

"Care to explain?" Claus asked Vera, his expression serious.

"Sigh..." Vera straightened herself while Sando, her Familiar, went back to his Familiar form. "Listen, I didn't want to come, okay? My plan was simple, I would pretend to be completely useless, forcing the battalion to kick me back to Jenis City."

"She might be a spy from the other countries," Falagita immediately retorted.

"No," however, Claus discarded that idea. "You know very well that Magic Energy Signatures can't be forged. For her to be sent here, she must have been born and raised in Heffal. Let me guess, The Culling Forces?"

Vera and Sando's expressions changed. "How do you..."

Claus raised his hand, stopping her words. "There is no need for you to say anything else. You movements just now. It reminded me of a friend of mine. Simple, fast, silent, precise. The only thing I don't understand is why someone from the Culling Forces was sent to my encampment."

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