
Don't you think?

As mentioned before, Alvin and Milia will have to jump above the mist so that Linfel can recast the Water Bubbles and fill their outer shell with Red Magic Energy. The Water Bubbles only covered their heads, so it was quite the task to jump while both Alvin and Milia shared the same one. 


It was then that Alvin felt a hot sensation on the back of his neck. It was Milia's flame sword, Nori. He acted on his own and was ready to cut Alvin's head right there and then. "Boy, you better not have any funny ideas."

Felia instantly complained. "You shit! Can't you just shut up?"

"Like hell I will!" Nori didn't care, though. No one would take Milia from him. "Let's get over with it and jump!"

Alvin agreed with some sweat on his face. Nori definitely wasn't joking. "L-Let's jump... then."

Milia, feeling just as hot, but for another reason, nodded slightly. "Y-Yes, let's do it."

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