
One redhead is enough

Morning came far too quickly. 

Artie groaned, Moira's soft chuckle as she woke her up felt like a hammer against her head. 

"You have morning practise, Your Grace. Sir Gawain is already here. We'll help you dress while you eat." Artie let her help her up and move her like a doll as Artie tried to exist. It took them about 20 minutes to get ready, and she felt sorry for Sir Gawain who was waiting in the hall, but she had a feeling he didn't want to wait inside. He'd probably learned his lesson about barging in on the new King.

Once presentable, and Moira had forced her to put something in her stomach, Artie pushed open the door. When Sir Gawain caught sight of her, and the gaunt expression of her face, he burst into laughter. 

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