
Middle Foundation Establishment Realm


Everyone was beginning to think that things were far better before the young General came into power, as although they had some casualties back then, at least they had something to kill.

Whereas right now, all of them might as well be taking naps in their armors as they watch their General take out thousands of high-level Monsters like he was simply trimming the weeds…

"Maybe we should resign, sir."

The Lieutenant spoke with a dejected tone as he saw the last of the current Monster Horde wave get wiped out in the blink of an eye.


The second-in-command officer looked at his subordinate while flipping his gaze toward his General and then back toward his Lieutenant. He muttered, "Maybe we should…"

All of the soldiers were thinking similar things, as they spread out on top of the dark gray cobblestone wall, attempting to discern some form of use they had when someone like their General existed…

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