Don't touch me, hooman." In contrast, Xiao Bai was happily soaking up the attention, purring contentedly as Lin Xiao's hand gently stroked his soft fur.

"Let's get you settled now," 

Lin Xiao said softly. He carefully picked up Lil'blackie and Xiao Bai from the cat backpack and gently placed them on the cozy cat bed he had bought. The kittens sniffed around their new bed, starting to get comfortable in their new home.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the doorway—it was Lin Xiao's sister, Lin Meiying.

At the sight of the adorable kittens, her initial reaction was an involuntary, "Sooo cute!" But then she quickly remembered her declared dislike for cats, and her expression turned bitter just as fast.

"Moooom! You said you were only going to bring one cat,"

Lin Meiying complained, her voice filled with annoyance.

"I never said that. Try to remember carefully,"

Mother Lin replied calmly, not missing a beat.

Before Lin Meiying could even shout a protest, Mother Lin cut her off sternly, "Don't try to fight me on the first day of our move."

Her voice carried a sharp edge of anger, making it clear that the discussion was over.

Lin Meiying stomped her foot in frustration and ran back to her room, her displeasure evident in her hasty retreat.

Lin Xiao paid little attention to his sister's outburst. Quickly, he gathered up Lil'Blackie and Xiao Bai along with their cozy bed and carried them to his room.

The kittens started meowing in response to the sudden movements, but before they could react further, they found themselves in Lin Xiao's room, their new owner's domain.

Lin Xiao placed bowls of cat food in front of Lil'Blackie and Xiao Bai, ensuring they had everything they needed. Then, as he settled in his room, he remembered something important.

"System, shouldn't I get a newbie package or something? Almost all system users in those novels get it," he inquired, hoping for some additional perks from this weird system.

[Newbie Package Rewarded (Check backpack)]

Suddenly, a new section appeared in the system called Backpack. Lin Xiao's curiosity piqued, he opened it to find a strange transparent chest lying inside, it was the Newbie package. 

Excitedly, Lin Xiao quickly opened the newbie package, hoping for something extraordinary.

"Please give me superpowers, please!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with eager anticipation.

[Space Control Rewarded] 

"Yessss," Lin Xiao exclaimed in triumph, almost kneeling down in excitement.

[Binding Space Control to Host]

[Failure.... Host Race doesn't match the power] 

[Finding a suitable user close to the host to bestow this power] 

[Suitable User Found..] 

Right after these messages, a strange galaxy emerged from the bag and entered Xiao Bai, who was in the middle of eating his food.

"What the heck?" Lin Xiao exclaimed, utterly shocked and bewildered. He couldn't wrap his head around why the power he was supposed to receive had gone to his cat instead.

[Time Control Rewarded]

[Binding Time Control to Host]

[Failure.... Host Race doesn't match the power] 

[Finding a suitable user close to the host to bestow this power] 

[Suitable User Found..] 

Suddenly, another white light emerged from the newbie package. It transformed into a peculiar antique clock, floating above Lin Xiao's head.

However, to Lin Xiao's surprise, the power didn't bind to him; instead, it flowed into Lil' Blackie, who was startled by the sudden light.

Overwhelmed with confusion and frustration, Lin Xiao felt tears welling up in his eyes. "What is happening, system? Why did you give those powers to my cats?"

[Ding... Host Body is not suitable for those powers, so I decided to give those powers to your cats.]

"Now what am I supposed to do?" 

Lin Xiao's confusion deepened, uncertainty clouding his thoughts.

[Don't worry host, I bound those cats to you, they will always be loyal to you, and as long as you get stronger, you might be able to use their powers as if they're your own.]

Lin Xiao's anxiety lessened slightly at the system's reassurance. There was hope that, with time and effort, he could unlock the full potential of the powers bound to his cats.

While Lin Xiao was conversing with the system, a soft voice suddenly caught his attention from beside him. "Water," it said, sounding remarkably baby-like. Lin Xiao glanced around, puzzled, until he realized that the voice had come from his cat, Lil' Blackie.

"What is happening?" Lin Xiao asked the system.

[Host, I bound their souls to you, and due to that you are able to understand what they are thinking and saying.]

Suddenly, another voice chimed in, this time from Xiao Bai, with a male baby-like tone, also requesting water.

Lin Xiao swiftly retrieved some water from his backpack and offered it to both cats. As they drank the water, they seemed to grow drowsy, eventually curling up and falling asleep.

Third Chapter

Enjoy :)

Samay04creators' thoughts
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