
The archer brothers

Sir Lancelot quickly passed off guard duty to Sir Gaheris, and with a grim, but slightly excited expression, he scaled the ladder and Artie watched as he climbed onto his horse again. The knights guarding the gates called, opening them, before Artie turned and watched as he joined the others out front. Once that was confirmed, she turned to the brothers. 

"Alright. Give me your bow, Sir Gaheris." He hesitated for only a moment, before he took it off of his body and handed it over. 

"My brother is a better shot than I am, so he should be showing you this. I do have one worry about this arrangement. I am worried that this bow is going to be too hard to pull, Sire." He genuinely seemed concerned about this, and Artie did her best not to be offended. He wasn't saying this in a sexist way, he was saying this in a power level way. 

Artie nodded, taking his concern seriously as she took the bow from him. 

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